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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]


(help I'm dying.)
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Bolt glared "Actually my dad was a computer and my mom died before I was born so be nice," he said, his eyes turning red at what she was signing. He took a deep breath and felt better, he stared at this odd girl.

Ray frowned "Ok, can I at least beat him up a little, just a kick." She said walking back a few feat, a giant shadow was behind her. Ray didn't notice it as it brought out a scythe.
Zedisback said:
Samuel just stood not knowing what see was doing or even trying to do, until it shocked in his mind she had the same power in his dimension he would laugh as he said "Bad news your power doesn't work on me, on really hard punches do." As he would aim to hit her with one percent of his strength. "Or well hard hits in the first place, put your power doesn't work." Before he saw Saitama step in the way. @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
"uhhh, yeah, she's my disciple, and people call me one-punch man so... mess with her, you mess with me..." he said suddenly with his face becoming more darker and his overall body posture becoming scarier


suddenly his face becomes more like a bored and smilish, foolish look "oh by the way, im saitama, what's your name?" he asked like what he said before never even happened


@Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](help I'm dying.)

(When your brother makes you watch a marathon of Monty Python you tend to remember these things :) ......NI! )
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Zedisback said:
Samuel just stood not knowing what see was doing or even trying to do, until it shocked in his mind she had the same power in his dimension he would laugh as he said "Bad news your power doesn't work on me, on really hard punches do." As he would aim to hit her with one percent of his strength. "Or well hard hits in the first place, put your power doesn't work." Before he saw Saitama step in the way. @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
Mitchell growled, and aimed a kick at the man's neck.
Salex said:
"uhhh, yeah, she's my disciple, and people call me one-punch man so... mess with her, you mess with me..." he said suddenly with his face becoming more darker and his overall body posture becoming scarier

suddenly his face becomes more like a bored and smilish, foolish look "oh by the way, im saitama, what's your name?" he asked like what he said before never even happened


@Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback
He would teleport behind Ray trying hit ray with a little bit of his strength but more than enough to knock her back before, someone wanted to try to kick him in the neck he just stood taking it, after the kick was over and done, he would try to hit Ray once again, saying to Saitama "It doesn't matter." @Salex @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Something blocked one of his punches "Get the fuck away from her" the shrouded figure said, a skeleton jaw was all that could be seen. It shoved him off and stared, moving in front of Ray.
Zedisback said:
He would teleport behind Ray trying hit ray with a little bit of his strength but more than enough to knock her back before, someone wanted to try to kick him in the neck he just stood taking it, after the kick was over and done, he would try to hit Ray once again, saying to Saitama "It doesn't matter." @Salex @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Mitch kicked the guy in the crotch. "DON"T TOUCH THE FUCKING KID YOU ASSHOLE!"
Astra huffed and crossed her arms before snatching up her spoon and holding it threateningly. 'I don't have parents, so you can't talk you cucumber!' She sign shouted.

Stella stared at the two before summoning a small wave. "Crazy kid, leave 'im alone! Um Bolt, what the heck is she doing with her hands?" She asked as Astra backed away from the water with a panicked expression, pulling the shreds of further on her arms.
Otakubeats said:
Mitch kicked the guy in the crotch. "DON"T TOUCH THE FUCKING KID YOU ASSHOLE!"
"Wait would you hold on for one second." He turned away from what was in front of Ray, looking a Mitch, even that didn't effect him, as he would snap his fingers wrapping Mitch away, if it worked he would be in the middle of the arctic ocean now turning back to Ray saying "Sorry about that." Hoping that his wrapping of Mitch worked. He didn't even look to see if it worked or not. @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
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Ray ran past the thing as it vanished, she tried to kick him but to no avail. "I really can't die, and I can't kill you, is this even fair," she said looking up at him. She fixed her mask, barely fazed by anything that was happening.

