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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra nodded slowly, struggling to have her legs support her. Leaning against a wall, she called out.

Ty looked up and then back down. "Go away."
Guts stood there among the people he once fought. Echo had gone and sacrificed herself for their well being. He stood there among the people but felt alone. Why hadn't he killed them when he had the chance? Why had he told Ty not to turn out like him?

He thought for a moment and answered himself, because he had the power. When Griffith took his whole world and crushed it Guts didn't have the power to do what Ty did. Now Guts has the path of vengeance or rather the path of a protector. Whether that be with Casca or Ty and Astra he knew that they had to survive. Why though? He thought. Why would he keep struggling and fighting for Ty and Astra?

Because, he answered, that he wanted to protect something he never had. A family. He saw himself in a window just across the street. He was scarred all over and due to the use of his berserker armor his hair now had a white piece in the front.

Maybe he would never have one considering Godo was right his path of vengeance was killing him. He was young but his life of struggle left his body hurt...

Sadly though his struggle, his war, was not over. Unlike Ty he didn't have the power to stop Griffith and now he must struggle until his last breath to stop him so that Casca would be able to live.

He takes out his thick heavy blade and looks at it and sees his reflection again in it,

"My sword has never felt this heavy."

His struggle was not done. In fact it was far from over because now he had more people to protect than just himself or Casca. He had to keep walking, to keep swinging and to keep struggling... for them...
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra sniffled, crawling closer.
"Y-you promised though. You promised not to leave. Please don't leave me here..."

Ty picked her up and hugged her. He was shaking. "I am so sorry.....I'm just confused okay? I...I didn't recognize you."
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts stood there among the people he once fought. Echo had gone and sacrificed herself for their well being. He stood there among the people but felt alone. Why hadn't he killed them when he had the chance? Why had he told Ty not to turn out like him?
He thought for a moment and answered himself, because he had the power. When Griffith took his whole world and crushed it Guts didn't have the power to do what Ty did. Now Guts has the path of vengeance or rather the path of a protector. Whether that be with Casca or Ty and Astra he knew that they had to survive. Why though? He thought. Why would he keep struggling and fighting for Ty and Astra?

Because, he answered, that he wanted to protect something he never had. A family. He saw himself in a window just across the street. He was scarred all over and due to the use of his berserker armor his hair now had a white piece in the front.

Maybe he would never have one considering Godo was right his path of vengeance was killing him. He was young but his life of struggle left his body hurt...

Sadly though his struggle, his war, was not over. Unlike Ty he didn't have the power to stop Griffith and now he must struggle until his last breath to stop him so that Casca would be able to live.

He takes out his thick heavy blade and looks at it and sees his reflection again in it,

"My sword has never felt this heavy."

His struggle was not done. In fact it was far from over because now he had more people to protect than just himself or Casca. He had to keep walking, to keep swinging and to keep struggling... for them...
A sudden light appeared to his left and a dizzy looking teen with long brown hair stumbled out of no where. Her eyes were a deep brown with light rings, and the armor reflected light into them. The girl looked up at the moon and beamed.

"Thank you old friend."

Then the armored girl, who also had a pair of silver wings, hugged Guts tightly.

"I think your name is too gruesome. I'm gonna call you G from now on."

The strange girl smiled.

Otakubeats said:
Ty picked her up and hugged her. He was shaking. "I am so sorry.....I'm just confused okay? I...I didn't recognize you."
Astra purred happily, rubbing against his head.

"Thank you brother. I love you."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/thMCHYSLZM.jpg.efe900548cf49bc1226ddf47f0a535bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="143115" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/thMCHYSLZM.jpg.efe900548cf49bc1226ddf47f0a535bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts was shocked and asked,
"Who are you and how do you know me?"

@Echo Dreamsong
The girl frowned before looking at her body.

"Oh great stars... This is a new one. I'm just as big as Kanya now!"

Though she was still short, the girl seemed ecstatic about her size. She then looked at the armor.

"Wow! This is extremely different... I even have an awesome sword!"

Then she glanced at Guts and froze.

"Oh, I forgot to say it didn't I... Well, um, I've been told bowing is not proper introduction, so a handshake."

She held out her hand, sort of bowing.

"Echo Dreamsong, Fifth Star of the Dreamling Empire. Very nice re-meet you."
Otakubeats said:
Ty went limp, laying against the wall. The bullet wound had become infected the scientists neglecting to heal it. He shivered violently and his skin felt like fire.
@Echo Dreamsong @YoungX
Hibiki would thenod approach Ty and would begin healing him as well. "You'll recover soon enough don't worry," he said to him calmly.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts smiled a bit and shook her hand,
"At least your a bit taller" he laughed a bit with that.

"How are you here right now I thought you died?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo laughed slightly, wobbling a bit.

"It's a bit of a side effect. I did die. My energy dispersed, but with the moon's help, I was able to reform."

She beamed and looked up at G.

"I think I like not being tiny."

Otakubeats said:
Ty went limp, laying against the wall. The bullet wound had become infected the scientists neglecting to heal it. He shivered violently and his skin felt like fire.
@Echo Dreamsong @YoungX
Astra shrieked clung to Ty. Her own wounds had begun to reappear, not that Astra cared.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts sheathed his sword and said,
"I wouldn't know. So do you know of anyone who could cure madness?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo frowned before nodding.

"Toriana should know. She knows quite a bit about wish granting. Even more than me, but she's had a thousand years more than me so..."

She flapped her wings nervously.

"I've gotta fly pretty high to get her attention, but I'll do it!"

She suddenly took off... Then crashed into a tree, holding her head.

"That... Was awful. Remind me to avoid trees."
Guts nodded,

"Good keep them safe I have to go do something."

He turned and went to the CRU base and found one of their helicopters they used to take Ty and Astra to Hawaii incredibly fast. He used it to fly back to the warehouse.

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"Did you heal us all the way? Are we fully clean?"

Quill was concerned for Stella, he didn't want her to flip out again and try to murder everyone.

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