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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Barbarous pulled him closer "You have memories. Why would you think an object is more important than the memories you had of them? Why did this person do it," she asked grabbing his chin and forcing him to look at her again.


"Why not talk? You humans seem to never talk and only bicker. If you keep this up more arguments bigger than yours will sprout," she said releasing him from her force. "I'm here to observe, whether you talk or bicker is your decision. Just remember what you do today could affect tomorrow," she said getting up and slowly walking away.

Guts hadn't slept much that night so he continued his journey early the next morning. The moon was still high and the sun was still far off. As he jogged through the forest he came to an open plain where he layed eyes upon a thick patch of fog. He looked deeper into it as he neared it and found an old ally he had not seen for three years, the Skull knight. He walked up to him standing ten feet from him and said,

"Long time no see."

"I thought I'd get your attention you seem in good health struggler."

"It's been a while pal what're you doing in a place like this?"

"As I said before I am the foe of the Inhumans. One is known to be located where I'm headed..."

"Apostle... An apostles near here?!"

"Possible the leader and where I'm going perhaps is also the land you seek."

"Hold up!! What do you mean?! Not that!! Not that he's at the tower of conviction. Are you saying Griffith is there?"

"He exists everywhere in this world. Any place negative human thoughts swirl in a large concentration. But at the same time, it can be said that as a huge body of thought. He cannot take flesh in this world."

"Once again you lost me I don't have time for your annoying answers!!"

"But at times there are exceptions. When the concentration reaches a critical point. One who should exist in the divine domain is incarnated just once in a thousand years. That someone is going to appear in this world."

Guts' level of fear and anger rise as he realizes the skull knight's words.

The skull knight continues,

"I ask you this that girl who was with you where is she now? Could it be she is at the holy ground you seek?"


"So it is true."

"Hey! What the hell did you figure out? Why is it you know that? Give me straight answers goddammit!!"

"The power of God descends to earth. The concentration of that idea is called the festival. That festival is essentially a divine work it traces a phenomenon in the divine domain."

Guts' brow furrows and he replies,

"Traces a phenomenon?"

"The flocking sheep who've been let to the blood splattered holy ground desire him. And you and that girl will come to throw yourselves into their midst. It nearly parallels that other time..."

Guts' eye opens in shock and horror as he thinks of that time as the skull knight says the same thing he remembers,

"The eclipse. It's an attempt to imitate the eclipse."

Says the skull knight.

Anxiety, fear, anger.. It's as if an emotional floodgate has burst inside Guts.

"You mean that'll happen again?"

Guts touches his right eye,

"That... ONE MORE TIME?" Guts' face twist in anger but not his normal anger more of an ecstasy.

"Unfortunately there's no way for man to change the course of this festival." Says the skull knight.

"What?" Questions Guts.

"This world is as moonlight reflected on the waters surface. The moon's light will not be extinguished so long as the moon exists in the sky. Moonlight will remain on the water and this is a thing which already was. What will follow now is a shadow no more than a shadow cast high above the earth. By light from a distant dying sun."

"Then you mean the results will be the same as last time?" Asked Guts

"That we meet again unexpectedly here is now proof more than anything. We already subsidy writhing the current of causality. We sho exist beyond the physical are still merely shadows on the water."

Guts grins a bit and says,

"Who cares about shadows? Causality? I decide on the fiery of conviction and go there on my own feet. Nobody ordered me to. Besides your forgetting I'm really bad at giving in. You gave me that name, the name Struggler. That whole causality bits pretty shady anyway. This proud monster once predicted something to me, a death you can never escape, he was sure as hell up until the eclipse. You said the same thing but then what happened?" Even if we swam a sea of blood and shit even if we got a little torn up both Casca and I made it through alive. Sure you helped us out last turn but this time I'll save her by my own strength."

The skull knight thinks on Guts' speech then turns to leave saying,

"Though minute singular details certainly can occurs at the time junction point that even he can't predict. I will in turn gamble everything on that point. Even if it imitates the eclipse it doesn't mean it will be the exact same. The scope too had natural limits in the material domain. Furthermore that brand carved into you it may be unanticipated aid. As I told you before due to the brand you now live in the interstice. That is the border between the physical and astral worlds. It's merely half a step but you are outside the reason of the world. Maybe you aren't a shadow on the water but instead a fish that breaches the waters surface. However I will warn you of one thing. Fight or rescue. Your lover will be left alone I won't be as simple as catching two birds. At the holy ground where blind sheep gather I'll see you again struggler."

The skull knight vanished along with the fog leaving Guts alone to ponder his warning... After a moment he continues his journey.

(Sorry if there are some errors and that I stopped using italics half way through. I'm on mobile so it was getting hard to keep track of that. Also I'm sorry if this is a lot I didn't feel I could capture this moment in this arc with multiple post so I put it all together.)
Guts had been on high alert ever sense Casca's dissapearance. After the skull knights warning he was even more on edge about everything. As he moved along his alert sense heard the faintest of sounds. He knew in his life that any sound could be something deadly so he drew his sword and brought it out at the ready,

"Come out!"

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts had been on high alert ever sense Casca's dissapearance. After the skull knights warning he was even more on edge about everything. As he moved along his alert sense heard the faintest of sounds. He knew in his life that any sound could be something deadly so he drew his sword and brought it out at the ready,
"Come out!"

He stepped out from behind a tree, hands up. Looking at him he had an neutral expression on his face.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts had been on high alert ever sense Casca's dissapearance. After the skull knights warning he was even more on edge about everything. As he moved along his alert sense heard the faintest of sounds. He knew in his life that any sound could be something deadly so he drew his sword and brought it out at the ready,
"Come out!"

Echo for some reason had followed Guts. So when the guy stepped out, she dropped onto him from the sky.


[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo staggered back, holding her head.
"I believe the human term is 'OW'"

(Is that Ty?)

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts removed her arms from him and said to the both of them,
"A lot of terrible shits gonna go down pretty soon I don't think you guys should get involved."

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
"....Have you met me? I've gotten shot, stabbed and experimented on. Also, telling me not to do something makes me want to do it."
Otakubeats said:
"....Have you met me? I've gotten shot, stabbed and experimented on. Also, telling me not to do something makes me want to do it."
Echo jumped around, chiming in.

"I got chucked in a volcano once! Another time I went to 1941 Germany! Not fun by the way!"

Then she stood still and suddenly serious.

"I've fought armies. I can handle a few mortals."
"Oh I know what you've been through but still you've got a family to go home to. My family is the reason I'm going to this. I don't care if you come with me but this will be dangerous."

He says as he turns to continue walking.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
"Oh I know what you've been through but still you've got a family to go home to. My family is the reason I'm going to this. I don't care if you come with me but this will be dangerous."
He says as he turns to continue walking.
Echo trotted after him.

"What's a family like? My kind don't have famililly's."

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