Bolt sighed "I don't have them anymore, I had to turn in my dad to the association so he's gone. Cucumber is a mean word, don't sign things like that," he said moving the spoon away. He looked at Stella "It's sign language, it is used for the deaf or mute to communicate with people. My dad taught me it at a young age," he said keeping the spoon in his hand.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra frantically moved away from the water, signing things at Stella. Such as 'YOU DUMB LEAF! I'LL SCOOP YOUR EYES OUT!'. After panicking enough, her arms burst into flame, quickly destroying the 'bandages'. She waved her arms around until Stella thrust a bunch of water at the girl. That also knocked her down. Astra coughed up some water and glared at Stella while cradling her scarred arms.

"Um, is that normal? I mean, a fire person burning because of their fire?" Stella asked with a frown.
Ray shrugged "I don't know, I have never done that before." She said crossing her arms and waiting to see what he was going to do.


Bolt sighed "Well that is pretty bad, I mean getting hurt by your own power. Thank god i'm living electricity or I would hurt like hell," he teleported away and grabbed some bandages. He grabbed her hand and started wrapping "Hey you're water, she's fire, you have no idea how funny that is," he said with a chuckle, he finished up and sighed "You want anything to eat," he asked putting his hands in his pockets

@Echo Dreamsong
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Um, is that normal? I mean, a fire person burning because of their fire?" Stella asked with a frown.

(Eh, there was an X-men who could explode but he dies when he does. That comic was so sad and very confusing....I liked it)
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Bolt sighed "Well that is pretty bad, I mean getting hurt by your own power. Thank god i'm living electricity or I would hurt like hell," he teleported away and grabbed some bandages. He grabbed her hand and started wrapping "Hey you're water, she's fire, you have no idea how funny that is," he said with a chuckle, he finished up and sighed "You want anything to eat," he asked putting his hands in his pockets

@Echo Dreamsong
Samuel would laugh saying "How about we see?" As he would snap his fingers, a time field would form around her making an outline of her body, aging her by ten thousand years , waiting to see if it would kill her if it didn't he would fix it. He was at least getting some science done. @Shammy the Shamrock
Astra tried to pull her hand away, an annoyed expression on her face as she looked at anything but their faces. Let's say she felt very pathetic at the moment. I mean, having to rely on others was not her style.

Stella chuckled at the girl and began helping Bolt bandage her hands. Until Astra kneed her in the stomach. Seriously, how did she get her knee that high? She's tiny... Stella stopped pretty quickly and said. "Ow, rude much."
Mitch sat on a small island, a bit off from where he was originally supposed to go. "Well, fuck. This is doctor who shit right here."
Ray opened her eyes, she waved and looked down at him. "I just got really tall, I mean i'm part death so I don't know what you were expecting," she said putting her hand on her hip.


Bolt smacked her in the back of the head "Bad littl-what is your name," he asked going through the pantry. "Hey Stel you hungry, we have plenty of food," he said laughing, seeing how Astra would react to what he was saying.

@Echo Dreamsong
Otakubeats said:
Mitch sat on a small island, a bit off from where he was originally supposed to go. "Well, fuck. This is doctor who shit right here."
(If you find a dancing penguin SHOOT IT BEFORE IT MULTIPLIES!!!!)
Astra glared at Bolt, holding her bandaged arms. 'You're a squirrel!' She signed, kicking at the flour and trying to ignore her hunger. Stella shrugged and grabbed an apple.

"Did the kid tell you who she is?" Stella asked, sending the water back into the ocean.

'You're a jar of peanut butter that expired!' Astraea signed in response to that.

"So, does that mean yes?" Stella asked in confusion. "You know, I wonder how old she is... She's kinda short."

'You're so tall you could be a giraffe!'

Bolt smacked her in the back of the head "Bad littl-what is your name," he asked going through the pantry. "Hey Stel you hungry, we have plenty of food," he said laughing, seeing how Astra would react to what he was saying.

@Echo Dreamsong
As he would snap his fingers turning ray back into her normal age he teleported away leaving them for now." (okay I have to go for a few hours, see you guys later)

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