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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Hibiki would reach the facility along with Guts and would beat up the soldiers without transforming. Then he would lead him inside to look for Ty as he did he would send Ty a mind message. 'Ty we're here to rescue you. Where are you?'

@Otakubeats @TheBlackSwordsman
YoungX said:
Hibiki would reach the facility along with Guts and would beat up the soldiers without transforming. Then he would lead him inside to look for Ty as he did he would send Ty a mind message. 'Ty we're here to rescue you. Where are you?'
@Otakubeats @TheBlackSwordsman
The only response was visions of fear and pain. The images looked like they were coated in red.
Otakubeats said:
Something in Ty snapped as those words echoed and a visible change happened. His eyes burned bright. "YOu...sick.....bastards.." His anger was enough. The chains were crushed by his power and he stood. He grabbed the nearest man, throwing him at the wall hard enough to break his spine. "YOU FUCKERS ARE GOING TO HELL. And guess what. I have the pleasure of taking you!"
To their credit, the soldiers tried to fight back. They shot and shot before one had the idea to run. I wonder where he might have got that one.

Astra was being watched over by doctors as they watched her heart rate slowly decline. Astra felt really weird. She still didn't know what was happening. Only that her right leg was very painful. It seemed to pulse with the slowing heart. A doctor sighed.

"A shame. I would have loved to amputate that leg. It would have needed it to. I just hope the burning of this one doesn't smell too bad."
He drove to the facility and got out of his car. He got his Tommy-gun out and busted open the door. there were tons of people inside. He shot 15 bullets and killed everyone in there. "alright this way. He got out his 9mm pistol and looked down the hallway. "three people" he said and without looking he shot 3 bullets and then went on his way to Astra's room.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]To their credit, the soldiers tried to fight back. They shot and shot before one had the idea to run. I wonder where he might have got that one.
Astra was being watched over by doctors as they watched her heart rate slowly decline. Astra felt really weird. She still didn't know what was happening. Only that her right leg was very painful. It seemed to pulse with the slowing heart. A doctor sighed.

"A shame. I would have loved to amputate that leg. It would have needed it to. I just hope the burning of this one doesn't smell too bad."

Ty burst into her room, dragging one of the nurses by her hair. The hallway was destroyed, crimson painting the floor. He grinned. "SO.....I see your playing doctor. Well I suggest you fix this unless you want me to toss you in the incinerator like your pals! Funny thing! Soundproof walls makes it hard to hear them screaming." The nurse whimpered and Ty kicked her in the side. "SHut it bitch!!"
Otakubeats said:
The only response was visions of fear and pain. The images looked like they were coated in red.
"Well then... that's really heavy," he said as he would then use that to find out Ty's location. He would lead Guts to where Ty was in hopes of saving him and the others. As he did he would find Ty and would assess that he is alright. "Ty we're here to rescue you all. I'll have the Hero Association arrest and detain everyone here."

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong @TheBlackSwordsman
Stella smacked a person, and Caption Sharko ate someone too.

Fullmetal32 said:
He drove to the facility and got out of his car. He got his Tommy-gun out and busted open the door. there were tons of people inside. He shot 15 bullets and killed everyone in there. "alright this way. He got out his 9mm pistol and looked down the hallway. "three people" he said and without looking he shot 3 bullets and then went on his way to Astra's room.
Otakubeats said:
Ty burst into her room, dragging one of the nurses by her hair. The hallway was destroyed, crimson painting the floor. He grinned. "SO.....I see your playing doctor. Well I suggest you fix this unless you want me to toss you in the incinerator like your pals! Funny thing! Soundproof walls makes it hard to hear them screaming." The nurse whimpered and Ty kicked her in the side. "SHut it bitch!!"
A doctor finally jabbed a counter act into Astra's arm. It hurt worse than hell for her and she began to squirm.


She sobbed, straining against the chains. Her leg was even more painful to move, but she did it anyway. The angel of her mother was slipping away from her grip once again.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Stella smacked a person, and Caption Sharko ate someone too.
A doctor finally jabbed a counter act into Astra's arm. It hurt worse than hell for her and she began to squirm.


