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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Damacyn said:
"What the hell are you talkin about?" Barked angered the mugger at June and pointed menancingly his bat at her "Ok you wanted it miss! I'm gonna crack you skull!" He charged at June with his bat lifted but then Jane focused on the bat and it became crushingly heavy, so much that the criminal lost his balance.
June laughed. "Do you really think you can go up against me? I am the darkness of the outside. There are no stars to light up my world. Only I am left." She lifted her hand and wounds began opening on the criminals body. "A little pain never hurt anybody... Wait... I'm wrong... It hurts everyone. That's why it's so great." June laughed. She forgot that there were other people around her.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](I'M HOME! YAAAAAY!)

(Great! There's a weirdo with a cure for cancer and a mugging turned bad (remember when we were supposed to go to the café?) waiting for you :3)
Tiagirl001 said:
June laughed. "Do you really think you can go up against me? I am the darkness of the outside. There are no stars to light up my world. Only I am left." She lifted her hand and wounds began opening on the criminals body. "A little pain never hurt anybody... Wait... I'm wrong... It hurts everyone. That's why it's so great." June laughed. She forgot that there were other people around her.
"Heavens no! Stop it!" Yelled Jane at the June, she focused on the psycho and changed her gravity to the double of Earth's, enough to incapacitate her but not to crush her bones.

The mugger fell on the floor badly injured and bloody while the mugged man just slunk off without a word, he was scared enough of this madness and all he wanted was to go home.

(Sorry about the double post, forgot about Tiagirl ^^")
Damacyn said:
Anne smiled at Astra "The crazy person would like to be refered as your saviour" She then showed the alien syringe to her "I can cure your cancer, but... it would be unprofessional to administer anything without the patient consent..." She glared around at Ty and Bolt, trying to find some kind of support.
"Don't look at me for help. You were glaring at me seconds before you witch." He refused to look at anne,.
Damacyn said:
Anne smiled at Astra "The crazy person would like to be refered as your saviour" She then showed the alien syringe to her "I can cure your cancer, but... it would be unprofessional to administer anything without the patient consent..." She glared around at Ty and Bolt, trying to find some kind of support.
Astra screamed at the syringe, curling into ball.

"No! NO!"

She even threw a book at her.
Otakubeats said:
"Don't look at me for help. You were glaring at me seconds before you witch." He refused to look at anne,.
"A witch would eat a child, rather than cure it... Also, if I'm a witch what are you?... Mister Telekinesis?" She made a cocky grin at Ty.

She avoided the book just before it hit her, she sighed and sitted near the kid curled under the blankets. "You have to trust me... All I do is for the betterment of the whole mankind... This syringe won't hurt you I promise and you will soon be out of this ape-filled hospital before you know it..." She made a reassuring smile at Astra and showed her the arm she cutted before. "Look, I had a big bloody gash on my arm and look at it! It's fine!"
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Damacyn said:
"Heavens no! Stop it!" Yelled Jane at the June, she focused on the psycho and changed her gravity to the double of Earth's, enough to incapacitate her but not to crush her bones.
The mugger fell on the floor badly injured and bloody while the mugged man just slunk off without a word, he was scared enough of this madness and all he wanted was to go home.

(Sorry about the double post, forgot about Tiagirl ^^")
"I really thought we were going to be friends... But I suppose we have to be enemies... Even though you and I are very much alike." June went quiet for a bit. Then she laughed as a small black hole began to form over the muggers head. When the black hole disappeared his head was no more. "Make the gravitational pull the same right now or the same will happen to you and the... Victim." If one were to glance at June now they would only see a black figurine looking like a silhouette. "I hold the outside inside of me. You have no right to go against me. I will end you and every other human on this planet. It needs to be saved." Her voice sounded... Distorted. It was no longer June who was laying on the ground.

((Here. Have some death. :D ))

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Damacyn said:
"A witch would eat a child, rather than cure it... Also, if I'm a witch what are you?... Mister Telekinesis?" She made a cocky grin at Ty.
She avoided the book just before it hit her, she sighed and sitted near the kid curled under the blankets. "You have to trust me... All I do is for the betterment of the whole mankind... This syringe won't hurt you I promise and you will soon be out of this ape-filled hospital before you know it..." She made a reassuring smile at Astra and showed her the arm she cutted before. "Look, I had a big bloody gash on my arm and look at it! It's fine!"
Ty growled as she approached astra. "It's not telekinesis. It's audio manipulation. Please step away from Astra. You are scaring her." His voice was cold, signalling that if she didn't he'd make her. His glare didn't move from her.
Tiagirl001 said:
"I really thought we were going to be friends... But I suppose we have to be enemies... Even though you and I are very much alike." June went quiet for a bit. Then she laughed as a small black hole began to form over the muggers head. When the black hole disappeared his head was no more. "Make the gravitational pull the same right now or the same will happen to you and the... Victim." If one were to glance at June now they would only see a black figurine looking like a silhouette. "The universe is inside of me. You have no right to go against me. I will end you and every other human on this planet. It needs to be saved." Her voice sounded... Distorted. It was no longer June who was laying on the ground.
"Y-You are sick! You can't kill a man in cold blood! let alone the whole planet!" Jane gripped hard her fist, she had the desire to crush the psycho before she could hurt or even kill someone else... But she stepped back and unfocused, restoring June's pull as normal.

