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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Otakubeats said:
Ty found her soon enough, and entered the building silently. Easily avoiding the men he saw Echo and the guys taking her feathers. Seeing a metal pipe nearby Ty got an idea. Thanks Guts.
He slammed the pipe on the ground, a loud ring increasing his power, sound slamming the two into the nearby wall hard enough to leave them seeing stars. He then did the same, bending the bars enough to get Echo out.
Echo heard merely lots of clanging. She shrunk back against the wall, struggling to try and pick the lock restraining her hands. The sting of the whip and feather plucking still fresh in her mind, she struggled to scream.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo heard merely lots of clanging. She shrunk back against the wall, struggling to try and pick the lock restraining her hands. The sting of the whip and feather plucking still fresh in her mind, she struggled to scream.

Ty sent a message, using tons of his energy to get through it. Calm down. It's me.

He went over to her and began to free her.
Otakubeats said:
Ty sent a message, using tons of his energy to get through it. Calm down. It's me.
He went over to her and began to free her.
Echo relaxed, sighing in relief as he removed the blindfold. With a shudder, she helped remove the ear muffs and other chains.

"I hate Nazi peoples. And rust. Rust is bad for dreamlings."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo relaxed, sighing in relief as he removed the blindfold. With a shudder, she helped remove the ear muffs and other chains.
"I hate Nazi peoples. And rust. Rust is bad for dreamlings."

Ty nodded tiredly. "C'mon we have to go."
After some conversing Guts had inquired that the women knew of Casca and that their tent where she would be was near. With that he ran along with Luna and Charlette to their tent and as Guts entered he thought,

"She's... She's here..."

As the flaps of the tent were thrown back he entered the tent and found it empty. At the shock Luna and Charlette said,

"There're no signs of struggle so no witch hunters."

Charlette gasped and said,

"The cultists!!"

After some running about seeing if they were still near Charlette said she knew where the cave was. Guts being a bit desperate and really really pissed off grabbed her by her collar and held her up saying,

"Where is it?!"

Charlette being the coward she was froze for a while but a jolt from Guts brought her back and she told him the location.

Meanwhile the holy knight from before reported in to Mozgus,

"S-Sir he was a monster he had a sword bigger than him and a false arm!!"

With shock at the end of that sentence he found Mozgus falling into his face repeatedly in the church. Counting up to 1000 he finished and explained to the soldier,

"That is my level of faith to the lord. I drop to the very earth 1000 times every day to show my love and faith for him."

The soldier connected one thing to another and realised why his face was so square. He continued and explained what Guts had done. Just as he finished up none other than Joachim returned with a crutch saying,

"I know where you could probably find them."

He explained to Mozgus to location of the cultist cave,

"Alright thank you sir send every able bodied knight to that cave." Ordered Mozgus.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Bolt frowned as he looked at Astra "It'll be ok, just relax. I'll be right here," he said as he tapped his foot while they drove. "How do you feel," he asked placing a hand on her head.

@Echo Dreamsong
There she was, the Heroes' HQ. Recovery was long but now Jane didn't felt her bones weak anymore and she was finally released from the hospital. She had a weird cylindrical bag that the nurses called a "Sports Bag" wich contained her space suit and the few belongings the NASA managed to recover. She was wearing her favourite blue dress, back from the days, a decision she regretted not only because it smelled of old but because she stood out like a sore thumb. Almost everyone was wearing a pair of pants, even the women, and furiously tapping their fingers on shiny black squares the size of a matchbox, the nurses back at the hospital explained her those were phones that also did a thousand of other stuff, but Jane still had to wrap her mind at the idea of such a weird gizmo.

She wasted no more time and entered the building and looked around for anyone.

"Hello? I'm here to join the organization..." She said hoping someone heard her.

(OOC: Hey there! Sorry if I disappeared! Had some IRL stuff to take care of, Someone cam fill me with wathever happened until this point?)
A tiny cyborg girl had appeared from the place. "I'm sorry, the leader is taking care of his daughter. Hello there, I'm Lily." She said letting her hands sway from her sides, the metal claws visible. Lily looked up and scanned her "You're not from this time aren't you?" She asked hoping the girl wouldn't lie to her.