She sobbed, straining against the chains. Her leg was even more painful to move, but she did it anyway. The angel of her mother was slipping away from her grip once again.

Ty grinned at the doctor, before laughing. "Thanks. You are no use anymore." Ty grabbed the man and tosses him down the trash chute. The nurse followed, her screams echoing.
"Stella, I might need you to water abduct her so we can get to the panic room. Make sure to leave the wheelchair so she can't walk."
Guts would unsheath his new and improved blade and stand guard while Ty and the others did there thing.

"Lot of people to arrest pal I don't think they'll go down easy."

Quill kept silent until the man neared him. Then he just made him go to sleep, grabbed the key to his cuffs in between his feet, and kicked them up into his hands. He unlocked them and got up, snapping the man's neck. Exiting the room, he caused all staff around him to have aneurisms, killing them instantly. With a scowl on his face, he went into Astra's room. The doctors all died from organ failure as their brains shut down.

"We're getting out of here."
Fullmetal32 said:
"Stella, I might need you to water abduct her so we can get to the panic room. Make sure to leave the wheelchair so she can't walk."
Stella smirked and used awesome water to drag a screaming Astra threw the vents. Stella was rather happy when she sealed the vent with a water barrier.

"She'll be on the west side! Lets go get her!"
Otakubeats said:
Ty grinned at the doctor, before laughing. "Thanks. You are no use anymore." Ty grabbed the man and tosses him down the trash chute. The nurse followed, her screams echoing.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would unsheath his new and improved blade and stand guard while Ty and the others did there thing.
"Lot of people to arrest pal I don't think they'll go down easy."

"Excellent point," he said to Guts. He would then look to Ty and said, "Let's go. The Hero Association is going to come arrest these men anyhow. Government scandal isn't my business." His voice was calm as always.

Razor ran for the west side killing the guards with a giant knife. "Get her in the car lets go go go!!!"
Fullmetal32 said:
Razor ran for the west side killing the guards with a giant knife. "Get her in the car lets go go go!!!"
Stella suddenly grabbed Astra from Ty, leaving him to deal with three huge great white sharks.

"Move!" She cried when in the car.
"I'll get Ty you get her to the panic room, DON'T USE MY CAR! and don't start the torture until I'm there!!
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Stella suddenly grabbed Astra from Ty, leaving him to deal with three huge great white sharks.
"Move!" She cried when in the car.

Ty literally tore the sharks to bits. He laughed. "Really, a few minnows. Idiots." He then used his power to shatter the car's windows. Grabbing a nearby scapel he threw it using sound to guide it into the tire.
YoungX said:
"Follow me Guts. Astra is in danger," and would hurry on to the west side where he sees Ty getting Astra, but then Stella comes and takes Ty. Hibiki warps on top of the windshield where Stella is and would say to the her, "Well I'll have to detain you as A-Class Beetle Knight now. Can't believe Stella of all people turned evil."
@Fullmetal32 @TheBlackSwordsman @Echo Dreamsong
Quillicious said:
Quill sprinted out of the building to Razor's car, sliding over the hood and crouching behind it.
Stella, stop. This isn't the real you. If you really care about me, you'll stop.

@Echo Dreamsong @Fullmetal32
Stella frowned, confusion and horror on her face.

B-but isn't it a world of prey? Don't people live like the sharks?

Astra took this time to slap her in the face, earning the girl another cut from a steak knife, this one down her left arm.
Razor caught up to Ty, got behind him and shot him with his tommy-gun multiple times in the back. "Bitch." he said, stepping over him.
YoungX said:
Hibiki would then notice that the Hero Association has come to arrest those in the facility. Then Hibiki himself would begin to handcuff Stella. "Sorry Stella... but the world doesn't work like that."
@Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
Fullmetal32 said:
"Stella! I don't know what he is telling you but don't listen to him!!!"
Stella kicked at Hibiki, shouting at the top of her lungs. This time two mother fudging megalodon sharks came up, obviously hungry. One proceeded to bite the rear end off of the car Astra was in. Just barely missing her.

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