"Alright now calm down... I don't want enemies but if you start killing people you leave me no choice but to declare you under arrest!" She wasn't sure if a memeber of the Heroes had the authority to do that, but she decided to roll with it anyway.
Damacyn said:
"A witch would eat a child, rather than cure it... Also, if I'm a witch what are you?... Mister Telekinesis?" She made a cocky grin at Ty.
She avoided the book just before it hit her, she sighed and sitted near the kid curled under the blankets. "You have to trust me... All I do is for the betterment of the whole mankind... This syringe won't hurt you I promise and you will soon be out of this ape-filled hospital before you know it..." She made a reassuring smile at Astra and showed her the arm she cutted before. "Look, I had a big bloody gash on my arm and look at it! It's fine!"
Astra rapidly shook her head, small flames growing on her arm. Chalice (Tiny flame man) burst out and began sign shouting at her. Then the little flame launched himself at her face.
Damacyn said:
"Y-You are sick! You can't kill a man in cold blood! let alone the whole planet!" Jane gripped hard her fist, she had the desire to crush the psycho before she could hurt or even kill someone else... But she stepped back and unfocused, restoring June's pull as normal.
"Alright now calm down... I don't want enemies but if you start killing people you leave me no choice but to declare you under arrest!" She wasn't sure if a member of the Heroes had the authority to do that, but she decided to roll with it anyway.
"You do not understand, do you? I am not trying to kill this planet. I am trying to save it. Look at what humans have done to it. I can hear it screaming for help. I have to rid of the humans. It is the only way to help this world. You can join me. You can help me and this poor planet. Please. We need you."

The distorted voice begged for help. The silhouette had no face. "It is the only way to help this world. Do you not wish to help it too? You can save it. Join me and save this world. I beg you." June actually wanted Jane to join her. Jane seemed like an innocent and pure woman. June didn't want the humans to ruin Jane's innocence. "We are alike my friend. We both wish to help this world. We are very much alike."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra rapidly shook her head, small flames growing on her arm. Chalice (Tiny flame man) burst out and began sign shouting at her. Then the little flame launched himself at her face.

Ty quickly kneeled, and hugged her, careful not to disturb the equipment. "Hey hey hey. It's alright okay? She's not gonna use it on you if you don't want it."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra rapidly shook her head, small flames growing on her arm. Chalice (Tiny flame man) burst out and began sign shouting at her. Then the little flame launched himself at her face.

Anne managed to parry the little imp and slapped it across the room, she hissed like a snake but then she noticed Ty and Bolt, she straightened her tie, cleared her throat and then smiled.

"Very well... I caused enough commotion here..." She stood up and gave a little metallic square with her name etched on it to Bolt "This is my card... you seems like a reasonable enough person... call me when you or she change idea..." She strided out the room but before she crossed the door she turned and looked at Ty "Also... I'd take your sister's well being more seriously... Pathetic, stupid and insignificant APE!" She hissed then walked out, disappearing among the dimly lit corridors.

Tiagirl001 said:
"You do not understand, do you? I am not trying to kill this planet. I am trying to save it. Look at what humans have done to it. I can hear it screaming for help. I have to rid of the humans. It is the only way to help this world. You can join me. You can help me and this poor planet. Please. We need you."
The distorted voice begged for help. The silhouette had no face. "It is the only way to help this world. Do you not wish to help it too? You can save it. Join me and save this world. I beg you." June actually wanted Jane to join her. Jane seemed like an innocent and pure woman. June didn't want the humans to ruin Jane's innocence. "We are alike my friend. We both wish to help this world. We are very much alike."
"Do you honestly think I will join you on something so wrong?!?" Jane was almost going to jump on the silhouette but tried her best to restrain herself "I'm a proud member of the armed forces of the United States of America! I sweared to protect these people, good or bad they are as long as I have breath" She stretched forward her arm as if she was going to crush the psycho "They... gave me a power... Maybe you are the reason "They" sent me here in the future!" She felt a bit silly after hearing those words but now she knew how the Super Heroes from the comics felt.

