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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"Fuck. This."

Quill was the angriest he had ever been. Which only meant the douchebags on the beach were gonna have a bad time. They all fell to the ground, unconscious. One by one, Quill shot each and every one of the men, even forcing the pilots of the aircrafts to crash their vehicles into the ocean.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @YoungX
Hibiki upped his pace and would head towards the beach where he saw helicopters and bunch of men trying to get Ty and Astra. He would transform if not for Quill pretty much slaying all of the problems away. He would head to Ty and Astra and asked, "You guys alright?"

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
Quillicious said:
"Fuck. This."
Quill was the angriest he had ever been. Which only meant the douchebags on the beach were gonna have a bad time. They all fell to the ground, unconscious. One by one, Quill shot each and every one of the men, even forcing the pilots of the aircrafts to crash their vehicles into the ocean.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @YoungX
One man somehow managed to shoot his rocketlauncher at Quill before back up arrived. Seven men armed with metal helmets and machine guns advanced on Quill and Hibiki. Three split to grab their new prisoners. When the two awoke, they'd find themselves chained to a table in sound proof rooms. Not the best place to be.
Guts saw the chaos ensue with all the men dropping and the helicopters falling out of the sky.

"Well somethings happening that's for sure"

He picked up the pace and was almost there.
YoungX said:
Hibiki transformed into Ultimate Kuuga and would effortlessly knock the men unconscious as well as destroying their weaponry. "Whoever these guys are they need to be stopped."
By then the helicopter was long gone.

One of the men attempted to crawl away with terror in his gaze.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts saw the chaos ensue with all the men dropping and the helicopters falling out of the sky.
"Well somethings happening that's for sure"

He picked up the pace and was almost there.
Emily and Yasero raced with them. Robin had been sent home early.

"That's near the warehouse!" Emily cried before Yasero shifted to her wolf. Emily effortlessly swung onto her companions back and dashed towards the chaos.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]One man somehow managed to shoot his rocketlauncher at Quill before back up arrived. Seven men armed with metal helmets and machine guns advanced on Quill and Hibiki. Three split to grab their new prisoners. When the two awoke, they'd find themselves chained to a table in sound proof rooms. Not the best place to be.

Ty woke, and immediately freaked out realizing what was going on. "No! Not again. Fuckers!" He struggled against the binds.
YoungX said:
Kuuga would approach one of the meant that attempted to crawl away and lifted him up giving him a calm gaze even though he couldn't see his eyes. "This is really interesting. My friends were captured, and I hope you would be so kind as to lead me to them yes?"
@Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
The soldier immediately broke.

"I-I can't sir! Lowly soldiers like myself can't know! Please! I have a wife and two kids, I have to get home to them!"

Otakubeats said:
Ty woke, and immediately freaked out realizing what was going on. "No! Not again. Fuckers!" He struggled against the binds.
A man in a crisp black suit entered the room.

"Subject is awake."

He said into a radio before moving into a chair at Ty's feet.

"Now, I need you to say your name and powers. Don't forget any other info. If not, we can always hurt the red head."
Guts n company would finally make it a little late for the party. Guts would look around and see the dead all over but Ty and Astra were no where to be found. He spotted... Something he didn't recognize but he was interrogating the soldiers. He walked up to him and said,

"Hey pal I got a reason to help rescue Ty and Astra so I'm tagging along with you."

YoungX said:
"Well... never mind... Ok now your going to have to take me to the base or I'll have to do it," he said calmly even though he wasn't planning to kill the poor guy.
@Echo Dreamsong
The soldier sobbed.

"I-I'd never be able to. The base is over the ocean. On an island! I don't even know the location!"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]The soldier immediately broke.
"I-I can't sir! Lowly soldiers like myself can't know! Please! I have a wife and two kids, I have to get home to them!"

A man in a crisp black suit entered the room.

"Subject is awake."

He said into a radio before moving into a chair at Ty's feet.

"Now, I need you to say your name and powers. Don't forget any other info. If not, we can always hurt the red head."

Ty gritted his teeth and growled. "My name is Tyler Grey. Powers include minor shadow manipulation, sound-wave related abilities, and silence inducing skills. You can do what you want to me, just leave her alone. Please."
Meanwhile, Astra awoke with a deep gash on her leg. It seemed angry and small veins traveled from it. She tried to move it, but nothing seemed to work. A small creak alerted her to the entrance of a man dressed like the one with Ty. Naturally she tried to light her hands. But they were stuck in airtight glass cuffs. She growled lowly before the man sat next to her.

"Subject seems to be agitated, a normal sign. Now, tell us your name, power, and history." He demanded before adding "Or we might hurt that brother of yours."

