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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

YoungX said:
"I'm going to have to be the voice of reason here. Razor is going to be arrested. Stella and Quill will be tried. Got it?" A huge shark alleared, but Hibiki punched it far away.
@Quillicious @Fullmetal32 @Echo Dreamsong
Ty was pissed. "Motherfucker....I see how it is. Corrupt just because they were once our own. I hate this and Hibiki. You've lost everything I every trusted you with. I thought you of all people would be fair to all sides. But you just want to save your own ass."
Otakubeats said:
Ty was pissed. "Motherfucker....I see how it is. Corrupt just because they were once our own. I hate this and Hibiki. You've lost everything I every trusted you with. I thought you of all people would be fair to all sides. But you just want to save your own ass."
"What are you all talking about? I'm not handling their arrests and stuff. Police and stuff are. I'm just here you know. Everyone here will be tried you understand right?"

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Guts said to Hibiki,

"Look pal I know your trying to help but in this situation these people won't stop anytime soon."

He would then take his sword from Razor and cut the shark in half that was biting down on the car Astra was in.

"Now isn't the time for arresting now is the time for making sure this never happens again."

Guts then said to Ty,

"If you want my help I'll give it to you but if you want to do this alone then go ahead."

He picked up Astra and held her close.

"Don't worry Ty I'll stand right here."

@Otakubeats @YoungX
YoungX said:
"What are you all talking about? I'm not handling their arrests and stuff. Police and stuff are. I'm just here you know. Everyone here will be tried you understand right?"
"Yes because obviously they aren't at all to blame. FUck this. These guys will escpe an do this shit again. They need to die."

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts said to Hibiki,
"Look pal I know your trying to help but in this situation these people won't stop anytime soon."

He would then take his sword from Razor and cut the shark in half that was biting down on the car Astra was in.

"Now isn't the time for arresting now is the time for making sure this never happens again."

Guts then said to Ty,

"If you want my help I'll give it to you but if you want to do this alone then go ahead."

He picked up Astra and held her close.

"Don't worry Ty I'll stand right here."

@Otakubeats @YoungX
He nodded sending Guts a message. Don't let her see or hear this fight.

Otakubeats said:
"Yes because obviously they aren't at all to blame. FUck this. These guys will escpe an do this shit again. They need to die."
He nodded sending Guts a message. Don't let her see or hear this fight.
Hibiki then nods at Guts and looks at Ty. "Well if you feel that strong about it... I won't stop you. I trust you."

@Otakubeats @TheBlackSwordsman
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Guts nodded to the both of them and turned to face her away from the coming death. He as gently as he could would hold her ears closed.
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Ty walked towards the three. He focused, a sound-wave being made. "They live, then they get jailed. After this...they won't be able to cause much trouble."
Hibiki just stood there just watching. Whatever happens is not of anyone's concern. For now he just watches to see what Ty does. He sends him a mind message. 'What happens here stays here. No one else will know of this incident.'

"Ty. I'm warning you. You won't walk away alive if you do this. I promise you."

Quill put his arms in front of Stella and Razor protectively. He wasn't letting anyone come close.
Quillicious said:
"Ty. I'm warning you. You won't walk away alive if you do this. I promise you."
Quill put his arms in front of Stella and Razor protectively. He wasn't letting anyone come close.
Ty put his hands down. "Quill. Give me one reason...." He actually looked broken. "You hurt someone you called family, and betrayed your friends. For what? Exactly....Unless you can say something that will make me consider not killing you, I have to."
Otakubeats said:
Ty moved and a soundwave cut the shark's gills making it die painfully slow. "Yea and maybe I'll mount yours on the wall next to my fireplace. SO go to hell."
"I never liked you land livers."

Then she prepared her sword. Only to stab an innocent little angel who ran in between. Echo fell down for a moment, looking at Stellla in confusion.

"This one was in the water to much. She's full of fear. I can fix it!"

With a touch of her hand, the oily black substance rushed out of Stella's head and she collapsed, coughing and shaking.

"She'll be okay! No death yet!"
"What the fuck...?"

Quill kneeled down to Stella and picked her up, looking concerned. He brushed the hair out of her face.

"Stella? Are you okay?"
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would call to Ty,
"Don't turn out like me kid you have the power to keep her safe. You have a promise."

