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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Astra just, um, fell forward out of the chair and into the sand. The fire spirits instantly swarmed, biting at anyone. Even Ty and Bolt.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra just, um, fell forward out of the chair and into the sand. The fire spirits instantly swarmed, biting at anyone. Even Ty and Bolt.

The spirits would find themselves suffocating if they neared ty.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]The spirits mostly avoided him. One tried to move Astra so she wasn't breathing in sand.

Ty used a bit of his power to help the spirit so she'd be laying on her back.
Later on that day Guts would eventually make it to the cabin nessled next to the mountain. He walked up to the door and opened it without knocking. To his relief he saw everyone, Rickert, Godo, Erica and Casca all safe and sound.

Godo said to him,

"Well hello there boy nice of you to finally show your face here again."

Rickert said,

"Guts is nice to see you."

Guts replied,

"Hey Rickert hey old man sorry I haven't been around in 3 years."

Godo waved his hand,

"Trust me boy we know it's fine but me and you do need to talk."

Guts replied,

"Soon old man soon but where's Casca?"

Rickert answered,

"Out back playing with Erica."

Guts said,

"Thanks Rickert and Godo I need some repairs and some new modifications to my sword and armor."

Godo said,

"Let me take a look at them."

Guts stripped off his armor leaving his cloths underneath and held his sword up for Godo.

"Blood rust, scratches, dents and chips holy ship boy you must be waging a full war this amount of damage shouldn't have come this fast."

Guts asked,

"Is it fixable?"

Godo laughed,

"Of course it is if I hadn't known you that would have been an insult. Now go talk with your lady friend then come back I need to speak with you."

Guts nodded and walked back outside with Rickert alongside him.

"You know Guts you never told me what happened with Griffith and Casca and our whole group. Ivan understand it may be emotional but I was apart of it too so I have a right to know."

Guts started to have a cold sweat and remembered the hell he was put through. Rickert had been off scouting at the time so he didn't know what happened and three years ago Rickert was younger but now he was a young man so Guts though maybe it was time to tell him...

After a bit of explaining Guts told him what had happened to their group and Rickert broke into tears. Guts held him in a hug,

"I know you were too young to be told all this I'm sorry Rickery. Now you know what Casca is mad and why I lost my eye and arm. I had to leave to find him and make things right again."

Rickert stood and wiped his tears away and said,

"I understand Guts thank you for telling me."

As he said this Erica came from behind the house with Casca behind her. Erica looked at the crying Rickert and Guts and said,

"Guts your such a big meanie why do you gotta scare Casca and make Rickert cry??"

Rickert piped up,

"No Erica he's ok don't be getting mad at him please."

As this exchange was going on Guts hadn't stopped looking at Casca. She hadn't lost her fit figure but you could tell she was still mad. Images flashed in his head of her back before all this hell. She was strong, valiant and brave and now she was an infant in a women's body. Guts walked closer to her and to his surprise she wasn't scared of him now as she was back when his journey first began. She was scared of him because of the malice and rage that had become apart of his very soul but now she seems to not be scared anymore. She still didn't remember him or their love for eachother but at least she didn't run or scream at the sight of him. He didn't try to touch her he didn't think she was ready for that. After some time of watching her and Erica have fun Guts went back inside to talk with Godo man to man.

"Hey old man."

He said as he walked into the the blacksmithing room.

"Hey boy find a chair I got something to tell you."

Guts did as Godo asked and Godo started talking to him.

"Son I'm old, much older than you'd think, and I'm gonna die soon. It's getting hard for me to walk more than five steps so I sit or lay down most days. Fixing your equipment is exhausting but I know that this very well may be the last time that I get to smith anything. Now boy take this as a bit of an old mans dying advise, stop your war. Your heart is like a sword and when it's drenched in a thing called malice it'll rust. When it rusts you reforge it but each time you reforge it there are cracks left in it. The cracks are called vengeance and boy your heart is cracked to hell. Eventually it'll break and you won't be a person anymore you'll be a hollow husk of a man."

Guts was starting to cold sweat again thinking of quiting his war on Griffith after everything he had done? After all the struggling he endured? After the hell Griffith put him and Casca through? He didn't know what to do.

Godo continued,

"Your heart is an irreplaceable thing boy when it's gone it's gone for good. That girl you have is also an irreplaceable thing and you know what you did with her? In your efforts to keep her safe from harm you left her hear to walk your path to vengeance. For three years you let your heart rust and crack and you left your women here in a state of mind not letting her do anything on her own. You walked your path of vengeance and left one of the few irreplaceable things here to rust and crack without you."