(before you start to lynch me for creating an "All American Hero" just keep in mind she's from the 60's, right in the middle of the Cold War :3)
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Damacyn said:
Anne managed to parry the little imp and slapped it across the room, she hissed like a snake but then she noticed Ty and Bolt, she straightened her tie, cleared her throat and then smiled.
"Very well... I caused enough commotion here..." She stood up and gave a little metallic square with her name etched on it to Bolt "This is my card... you seems like a reasonable enough person... call me when you or she change idea..." She strided out the room but before she crossed the door she turned and looked at Ty "Also... I'd take your sister's well being more seriously... Pathetic, stupid and insignificant APE!" She hissed then walked out, disappearing among the dimly lit corridors.

"Do you honestly think I will join you on something so wrong?!?" Jane was almost going to jump on the silhouette but tried her best to restrain herself "I'm a proud member of the armed forces of the United States of America! I sweared to protect these people, good or bad they are as long as I have breath" She stretched forward her arm as if she was going to crush the psycho "They... gave me a power... Maybe you are the reason "They" sent me here!" She felt a bit silly after hearing those words but now she knew how the Super Heroes from the comics felt.

(before you start to lynch me for creating an "All American Hero" just keep in mind she's from the 60's, right in the middle of the Cold War :3)
Emily had finally dragged Robin home and she returned with Yasero.

"S-sorry! What did we miss?"
Damacyn said:
"Do you honestly think I will join you on something so wrong?!?" Jane was almost going to jump on the silhouette but tried her best to restrain herself "I'm a proud member of the armed forces of the United States of America! I swore to protect these people, good or bad they are as long as I have breath" She stretched forward her arm as if she was going to crush the psycho "They... gave me a power... Maybe you are the reason "They" sent me here!" She felt a bit silly after hearing those words but now she knew how the Super Heroes from the comics felt.
"I used to be an astronaut. But then something happened. I got chosen. The outside chose me to save planets like this. Planets in pain. Please. I just want to show you how the world is and how it could be." June was beginning to think that Jane's innocence had already been foiled.

((And I must go now. We're cooking over campfire))

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Emily had finally dragged Robin home and she returned with Yasero.
"S-sorry! What did we miss?"

"Awww, dear heavens! You missed my superlative super hero speech!" Jane sighed when she noticed Emily "Oh, and she said she's gonna kill everyone on Earth" She said while death glaring June.

She then gritted her theeth "I'm too an astronaut and something also happened to me... I... still got whispers in my head everytime I focus... But this is no reason for killing all life on Earth!" She stepped near June, she wasn't unsure if she was going to do something crazy "Surely, there must be a more paceful way to make Earth better!" She turned her hand, she was lending it to June and help her stand up.
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Damacyn said:
Anne managed to parry the little imp and slapped it across the room, she hissed like a snake but then she noticed Ty and Bolt, she straightened her tie, cleared her throat and then smiled.
"Very well... I caused enough commotion here..." She stood up and gave a little metallic square with her name etched on it to Bolt "This is my card... you seems like a reasonable enough person... call me when you or she change idea..." She strided out the room but before she crossed the door she turned and looked at Ty "Also... I'd take your sister's well being more seriously... Pathetic, stupid and insignificant APE!" She hissed then walked out, disappearing among the dimly lit corridors.

(before you start to lynch me for creating an "All American Hero" just keep in mind she's from the 60's, right in the middle of the Cold War :3)
Ty stood and walked out before he started to curse in front of Astra. He walked down the hall and outside. Deciding to check on things, he tuned his sense listening for any signs of danger.
Otakubeats said:
Ty stood and walked out before he started to curse in front of Astra. He walked down the hall and outside. Deciding to check on things, he tuned his sense listening for any signs of danger.
"Well, well, well... It seems that the filthy monkey just decided to get out of his cave..." Said a disenbodied voice to Ty. It was whispery and feminine, and if Ty focused on the sound a bit more it came from behind the hospital.

"How sad... Your little sister is dying... and those morons are poisoning her thinking they are curing her... Truly, I never expected the Solarians to be such morons!" The voice gloathed.
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Otakubeats said:
Ty stood and walked out before he started to curse in front of Astra. He walked down the hall and outside. Deciding to check on things, he tuned his sense listening for any signs of danger.
Astra looked around the room in terror as lights flickered off.


Then she tried to stand and fell on her face. The pain didn't bother her, but the bit of blood certainly did.

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