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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](I'm in class right now. I'll stop by at lunch though,)

(rip echo dreamsong, you will be missed....)
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](Not dying yet! Maybe later, but not in class! I'd get detention! xD )

Bolt walked in with a mango for Astra but something felt wrong. He walked up and looked at her frail figure. Placing a hand on her forehead he pulled back "You're burning," he whispered picking her up with the blanket and went outside. "You're coming with me to the doctor," he said walking to a doctors office.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Bolt patted Astra's back "My daughter isn't feeling well, she seems frail and has a high fever." He rocked Astra gently in his arms "You're going to be ok," he whispered to Astra as he started shaking.

@Echo Dreamsong
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
The nurse nodded and gently took Astra from Bolt.

"We'll take a look. She'll be back before you know it!"

Back in the office, the lady tried to draw blood while Astra screamed and moved away. The lady finally settled for temperature. When Astra calmed down, the nurse gave her the unicorn and then drew blood. It was quite a bit and Astra was instantly sick. The nurse felt her pulse and checked her eyes. Finally she brought Astra back to bolt with a smile.

"We took some blood samples. The lab should have results in about five hours."
Bolt frowned as he held back onto Astra "How was it? How's my baby doing," he asked gently rocking her and sitting down on a waiting room chair. "You want anything," he asked trying to make her comfortable.

@Echo Dreamsong
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
Astra shook her head and curled against him. One person in a lab coat burst in from the other side, rushing to the nurse. With frantic hand motions and a glance at Astra. The nurse frowned deeply, looking as though she were about to cry as she sat next to Bolt.

"I really wish I didn't have to say this sir. Y-your daughter is... She's suffering from rapidly moving stage four lymphoma"

Then the nurse ran away sobbing and a male nurse came out.

"We could try chemotherapy, or we could attempt a blood transfusion. Both would take time and money, and both have side effects. For one, Chemotherapy could harm more than just the cancerous cells. A blood transfusion requires many donors and time to get the blood. There is always the possibility that the blood may be seen as a threat by her body."

Astra reached up and pulled on Bolt's shirt.

"M-mommy? What is llamaphona?"
Bolt started to shake which turned into crying "I-It's nothing honey." He stroked her hair before looking at the doctor "I don't know what to do. I don't care how much it cost, I just want her to not suffer," he said as the tears ran down his face. He felt stuck, drowning and he couldn't resurface.

@Echo Dreamsong
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
Astra frowned up at Bolt, shivering slightly. With small tears of her own, she wiped away Alex's tears.

"Don't cry mommy! I can fix it!"

The doctor smiled sadly before nodding.

"We should admit her to the Children's Hospital. They have a cancer ward there. I'd also suggest the blood transfusion along after Chemo. She seems like a strong girl. She will make it. I'll call an ambulance for your transportation."

The nurse waved at Astra before walking off.

Astra still didn't understand what was going on.

"Mommy, why do I have llama's?"
Bolt gave a faint smile "You have something else. Don't worry you'll be fine," he said hugging Astra tight and wiping the tears away. "Would you like something to eat," he asked getting up from his seat. Bolt went to the doctor "The child hospital sounds good, please call me when you need something," he said writing down his phone number and giving it to the doctor.

@Echo Dreamsong
Bolt laughed "You're sick. It's okay because I'm coming with you and will help you get better." He said putting her on the stretcher and holding her hand. "You want anything to make it comfortable," he asked while he wiped more tears from his eyes.

@Echo Dreamsong
After the "magic" Casca displayed to the cultists they showered her with wealth of jewels and money. It was getting back considering that would definitely draw attention to them from the holy Knights. As Charlette went about trying to give away some of the loot one of the Knights caught her and dragged her to his commander. A generic noble guy who thought himself higher than the refugees. As she screamed in terror at the pain she knew she was gonna get.

He became annoyed with her screaming and crying and went to whip her saying,

"Annoying swine shut up!! If you are innocent why does no one assist you?!"

Just as the whip cracked down Luna came up and shielded her from the whip. The man was shocked at her defiance. Luna said to the man,

"I bet you feel so high and mighty up on that horse? Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

He started sweating and looked twisted in fear and anger. Just as this happened Guts along with Ty and Echo came upon them somewhat blending with the distracted crowd. Guts told his companions,

"Hold on."

Guts ran to the rescue of the women as the man cracked the whip everyone was thrown back as Guts caught it. As he caught it he yanked the man off the horse with it saying,

"Crack it at that height little man."

The crowd began to gather around him to rip him apart but he got on his horse and escaped. Guts turned to the girls and said,

"Have you seen a girl with a brand like this one?"

He shows them his brand.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
TheBlackSwordsman said:
After the "magic" Casca displayed to the cultists they showered her with wealth of jewels and money. It was getting back considering that would definitely draw attention to them from the holy Knights. As Charlette went about trying to give away some of the loot one of the Knights caught her and dragged her to his commander. A generic noble guy who thought himself higher than the refugees. As she screamed in terror at the pain she knew she was gonna get.
He became annoyed with her screaming and crying and went to whip her saying,

"Annoying swine shut up!! If you are innocent why does no one assist you?!"

Just as the whip cracked down Luna came up and shielded her from the whip. The man was shocked at her defiance. Luna said to the man,

"I bet you feel so high and mighty up on that horse? Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

He started sweating and looked twisted in fear and anger. Just as this happened Guts along with Ty and Echo came upon them somewhat blending with the distracted crowd. Guts told his companions,

"Hold on."

