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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Zedisback said:
As Gary started running in place he would show the Bolt this time, starting off at his normal ten times the speed of light with little effort, now saying "I'll speed up for you now." as he was now going one hundred, times light speed, as his heat proof clothes started to catch on fire Gary yelled in a smug voice "I'm the fastest one in this group."

As Lou would be relaxing with Eliza a watch on his arm would beep, as he looked at it he said "Great something is making an anomaly in the space and time in our dimension." As he stood up grabbing Eliza before teleporting to where it was looking in shock when he saw it was in the warehouse he said "Can this group go one day without making an anomaly." as he looked over to Gary pulling out his badge as a way to tell him to stop. @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock @Quillicious
suddenly saitama grabbed him by the clothes and he stopped moving "keep doing that and your body's gonna age until you are over thousands of years old, or you go back in time" he said @Zedisback
Bolt teleported and clotheslined Gary, he laughed "Alright Sonic, stop being a show off, I'll never be impressed." He crossed his hands, barely fazed by the powerful speed.

Eliza growled and threw a knife towards his head "You ruined my date! Can you all stop having a dick contest and actually try and be nice to each other," she said crossing her arms, she looked over at Lou then back to Gary.
"I thought we were heroes, not show ponies. We're here to protect people, right?"

Jace looked at everyone in turn. Now that he said it, he blushed. It was the heat of the moment.

"Got a little excited. Don't take offense to that."
He could sense the guy in the suit was Bolt, he and Gary had never gotten along as he said "Can you two get along, or do you guys want to make an anomaly that will break this dimension." Louis would just shake his head, its like they head the brains of a child, he couldn't leave them alone for one day, he was now getting what Bolt said back than. @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex @Quillicious

As Gary crossed his arms he said "He started it, as he got up rubbing his neck after what Bolt did, he was feeling like he had to show his speed. As he would just drop and roll out of the way of the knife.
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Bolt simply laughed "Ask your friend to stop with his shit. I'll stop when h-" he was cut off by a purple blur and a punch to the stomach knocking him to a wall.

Eliza growled when she punched Bolt "I have had enough of YOUR shit. Just cause your bigger doesn't mean you are in line, I was created a month before you which makes me older. What the hell would mom say," the moment she said mom Bolt walked outside.

Bolt gave a sigh and climbed the warehouse and sat on the roof. He knew he was just acting like a child but he head already done this so he couldn't go back down. He refused to go back down, he studied something on his wrist.
As Louis just stood he would shake his head saying "Can't relax for one day?" Asked Louis, as he stood behind Eliza, as he said to Saitama, as he said "Don't hit her." As he walked up behind Saitama, just looking about him waiting for him to speak. @Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt simply waved to the two who were outside before continuing to work on the thing on his wrist. He let out a growl "How the fuck does she know what mother would say," he grumbled to himself.

Eliza shrugged "Not my problem he acts like a baby when I ain't around. He is always ignoring things that can bug him, why did he start a argument with low grade Flash," she said crossing her arms and looking up at Bolt.

@Zedisback @Salex
"Great now Gary is going to start another fight, because he feels like he has to be better than everyone." As Lou would roll his eyes saying "Maybe next time I'll let them break this dimension, I'll see if they are happy than." As he would just shake his head not really caring much.

As Gary jumped up he said "Please I could go faster if I wanted." As he ran off leaving the warehouse, Bolt was always trying to start fights with him "Maybe I'll go start my own group." As he was now gone. @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex
Bolt came down, he glared at them. He swiftly punched Eliza "NEVER TALK ABOUT MOM!" He yelled before going inside, his hands crossed as he sat on the couch.

Eliza rubbed her side and laughed "Good luck, what kind of idiot would join him. Ow, jesus Bolt can punch," she said leaning on Lou.

@Salex @Zedisback
Bolt growled and teleported to Eliza, they chatted before he went back to the couch. He looked down at him "Never tell me that again unless you want your spine broken."

Eliza sneaked up behind Lou and kissed his cheek "Thanks for that, and for taking me out," she said picking him up. "My little wierdo," she said with a smile.