Bolt looked at the room and then down at Astra. "Do you like your room? I'm staying with you for a little longer but then i'll have to go back to the warehouse. I need to make sure we don't have new people," he said kissing her head and sitting next to her.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Damacyn said:
There she was, the Heroes' HQ. Recovery was long but now Jane didn't felt her bones weak anymore and she was finally released from the hospital. She had a weird cylindrical bag that the nurses called a "Sports Bag" wich contained her space suit and the few belongings the NASA managed to recover. She was wearing her favourite blue dress, back from the days, a decision she regretted not only because it smelled of old but because she stood out like a sore thumb. Almost everyone was wearing a pair of pants, even the women, and furiously tapping their fingers on shiny black squares the size of a matchbox, the nurses back at the hospital explained her those were phones that also did a thousand of other stuff, but Jane still had to wrap her mind at the idea of such a weird gizmo.
She wasted no more time and entered the building and looked around for anyone.

"Hello? I'm here to join the organization..." She said hoping someone heard her.

(OOC: Hey there! Sorry if I disappeared! Had some IRL stuff to take care of, Someone cam fill me with wathever happened until this point?)
Rosie poked her head out. "Hewwo!"
Jane looked at the the cyborg girl a bit frightened, never before she saw a blend of man and machine outside the comics.

"W-well, my space capsule was launched in 1962 before finding myself here... in the future." She said while looking at the cyborg and expecially her metal claws.

"Sorry for the question but... are you... are you a robot?" She asked awkardly, but then she noticed Rose.

"Oh hey there!" She waved her hand at Rosie, while turning to see what she looks like.
Damacyn said:
Jane looked at the the cyborg girl a bit frightened, never before she saw a blend of man and machine outside the comics.
"W-well, my space capsule was launched in 1962 before finding myself here... in the future." She said while looking at the cyborg and expecially her metal claws.

"Sorry for the question but... are you... are you a robot?" She asked awkardly, but then she noticed Rose.

"Oh hey there!" She waved her hand at Rosie, while turning to see what she looks like.
The child was short and had pink hair coming to midback. she held a polar bear plushie close to her chest.
Lily chuckled "Nah, a girl here killed me so my father had me repaired me so I'm a cyborg. Also let me clarify I won't fry your brain or have tinfoil arms." She said thinking back to what people in the 1900's believed cyborgs and robots to be.

@Damacyn @Otakubeats
"Oh I see..." Jane said while looking at the Cyborg's claws out of curiosity but at the same time she wondered what "Cyborg" meant (The word wasn't a thing before the 80's).

"Anyway, I'm Lieutenant Jane Hamilton, US Air Force... but I guess I'm technically too old to be still in service" She said in a joking tone before kneeling down to smile at the pink haired child.

"And you people are?"
Damacyn said:
"Oh I see..." Jane said while looking at the Cyborg's claws out of curiosity but at the same time she wondered what "Cyborg" meant (The word wasn't a thing before the 80's).
"Anyway, I'm Lieutenant Jane Hamilton, US Air Force... but I guess I'm technically too old to be still in service" She said in a joking tone before kneeling down to smile at the pink haired child.

"And you people are?"
"I'm wosie. Dis Kumajirou." She made the bear wave it's paw.
Lily crossed her arms "I forgot to ask. Are you here for the job? This is the heroes of tomorrow, where heroes join to help the city. So would you like to join," she asked going over and walking to a room. "If you don't have a place to live we have some."

@Otakubeats @Damacyn
Inside the cave The ringleader of the cult have a speech to his people,

"As all of you know, the stone pillar defiled in the tower of conviction is no longer potent nor significant. It has no power to manifest even a single mystery. The tower has instead been reduced to a vile lodge of swine who use Sophristy in an attempt to oppress and control us!! But we are aware!! Aware of the one truly deserving of reverence!! Tonight the harbinger of the promise day... The holy symbol denoted by our master... Our sorceress... The black witch!!"

Casca is being carried out on a wooden thrown by some of the cultists. The ring leader continues,

"We shall now cut out the heart of one of our chosen as an offering to the witch. Then once that is done the witch will mingle with our great goat to become a true member of our family!!"

Out came the tall man with the goat head as a mask again. Just before they could start cutting out the girls heart Casca's brand begins to bleed again. The smoke coming from the huge fire turns more black than before and it enters into the cultists around her turning them into the demonic ones we saw before. As the cultists turn on one another the holy Knights begin to emerge into the cave led by a women commander named Farnesse.

"All regiments detain these heretics now!!"

What they didn't know was the level of superhuman these cultists were and quickly there was a huge melee going on between the Knights and the demonic cultists. Two Knights were left outside the cave to guard the intrance one said to the other,

"Man it's cold out tonight."

The other said back to him,

"Sitting here in this armor doesn't hel..."

He couldn't finish his sentence as they both got the slightest feeling that something shot past them at a speed high enough that they could not even see it. Dumbfounded by this happened they questioned themselves as HE dove into the cave. He ran past many Knights and found Casca surrounded by the cultists about to be eaten. With a fury greater than any other he had before he unsheathed his sword and cut through them all looking like a black tornado leaving nothing living in his wake. Except her of course, as he stopped his devastation he turned to look at her. They met eyes for a moment until he called to Luna and Charlette,

"Get her out of hear I'll guard the rear!!"

