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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts nodded,
"Good keep them safe I have to go do something."

He turned and went to the CRU base and found one of their helicopters they used to take Ty and Astra to Hawaii incredibly fast. He used it to fly back to the warehouse.

Hibiki nodded and would watch the two.
Quillicious said:
"Did you heal us all the way? Are we fully clean?"
Quill was concerned for Stella, he didn't want her to flip out again and try to murder everyone.
Echo nodded, smiling.

"The fear is gone. I guess I kinda went too."

She gestured to the armor and hair. Basically everything.

(Gotta go, good night)
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo nodded, smiling.
"The fear is gone. I guess I kinda went too."

She gestured to the armor and hair. Basically everything.

(Gotta go, good night)

After several minutes Guts had managed to fly the helicopter all the way to the warehouse. He set it down in front of the building and was about to get out when a flash of an image flew through his mind. The image consisted of Casca burning at the stake in front of a very large tower with the sun being blocked out by the tower. There was a large crowd cheering as she was being burned. Guts gasped and bursted through the door of the warehouse shouting,


His heart sank as she wasn't there. He looked about and there was no sign of struggle so he ran outside and saw a nearby hobo. He picked him up by the collar and said,

"There was a girl in there where did she go?"

The man was shocked and frightened by Guts' question he pointed north past the mountains and said,

"She started walking that way but was picked up by a religious cult on the way."

Guts dropped him to the ground and looked in that direction.

"Religious cult?"

He didn't want to believe his vision but regardless he started sprinting saying,

"I won't lose her again!!"

Casca walked on being ushered on by men wearing armor. Obviously she couldn't understand what they were saying or what was going on but she heard talk of a place called the Tower of Conviction. They were already miles ahead of Guts already past the mountains and almost to the tower. A man known as Inquisitor Mozgus was the head of this cult. At one point a group of peasants attacked their little caravan but lost due to the armored guards. One women carrying a baby who was on deaths door due to starvation called to him,

"Please sir we only attacked because we are dying we need help."

Mozgus put his arm around her,

"Thou hath broken the law of god to save a child? This is a valiant effort of a mother to care for her child for that we shall save him."

With that Mozgus fed the child bringing him back to life saying,

"Though it was for your child you still sinned,"

He led her to a torture chamber in the tower,

"And you must be punished for your sins."

Her screams weren't heard around the tower simply because every person they deemed a heretic were being tortured there too. Mozgus would continue torturing the heretics for as long as he had to until he deemed that there was no longer a heretic sect near the tower. Casca would be kept some what safe as she was being looked at by a group of whores. The leader of the small group named Luna was protecting her since she recognized her madness and didn't want her to be caught as so many were wrongly caught beforehand.
"Soon I will have my kingdom..."

Griffith said as he readied himself...

Luna was doing was whores do, have sex for money, and who better to have sex with for profit than with one of the Holy Knights. The knight named Grieg didn't care too much for the Holy aspect of his occupation and fancied Luna. Not necessarily just because of her job but also because he genuinely felt something for her.

When they were almost done doing there thing Casca pushed her head into the tent in her insane curiosity. Her bandaged face scared the absolute hornyness out of Greig and he got up saying,

"I guess we are done here Luna."

"Sorry Grieg she has Siphilus and it's messing with her head."

He hands her a pearl necklace and says,

"Don't worry Luna maybe when I get enough money from this knight job I can by an estate in the country. Maybe you could come with me?"

Luna blushed a bit,

"Maybe Grieg"

They smiled and parted ways with Casca and Luna left in the tent. After a few moments another girl came into the tent with them. This girl being shorter with with blond whitish curly hair and blimmeshes all over her legs. She walks in and says,

"Hey Luna I made a pretty good profit today."

"That's good Charlette lets pool it and throw away what we don't need."

They put all their earnings together and buried anything other than money. Then after that they bury all money but a very small amount of money to survive.

Luna says,

"If we look out of place at all in these refugee slums we will be killed for heresy. We should also give some money to others to keep suspicions away from us."

