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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Eliza got up "The guy fighting the Anomaly is named Star. He's my cousin, his mom is Creation, keeps balance for god. He hates things that cause anomalies" she said rubbing her head. She sighed and tucked her legs against her chest "I miss the group, I miss Lou." She said with a sigh, she examined the picture she took the day before 'Was this a real or fake smile,' she wondered.

Eliza gave a weak smile "We went to a different dimension. We sat in the flowers, I snapped it while we were there." She sighed "Our last date, then he left me," she said as her grip on the picture tightened.

She sighed "He didn't say that but he left without even saying anything to me. He knew what would happen without hi-let's just say I refuse to sleep." She said stuffing the picture away, she clasped her hands together.

As Dimension Eater stood around Japan, he was thinking, maybe he could give the group one, more try, maybe he could even get Bolt back, as he pulled down the mask of the Dimension Eater suit he shut his eyes for a second try to track down Bolt's life force when he found it he would snap his fingers opening a portal throwing him out to it.

As Gary would sit back on the bed, he said "Well.... I'm sure Louis is thinking about you wherever he is." Said Gary just relaxing. @Shammy the Shamrock
Black bolt was repairing his suit when he saw Lou come in. He growled "What the fuck do you want," he said getting into his suit.

Eliza lied down on the bed "I hope so, I still love the dork," she said with a laugh, trying to keep her eyes opened.

As Lou asked "First where is the real Bolt, are you holding him in like a jail or something, you are not the Bolt I knew." As he would lean on a wall behind him saying "Relax I'm not around to fight go back to fixing your suit." Hoping to learn more maybe fix the group. waiting for Black Bolt to speak. @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt removed his mask revealing the same face, the only thing different was a bite mark on his cheek. "You are bat shit crazy," he said getting out and continuing to repair his suit.

"What is that bite mark on your face?" Asked Louis, shutting his eyes for a second, knowing leaving without saying a word that day was wrong, just what Bolt said got to him. Watching him fix the suit. @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt looked at the mark "Her way of disciplining me when I stepped out of line. Rex's second in command, shark," he lifted his sleeve revealing many more that lined his hand. He clicked a button on the suit as it folded creating a suit case, then he picked up.

"I would like to speak with her if you don't mind." Said Louis getting up from where he leaned on the wall, he walking over to Bolt patting him on the back feeling sorry for his friend, even if he didn't feel sorry for himself, about everything that happened just more or so waiting for an answer. @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt chuckled "If you want to see them, then you would have to get through me." He said as the black substance from Clash trailed his arm. The substance became a black metal "I've been ordered to protect, the association counts," he said looking at his arm as the metal became black, and the holes in it glowed purple.


Eliza heard his babbling and crawled to Mitch "What seems to be the problem," she said sitting on the floor.


Eliza heard his babbling and crawled to Mitch "What seems to be the problem," she said sitting on the floor.

As Louis's eyes would start to glow purple the tent turning into a glow he would yawn saying "Lets just get to the point." He knew Bolt wouldn't understand no one would Louis would say "Bolt they turned you into a slave, you don't even have the mind to think for yourself anymore." As he stood waiting for Bolt's first attack "Do you really think you're a good person? Fighting for something you don't even believe." Said Louis talking like he knew this Bolt. @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt growled as he dawned his mask, he slammed Lou into a wall. "I fight to keep people like you from going crazy, I'm here to make sure villains stay where they belong." He said as his eyes became red, he grabbed his case "Warper, rank 7, stay out of my way, you're lucky I don't report you." He said opening the door, revealing they were on a dock near the ocean.

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"Guess you like doing things the hard way right?" As Louis would sign pulling down the mask of the Dimension Eater suit again, he would glare at Bolt he was just about done with these games, "These rank systems are useless." Louis would snap his fingers nothing seemed to happen for a second, but one second later, trying to make an error in Bolts suit. just, Louis was just trying to show Bolt that he really couldn't win if he let these guys stay in his head. @Shammy the Shamrock
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Bolt growled and grabbed his throat "What do you want me to do! I can't revert their effects," he said putting him over the water. He let go knowing it wouldn't hurt him, he sighed before grabbing his head "I....just....can't," he said in a weak voice.


Eliza stayed quite as she looked at his notes, studying them.


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