Ty was mentally broken. All the hatred and fear had mixed his memories. Words barely registered anymore. He only knew that he needed to leave, and something about protecting someone. Anyone who could read minds would be able to see it. He waited for Quill's response.

Otakubeats said:
Ty was mentally broken. All the hatred and fear had mixed his memories. Words barely registered anymore. He only knew that he needed to leave, and something about protecting someone. Anyone who could read minds would be able to see it. He waited for Quill's response.
Hibiki sent Ty a mental message. 'Ty listen to Guts. He is right. Don't become like he once was. Protect Astra and be better than criminals and murderers. Dedicate your life to being a hero.'

Quillicious said:
"What the fuck...?"
Quill kneeled down to Stella and picked her up, looking concerned. He brushed the hair out of her face.

"Stella? Are you okay?"
Stella groaned softly, opening her eyes.

Echo went up to Ty and touched his head. Nearly gallons of fear and hatred flowed into her hands. She momentarily panicked before remembering the void. With a sigh, she sent more power to the other realm.

"M-mister Ty? Are you okay?"
YoungX said:
Hibiki sent Ty a mental message. 'Ty listen to Guts. He is right. Don't become like he once was. Protect Astra and be better than criminals and murderers. Dedicate your life to being a hero.'
This was the final thing that broke him. "SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE." Ty turned and ran, vanishing into the nearby city hiding in an alleyway. He sat against the wall his head on his knees as he waited for the memories to stop.
Quill sighed in relief. He hugged her tightly.

"I'm so glad you're okay. Stella, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have sucked you into this, I really shouldn't have."
Guts would hand Astra to Hibiki and with no words walk to Quill.

"You have caused these people nothing but pain and sorrow. You deserve to die right now."

He stood,

"I will not offer you such a gift as to let it all end. That is the kids choice but know this, you will not only have to get through Hibiki and Ty but me as well."

He then sent him a punch with his iron arm to the back of the head knocking him out. He did the same for Razor and left the girl there saying to her.

"You aren't as you were before the little one fixed you. Cross me and you will die."

He then said to Hibiki,

"Take Astra to him then take care of these people."

He then walked over to Echo,

"Take the pain from them. If there is such a thing as a one wish that will work perfectly then use mine to mend their minds and bodies. Please."

@Echo Dreamsong @YoungX @Otakubeats
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would hand Astra to Hibiki and with no words walk to Quill.
"You have caused these people nothing but pain and sorrow. You deserve to die right now."

He stood,

"I will not offer you such a gift as to let it all end. That is the kids choice but know this, you will not only have to get through Hibiki and Ty but me as well."

He then sent him a punch with his iron arm to the back of the head knocking him out. He did the same for Razor and left the girl there saying to her.

"You aren't as you were before the little one fixed you. Cross me and you will die."

He then said to Hibiki,

"Take Astra to him then take care of these people."

He then walked over to Echo,

"Take the pain from them. If there is such a thing as a one wish that will work perfectly then use mine to mend their minds and bodies. Please."

@Echo Dreamsong @YoungX @Otakubeats
Hibiki would nod and would look at Astra. "Shall we head off to see Ty?"

@Echo Dreamsong
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would hand Astra to Hibiki and with no words walk to Quill.
"You have caused these people nothing but pain and sorrow. You deserve to die right now."

He stood,

"I will not offer you such a gift as to let it all end. That is the kids choice but know this, you will not only have to get through Hibiki and Ty but me as well."

He then sent him a punch with his iron arm to the back of the head knocking him out. He did the same for Razor and left the girl there saying to her.

"You aren't as you were before the little one fixed you. Cross me and you will die."

He then said to Hibiki,

"Take Astra to him then take care of these people."

He then walked over to Echo,

"Take the pain from them. If there is such a thing as a one wish that will work perfectly then use mine to mend their minds and bodies. Please."

@Echo Dreamsong @YoungX @Otakubeats
Echo nodded, ignoring the disappearing tips of her fingers. She knelt beside Quill and whispered 'Forgive me' before removing the fear. She repeated the steps with the others. By the time that was done, the girl was barely more than an apparition. With a final smile, she collapsed, fading into nothing.

YoungX said:
Hibiki would nod and would look at Astra. "Shall we head off to see Ty?"
@Echo Dreamsong
Astra nodded slowly, shivering and wincing at every movement. The leg was severely infected, leading her leg to near useless. The fever didn't help, but she was determined to see her brother.

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