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"Hold on, I've just about had it with Bolt today." As he walked in front of Bolt he shut his eyes for a second, when he opened his eyes, they seemed soulless , almost sad Louis said "Do you think you have it bad, if only you knew, anyways don't take your anger out on the group, much less your sister, she is the only family you have left, you may want to make up with her better you don't know when you could lose her." He had already gotten out of Eliza's arms as his eyes shut again than open, his eyes seemed to be happy again "Whatever happened to you, you are not the Bolt I knew." @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt twitched "Why would I talk to you about family. You think your shit is bad, buddy you don't know how lucky you have it. In fact fuck it, I'm going back to the hero association." He walked outside and clicked something on his wrist as he vanished from sight.

Eliza became tense and ran into Lou's room, locking the door. She gave a sigh of worry, she grabbed her phone and chatted in a worried voice.

@Zedisback @Salex
@Zedisback[/URL] @Salex
The words Bolt said hit him hard tears started to form in his eyes as he would chuckle, Bolt had hit a soft spot Louis had left, walking to his room door, knocking on it saying "You can tell Bolt I quit this group." The last thing heard by him was the sound of him wrapping out of the dimension.

As Gary walked back in the warehouse, he knocked on Louis's door asking "Louis, where did everyone go?" @Shammy the Shamrock
When Lou said 'Quit' she felt her heart snap in half, she twitched and broke down "LOU! LOU! LOU!" She yelled clenching her head, her skin turned black. She heard someone at the door "What do you want," she said still crying.

Eliza twitched and smacked him across the face "Listen! No one is afraid of you, no one is scared of what you can do. They left because they were sick of you and each other, if anything you annoyed them. You aren't a hero, you are a arrogant, idiot who only cares for his spot light. Let me tell you something, the world doesn't revolve around you," she said before sitting on Lou's bed, her eyes burning, and her hand shaking.

As he would just shake his head saying "No, I just like to say what is true, and that is I'm more powerful than any of you." As he walked over to Eliza saying "Wait what did you mean, they left?" Asked Gary not really sure what she did mean by it, was the group falling apart, as he would shut his eyes saying "Even so, we still have Me, Shadow, Saitama and, you right?" Not really knowing if Eliza was a hero or not. @Shammy the Shamrock
saitama opened his phone and said "guys pack up, the team's dead, we're going back home" and closed it, minutes later genos, atomic samurai and iaian were outside the warehouse with some bags. "sensei, where did everyone go?" genos asked "away, they all quit because of issues" he said "wow, so many things happened while i was out" iaian said "i already ordered the tickets for us to get home" atomic samurai said, with that the 4 rushed to the airport on the neighbouring city and boarded the airplane, saitama can only look out the window and the partially destroyed city, as he would open his phone and call the hero association and say "the team disbanded, im heading back with the batch, hopefully japan is doing better than here" before closing it with a beep @Shammy the Shamrock @Zedisback @FrostXShadow
Eliza sighed "I'm not a hero, the only thing that makes me super is the fact I'm a salamander lady. Also sorry but Saitama is the strongest one here, running doesn't help when someone can eliminate you with one punch." She said lying down on the bed, she realized Saitama had left and hit her head against the wall "One little thing caused this," she said to herself.

Ray tried to say goodbye but only sat on the porch letting out a sad sigh. She looked back at the building then up at the sky, her eyes still determined. She stayed outside and sat in a tree, she placed her head down "Goodbye," in a weak voice.
As Louis teleported into the vault where he had the Dimension Eater suit he had come to it that he wouldn't work with a group anymore, he would work in the darkness, and shadows, as a solo vigilante, after getting the suit on, he grabbed a katana in the vault putting it with a sheath to act as another weapon.

After he had everything on he saw a plan going to Japan all he had to do was one thing, going to the warehouse looking at Eliza in the window, he reached inside, dropping his old hoodie on top of her, as he ran off sneaking into the cargo hold of the plane waiting for it to take off. @Shammy the Shamrock
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Salex said:
(ok, so the team's dead, saitama and the others are going to japan, bolt is in another organization, lou is in another dimension, eliza and ray's depressed in the warehouse, the new guy and shadow is nowhere to be seen and gary is stuck with no one but his ego.... ladies and gentlemen we have officially came to a standstill @Shammy the Shamrock @FrostXShadow @Quillicious @Zedisback )
(Yep we reached a standstill it seems)

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