They had found another intrance and used it to try to help Casca out. As the women began to leave the tall great goat was nicked in the back by something. He looked up just before he transformed and saw an egg shaped thing with spiders legs. He then turned into a half apostle gaining demonic powers. He would use his new goat legs to hop around the cave at an extremely fast speed. He did a drop kick to Guts who barely blocked it with his sword. He called to the girls,

"Go run get her out of here now!!!"

He thought to himself as another kick hit him in the back,

"Damn if Godo hadn't fixed this armor I would have broken my back!!"

He got up and attempted to swing his sword at it barely clipping it as it jumped away too fast.

"Damn this bastard is too fast for my sword!"

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats
Jane focused, even after days from her landing she still heard the whispers inside her head, and the helmet started to fall down slowly until it bounced like it was made of rubber.

"Hip, uh? I've got another trick!" She said with a cocky smile while focusing some more. Light started to bend near the slowly falling helmet, signaling that an atom-sized black hole formed there.

"Uuuuh maybe I overdid a bit!" She ducked when random objects where shoot away by the singularity, Jane could even feel the pull of the invisible black hole.
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Lily stabbed her hands into the ground so she wouldn't be sucked it. "Turn it off before it sucks up more stuff!" She yelled stabbing her other hand into the floor, feeling pull of the black hole.

"I'm trying!" Jane yelled while the singularity pulled her towards it. Her hand almost touched the sphere of distorted light until she finally managed to make it collapse. She left a relieved sigh when she no more felt the pull.

"I guess I need more practice..." She smiled awkardly and offered her hand to Lily.

"So... I'm in the team?" She asked with a grin.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Inside the cave The ringleader of the cult have a speech to his people,
"As all of you know, the stone pillar defiled in the tower of conviction is no longer potent nor significant. It has no power to manifest even a single mystery. The tower has instead been reduced to a vile lodge of swine who use Sophristy in an attempt to oppress and control us!! But we are aware!! Aware of the one truly deserving of reverence!! Tonight the harbinger of the promise day... The holy symbol denoted by our master... Our sorceress... The black witch!!"

Casca is being carried out on a wooden thrown by some of the cultists. The ring leader continues,

"We shall now cut out the heart of one of our chosen as an offering to the witch. Then once that is done the witch will mingle with our great goat to become a true member of our family!!"

Out came the tall man with the goat head as a mask again. Just before they could start cutting out the girls heart Casca's brand begins to bleed again. The smoke coming from the huge fire turns more black than before and it enters into the cultists around her turning them into the demonic ones we saw before. As the cultists turn on one another the holy Knights begin to emerge into the cave led by a women commander named Farnesse.

"All regiments detain these heretics now!!"

What they didn't know was the level of superhuman these cultists were and quickly there was a huge melee going on between the Knights and the demonic cultists. Two Knights were left outside the cave to guard the intrance one said to the other,

"Man it's cold out tonight."

The other said back to him,

"Sitting here in this armor doesn't hel..."

He couldn't finish his sentence as they both got the slightest feeling that something shot past them at a speed high enough that they could not even see it. Dumbfounded by this happened they questioned themselves as HE dove into the cave. He ran past many Knights and found Casca surrounded by the cultists about to be eaten. With a fury greater than any other he had before he unsheathed his sword and cut through them all looking like a black tornado leaving nothing living in his wake. Except her of course, as he stopped his devastation he turned to look at her. They met eyes for a moment until he called to Luna and Charlette,

"Get her out of hear I'll guard the rear!!"

They had found another intrance and used it to try to help Casca out. As the women began to leave the tall great goat was nicked in the back by something. He looked up just before he transformed and saw an egg shaped thing with spiders legs. He then turned into a half apostle gaining demonic powers. He would use his new goat legs to hop around the cave at an extremely fast speed. He did a drop kick to Guts who barely blocked it with his sword. He called to the girls,

"Go run get her out of here now!!!"

He thought to himself as another kick hit him in the back,

"Damn if Godo hadn't fixed this armor I would have broken my back!!"

He got up and attempted to swing his sword at it barely clipping it as it jumped away too fast.

"Damn this bastard is too fast for my sword!"

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats
Ty led Echo to the cave, and slammed the iron bar on a rock. A loud ring cut through the enemies, strategically avoiding any allies and or civilians. The cut would physically wound those it was aimed for, and if they lacked armor it was a devastating blow.

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