Charlette nodded and ran off to distribute their wealth. Luna changed the bandages Casca didn't need but were given to protect her from the horny refugees that might steal her in the night. Speaking of the night it was drawing nearer now and Charlette had a place to be at night. As she walked along she found a man she had been flirting with for some time, Joachim. She had been lightly flirting with this man with blond hair like hers and dressed as a refugee considering he was one.

"H-Hey Charlette h-how are you?"

He was a coward.

"Uh pretty good Joachim..."

So was she. Then she remembered her date she was going to and lust took her over,

"Come on Joachim if you love me then come with me tonight."

She said with the utmost sexual intention. Joachim not knowing what to do and scared at just about everything agreed and she wisked him away. Walking down to the end of the massive refugee camp and heading to the edge of a cliff they eventually reach a cave.

Charlette turns to Joachim with eyes that didn't look like hers said to him,

"You'll love it in here..."

She led him further in showing him what was in the cave...

Loud music played as hundreds of naked people danced and had sex around a huge fire burning drugs keeping them all high and wild. Charlette stripped and led Joachim farther in as people stripped him as he walked with her scared out of his mind.

Eventually they made it to the center where the fire was and there sat a large man wearing a goat head as a mask. He hollowed out a snake and put it over his... You know. The man held up a pot filled with the liquid drug they were burning and Charlette drank a bit off it. She offered him some and said,

"Join us Joachim."

He panicked freaking out and backed away a bit shaking his head. She sighed and began to cry yelling out,

"Get him!!"

The horde of horny high animalistic people began to run after him. They chased him completely out of the cave and off the cliff. Charlette thinks to herself,

"Nobody could survive that fall... Oh Joachim..."

She cried as she went back into the cave to have sex and generally worship their goat God...
Bolt stayed on the ground, passed out from the punches and using his energy. He laid there limp for god knows how long, sleeping on the floor next to the beach was awful. Especially when kids kept poking the body with a stick....kids are scawy.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](What did I miss?)

(Casca wasn't at the warehouse so now Guts is going off trying to find her. Bolts asleep on the ground. That's about it)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Bolt stayed on the ground, passed out from the punches and using his energy. He laid there limp for god knows how long, sleeping on the floor next to the beach was awful. Especially when kids kept poking the body with a stick....kids are scawy.


Rosie was walking, and found the sleeping man with a few kids poking him. "Hey! Stop it!" The other kids scattered and Rosie looked at the person. She grabbed water from the nearby ocean and dumped it on his face. "WAKE UP!"
Bolt had a odd dream, it involved orphan meat and dragons before he was woken up by water. "CARL! Oh, it was just a dream....who are you," he asked before he doubled over in pain from when Quill broke his leg.

Bolt gave a weak smiled as he looked at the girl "Thanks Rosie, I needed that," he said getting up and looking down at the girl. "Don't you have to run along to your parents," he asked getting to her level.


Quillicious said:
(("Where are the other boats?"
'Uh, according to the trajectory of the sun and the moon...probably at the bottom of the ocean with holes in them.'

(CARL! We're suppose to be on vacation

I don't know about you but i'm having a wonderful time

Quillicious said:
Not wanting to part with Stella yet, Quill walked back to the beach. Maybe the HOT would help her until she recovered. He saw Bolt and sprinted to him, laying Stella down nearby and practically tackling Bolt in a hug.
"I'm so sorry!"

@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
Rosie was busy burying Bolt's thighs in sand. "Lalala...."
Bolt was about to laugh when he saw Quill tackle him into a hug. "Oh...hi! It's fine.....I don't hold grudges," he said before seeing himself being buried in the sand. He patted the girls head "I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN! GUARDIAN OF THE SAND!" He yelled laughing and trying to reach for anything that ran on electricity.

@Quillicious @Otakubeats
Bolt put the battery in his mouth before spitting it back out and getting to his feet. He picked up the girl "You're adorable! You also have powers which is interesting. Maybe.....do you have a place to live," he asked the girl before teleporting next to Quill and giving him a hug. "Thanks!"

@Quillicious @Otakubeats

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