That made Astra freeze.

"M-my name is, um, A-Astra Conover. I-I have fire. But you already knew that. I-I lived on the city streets most of my life. Please don't hurt him!"

The man nodded.

"Of course not. We will begin testing on the subject's feline appendages in the morning."

Astra froze before growling at him.

Otakubeats said:
Ty gritted his teeth and growled. "My name is Tyler Grey. Powers include minor shadow manipulation, sound-wave related abilities, and silence inducing skills. You can do what you want to me, just leave her alone. Please."
The man smiled and turned off the tape.

"Good. We won't harm her."

Then he walked out and a nurse came in to help him eat. More like force him to eat the slimy chicken and jello.
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[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Meanwhile, Astra awoke with a deep gash on her leg. It seemed angry and small veins traveled from it. She tried to move it, but nothing seemed to work. A small creak alerted her to the entrance of a man dressed like the one with Ty. Naturally she tried to light her hands. But they were stuck in airtight glass cuffs. She growled lowly before the man sat next to her.
"Subject seems to be agitated, a normal sign. Now, tell us your name, power, and history." He demanded before adding "Or we might hurt that brother of yours."

That made Astra freeze.

"M-my name is, um, A-Astra Conover. I-I have fire. But you already knew that. I-I lived on the city streets most of my life. Please don't hurt him!"

The man nodded.

"Of course not. We will begin testing on the subject's feline appendages in the morning."

Astra froze before growling at him.

The man smiled and turned off the tape.

"Good. We won't harm her."

Then he walked out and a nurse came in to help him eat. More like force him to eat the slimy chicken and jello.

He ate the food, because he knew that any act of defiance could be used as a reason to hurt Astra.
Otakubeats said:
He ate the food, because he knew that any act of defiance could be used as a reason to hurt Astra.
the nurse nodded before rushing out and turning off the lights, locking the door from outside.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts n company would finally make it a little late for the party. Guts would look around and see the dead all over but Ty and Astra were no where to be found. He spotted... Something he didn't recognize but he was interrogating the soldiers. He walked up to him and said,
"Hey pal I got a reason to help rescue Ty and Astra so I'm tagging along with you."

@TheBlackSwordsman[/URL] @Echo Dreamsong
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]the nurse nodded before rushing out and turning off the lights, locking the door from outside.

Hearing the lock click, Ty began to panic. He shook a bit, remembering things he'd never told the others, even Hibiki or Bolt. The visions of being held in a cage by doctors to 'help' him flashed back and forth. He felt his heart rate quicken as his breathing became panicked.
Quill woke up, groggy from sleep. As he tried to rub his eyes, he realized they were bound to the table. Awesome. He let his head fall to the table, sighing. At least he killed those guys out there. That's a plus.
YoungX said:
Kuuga would look to see Guts, but he had never met him before. He knows Ty and Astra so he knows he can trust him. "The Ocean huh? It's fine we'll find out ourselves," and would let the soldier go. Then he would look to Guts and transformed back into Hibiki. "Sure sounds like a plan. My nam his Hibiki. Anyways we should secretly tail that soldier to see where he goes."
@TheBlackSwordsman @Echo Dreamsong
The soldier took off, instantly running down the street to his home. When he finally got there, her picked up his six year old daughter and threw her in the air before catching her. The girl giggled in delight, clapping her hands.

"Hi Mary! Did you like preschool?" He asked with a smile.

"Daddy! I got a cookie!" The girl cried, still clapping.

Otakubeats said:
Hearing the lock click, Ty began to panic. He shook a bit, remembering things he'd never told the others, even Hibiki or Bolt. The visions of being held in a cage by doctors to 'help' him flashed back and forth. He felt his heart rate quicken as his breathing became panicked.
The doctor came in with a needle this time.

"Mister Grey, this will help you sleep."

He quickly injected the calming medicine to knock him out before scurrying off.

Somewhere in the distance, Astra screamed.

The men had begun pulling on her ears, yanking them and tearing the sensitive skin. But the worst part was when she refused to say where the base was. They injected a fire like substance into her veins, bringing hallucinations and nearly unbearable pain to every part of her.

"Speak subject!"

Astra shook her head, still sobbing violently. That was when he gripped the infected cut with nearly inhuman strength. Astra let out an ear shattering scream before passing out from the sheer pain.
"I'm not sure they said there base was in the ocean but the soldiers don't know. Do you think the warehouse is safe?"

He pointed to Casca,

"She isn't coming with us."

He then took one of the bodies of the soldiers and said to the man,

"Maybe they have something on them that would help us?"


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