Guts was shocked and was sweating hardcore. His mind was racing at this old mans advice. His women his one thing that he didn't ever want to lose he left here all alone.

Godo continued,

"Look boy I've done nothing butt blacksmith all my life. I don't even know why I smith now I just do it because it's all I know. Don't turn out like me kid and don't lose those irreplaceable things..."

After their talk Godo had finished his equipment.

"Now boy I sharpened the sword and tempered it to be much more tough and deal much more damage. I fit rubber on the handle and the souls of your boots like you asked. I reforged the armor entirely so now it's completely bulletproof on most parts though like you asked I shaved some metal off the joints so you can move faster."

Guts nodded and thanked him he then suited up and walked outside to find Rickert, Erica and Casca all together. He walked up to them and Rickert asked,

"Your leaving already? You can't stay even one night?"

"Sorry Rickert but I have to go I have a few leads on healing Casca. Speaking of Casca..."

He walked over to her and put his arm around her. Again to his surprise she didn't even flinch. He looked to Erica and said,

"I'm sorry Erica but I have to take her with me. I might have found a way to heal her."

Erica stomped her foot and even though she was five she pointed to Guts and said,

"Your a meanie but you better take good care of Casca. You better feed her and take care of her as best you can and you better help her. If you don't then I'm gonna beat the snot outta you!!"

Guts smiled and kneeled down to her height,

"Miss Erica I promise that I will take good care of Casca and I will help her."

He held out his hand for her to shake. With her tiny hand she shoock his finger and nodded to him,

"Good and you better not stay gone as long as you did!!"

"Yes ma'am"

He replied back to her.

With a few goodbyes Guts held Casca's hand and they walked back to the city together.
Emily and Yasero had been running around, with Yasero in wolf form. The most surprising thing would probably be Robin on the animal's back. Robin suddenly pointed at the two and the heroes looked up.

"Oh, uh, hello people!"

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Later on that day Guts would eventually make it to the cabin nessled next to the mountain. He walked up to the door and opened it without knocking. To his relief he saw everyone, Rickert, Godo, Erica and Casca all safe and sound.
Godo said to him,

"Well hello there boy nice of you to finally show your face here again."

Rickert said,

"Guts is nice to see you."

Guts replied,

"Hey Rickert hey old man sorry I haven't been around in 3 years."

Godo waved his hand,

"Trust me boy we know it's fine but me and you do need to talk."

Guts replied,

"Soon old man soon but where's Casca?"

Rickert answered,

"Out back playing with Erica."

Guts said,

"Thanks Rickert and Godo I need some repairs and some new modifications to my sword and armor."

Godo said,

"Let me take a look at them."

Guts stripped off his armor leaving his cloths underneath and held his sword up for Godo.

"Blood rust, scratches, dents and chips holy ship boy you must be waging a full war this amount of damage shouldn't have come this fast."

Guts asked,

"Is it fixable?"

Godo laughed,

"Of course it is if I hadn't known you that would have been an insult. Now go talk with your lady friend then come back I need to speak with you."

Guts nodded and walked back outside with Rickert alongside him.

"You know Guts you never told me what happened with Griffith and Casca and our whole group. Ivan understand it may be emotional but I was apart of it too so I have a right to know."

Guts started to have a cold sweat and remembered the hell he was put through. Rickert had been off scouting at the time so he didn't know what happened and three years ago Rickert was younger but now he was a young man so Guts though maybe it was time to tell him...

After a bit of explaining Guts told him what had happened to their group and Rickert broke into tears. Guts held him in a hug,

"I know you were too young to be told all this I'm sorry Rickery. Now you know what Casca is mad and why I lost my eye and arm. I had to leave to find him and make things right again."

Rickert stood and wiped his tears away and said,

"I understand Guts thank you for telling me."

As he said this Erica came from behind the house with Casca behind her. Erica looked at the crying Rickert and Guts and said,

"Guts your such a big meanie why do you gotta scare Casca and make Rickert cry??"

Rickert piped up,

"No Erica he's ok don't be getting mad at him please."

As this exchange was going on Guts hadn't stopped looking at Casca. She hadn't lost her fit figure but you could tell she was still mad. Images flashed in his head of her back before all this hell. She was strong, valiant and brave and now she was an infant in a women's body. Guts walked closer to her and to his surprise she wasn't scared of him now as she was back when his journey first began. She was scared of him because of the malice and rage that had become apart of his very soul but now she seems to not be scared anymore. She still didn't remember him or their love for eachother but at least she didn't run or scream at the sight of him. He didn't try to touch her he didn't think she was ready for that. After some time of watching her and Erica have fun Guts went back inside to talk with Godo man to man.

"Hey old man."