Guts ran to the rescue of the women as the man cracked the whip everyone was thrown back as Guts caught it. As he caught it he yanked the man off the horse with it saying,

"Crack it at that height little man."

The crowd began to gather around him to rip him apart but he got on his horse and escaped. Guts turned to the girls and said,

"Have you seen a girl with a brand like this one?"

He shows them his brand.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Ty stayed close watching. He was on high alert for anyone attacking them.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
After the "magic" Casca displayed to the cultists they showered her with wealth of jewels and money. It was getting back considering that would definitely draw attention to them from the holy Knights. As Charlette went about trying to give away some of the loot one of the Knights caught her and dragged her to his commander. A generic noble guy who thought himself higher than the refugees. As she screamed in terror at the pain she knew she was gonna get.
He became annoyed with her screaming and crying and went to whip her saying,

"Annoying swine shut up!! If you are innocent why does no one assist you?!"

Just as the whip cracked down Luna came up and shielded her from the whip. The man was shocked at her defiance. Luna said to the man,

"I bet you feel so high and mighty up on that horse? Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"

He started sweating and looked twisted in fear and anger. Just as this happened Guts along with Ty and Echo came upon them somewhat blending with the distracted crowd. Guts told his companions,

"Hold on."

Guts ran to the rescue of the women as the man cracked the whip everyone was thrown back as Guts caught it. As he caught it he yanked the man off the horse with it saying,

"Crack it at that height little man."

The crowd began to gather around him to rip him apart but he got on his horse and escaped. Guts turned to the girls and said,

"Have you seen a girl with a brand like this one?"

He shows them his brand.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Echo jumped around in excitement. Her armor was a magnet for thieves, but one flap of her wings scared them off. Someone decided to bow at her feet.

"Holy angel! Please! Save my child!"

Echo frowned before helping the elderly women up.

"I-I suppose I can help."

She was then dragged off to a small wooden home. The walls smelt of mold, but Echo didn't mind. What was the problem? The stench of sickness. She gently trotted into a small room, looking around. In the pale light, it was difficult to distinguish the ill child from the darkness. Though Echo found her. As she knelt, the girl reached out to grab her wing, which Echo allowed her to grasp.

"Hello there young one. Do you have a name."

Through the coughing, the girl responded.

"I-I'm *Cough* Arrabella."

Echo smiled and plucked a feather from her wings before pressing it against the girl's arm.

"Well Arrabella, you are going to be okay. Keep the feather against you for a few days and you'll be good as new!"

"S-so no seeing daddy in heaven?"

Echo's heart clenched and she knelt further down.

"No child, that is for another day. You will see him again, I promise."

Then she stood and walked out of the house. And then what happens? Well, she was tackled by six men, each easily weighing 250 pounds at least. Before she could scream, they had tied her up and began to rapidly drag her away as she thrashed about.


She squeaked in utter defiance. That earned her a whip. Another sound, another lash. Within two minutes, she was covered in horrid bruises. Not that Echo cared. What she did mind was the people carrying her down into a cellar.


One of the men trailed a finger up her leg, an ugly smirk on his face.

"Oh yes, I'll enjoy corrupting this beauty."

With that sick grin, he lifted her skirt to look. Echo tried to knee him, only to earn another whip to the face. The man sat up quickly.

"This bitch don't got no parts!"


The men charged forward, trying to look at Echo. The girl was by now rather ticked.

"She doesn't have any! Well, I suppose work it is!"

And with that her hands were cuffed and so were her legs. The large wings were clapped tightly together to prevent flight. Oh, don't forget the gag. Echo struggled, angrily thinking of ways to curse them. Only problem? Rust blocks her magic, and these cuffs were coated in the stuff. With an annoyed growl she tried to run. That resulted in her falling, the bell around her neck ringing, and seven more lashes. The biggest man grabbed her chin and pulled it towards his.

(End PG 13, mostly)

Echo did not like this, and was now certain she couldn't escape on her own (Which was humiliating). So? Well, she mentally dialed up Ty.

HELP! FREAKING MEN ATTACKED! I'M- ow - In some random stone building!

Then the connection was severed as a metal blindfold was applied, fully blocking the connection.

The 'angel' was tossed into an iron cell with no sight, sound (Ear muffs), or ability to talk or work magic. Basically defenseless. For fun, one man whipped her two more times in the face, creating a swollen bruise. Ow.

Otakubeats said:
Ty felt a snap of pain as the connection was severed. "The hell?! Echo?!" He took off to find her.
@Echo Dreamsong
Echo sat on the cold stone floor, cursing herself for being careless. These people could be Nazi's! The worst part was the men yanking out dozens of her healing feathers.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo sat on the cold stone floor, cursing herself for being careless. These people could be Nazi's! The worst part was the men yanking out dozens of her healing feathers.

Ty found her soon enough, and entered the building silently. Easily avoiding the men he saw Echo and the guys taking her feathers. Seeing a metal pipe nearby Ty got an idea. Thanks Guts.

He slammed the pipe on the ground, a loud ring increasing his power, sound slamming the two into the nearby wall hard enough to leave them seeing stars. He then did the same, bending the bars enough to get Echo out.

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