He said as he walked into the the blacksmithing room.

"Hey boy find a chair I got something to tell you."

Guts did as Godo asked and Godo started talking to him.

"Son I'm old, much older than you'd think, and I'm gonna die soon. It's getting hard for me to walk more than five steps so I sit or lay down most days. Fixing your equipment is exhausting but I know that this very well may be the last time that I get to smith anything. Now boy take this as a bit of an old mans dying advise, stop your war. Your heart is like a sword and when it's drenched in a thing called malice it'll rust. When it rusts you reforge it but each time you reforge it there are cracks left in it. The cracks are called vengeance and boy your heart is cracked to hell. Eventually it'll break and you won't be a person anymore you'll be a hollow husk of a man."

Guts was starting to cold sweat again thinking of quiting his war on Griffith after everything he had done? After all the struggling he endured? After the hell Griffith put him and Casca through? He didn't know what to do.

Godo continued,

"Your heart is an irreplaceable thing boy when it's gone it's gone for good. That girl you have is also an irreplaceable thing and you know what you did with her? In your efforts to keep her safe from harm you left her hear to walk your path to vengeance. For three years you let your heart rust and crack and you left your women here in a state of mind not letting her do anything on her own. You walked your path of vengeance and left one of the few irreplaceable things here to rust and crack without you."

Guts was shocked and was sweating hardcore. His mind was racing at this old mans advice. His women his one thing that he didn't ever want to lose he left here all alone.

Godo continued,

"Look boy I've done nothing butt blacksmith all my life. I don't even know why I smith now I just do it because it's all I know. Don't turn out like me kid and don't lose those irreplaceable things..."

After their talk Godo had finished his equipment.

"Now boy I sharpened the sword and tempered it to be much more tough and deal much more damage. I fit rubber on the handle and the souls of your boots like you asked. I reforged the armor entirely so now it's completely bulletproof on most parts though like you asked I shaved some metal off the joints so you can move faster."

Guts nodded and thanked him he then suited up and walked outside to find Rickert, Erica and Casca all together. He walked up to them and Rickert asked,

"Your leaving already? You can't stay even one night?"

"Sorry Rickert but I have to go I have a few leads on healing Casca. Speaking of Casca..."

He walked over to her and put his arm around her. Again to his surprise she didn't even flinch. He looked to Erica and said,

"I'm sorry Erica but I have to take her with me. I might have found a way to heal her."

Erica stomped her foot and even though she was five she pointed to Guts and said,

"Your a meanie but you better take good care of Casca. You better feed her and take care of her as best you can and you better help her. If you don't then I'm gonna beat the snot outta you!!"

Guts smiled and kneeled down to her height,

"Miss Erica I promise that I will take good care of Casca and I will help her."

He held out his hand for her to shake. With her tiny hand she shoock his finger and nodded to him,

"Good and you better not stay gone as long as you did!!"

"Yes ma'am"

He replied back to her.

With a few goodbyes Guts held Casca's hand and they walked back to the city together.
Hibiki would be reading another book at his apartment. There really wasn't much to be doing, so he read up on the human mind. He was curious as to whether or not humans can adapt to mental attacks.
June mumbled something at left 'Tomorrow Towers'. She went outside and walked for a bit. "Guess I'll be living on the streets. Can't really go back home after..." She chuckled a bit. "... The accident." June found a small alley with no one else in it. She sat down at the end of the alley and waited for the right time.

((Is it currently night in the to or no?))
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would look at the two animals talking to him,
"Hey granted I'd love to sit and chat with two animals but I gotta go."

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily huffed and Robin crossed her arms.

Yasero suddenly shifted, glaring at Guts.

"So me having a wolf form makes me bad? How about humans. They're pretty awful."

Emily hugged her little blond sister, staring daggers at the now hostile Guts.
@Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock @Quillicious

Ty grunted and slowly got up. "You asshole...to think I actually cared if you were okay. And Stella...." He shook his head. "To think I actually saved your life, that I liked being your friend." He stood up straight something dark lingering in his eyes. "I'm sick of betrayal. And I'm sick of you. So let's just deal with it." He snapped his fingers sending a burst of sound at her rib-cage. "I'm sick of liars toying with me and who I love. Especially when it's someone I cared for doing the lying."
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"Everyone, stop! Razor, Stella, just stop."

Quill got up and walked toward the water, his head hanging.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I'm too weak to kill you. I'm too weak to get over my stupid emotions. I'm ending it. Now. Really, I'm done with this."

He sprinted to the edge of the water and waded out, swimming to where it dropped off. With a bit of a hesitation, he stopped treading water and sank slowly down.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong @Fullmetal32

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