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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Jane nodded but couldn't hide a little smile for the little imp "I guess that a visit at your HQ is in order, it's on Earth right?" she asked, not sure what to expect more from this weird future. She tried to stand up but her bones ached sharply and the astronaut almost fell on her legs "Argh! Grissom told me about staying too long in space... Uh maybe I should stay in the hospital a little while" She saida bit embarassed while crawling back in the bed.

"Maybe I should read a couple of newspapers just to see what kind of future is this, I have the feeling that it's not all jetpacks and daily space travels" she said abit grim while looking out the window.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Stella sighed and gave him a map.
"Lure her out with a small voice. That usually works. Or I could water abduct her."

"Hell no!" He said. "We can't make it super loud." Razor drove down to the nearest store and bought a shit ton of mangoes. He drove to the panic room he made in the middle of nowhere and filled the entire thing with the mangoes. Razor then drove to the warehouse by the beach that Stella told him Astra would be. He walked in knowing Astra wouldn't know who he was since they hadn't met yet. He held a mango in his hands and started eating it while he walked in. He noticed Astra and sat down next to her. "I like to come here to think." He lied, and took another bite of the mango he was eating.
Bolt smiled "Let's help you walk again! Plus Ty has his game so we can just walk around," he said grabbing her hand and lifting her off the ground. He gently placed her down, keeping her on the ground but enough where she was still holding onto his hand.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats
Fullmetal32 said:
"Hell no!" He said. "We can't make it super loud." Razor drove down to the nearest store and bought a shit ton of mangoes. He drove to the panic room he made in the middle of nowhere and filled the entire thing with the mangoes. Razor then drove to the warehouse by the beach that Stella told him Astra would be. He walked in knowing Astra wouldn't know who he was since they hadn't met yet. He held a mango in his hands and started eating it while he walked in. He noticed Astra and sat down next to her. "I like to come here to think." He lied, and took another bite of the mango he was eating.
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL] @Otakubeats
Astra frowned at the strange man, but shrugged it off. Astra's legs wobbled for a minute before the girl took a hesitant step. Instantly her legs buckled, leaving her with only Bolt to hold onto. With a sigh she shook her head

"Mommy? Can I wheel along the beach? I need some time to think..."

Damacyn said:
Jane nodded but couldn't hide a little smile for the little imp "I guess that a visit at your HQ is in order, it's on Earth right?" she asked, not sure what to expect more from this weird future. She tried to stand up but her bones ached sharply and the astronaut almost fell on her legs "Argh! Grissom told me about staying too long in space... Uh maybe I should stay in the hospital a little while" She saida bit embarassed while crawling back in the bed.
"Maybe I should read a couple of newspapers just to see what kind of future is this, I have the feeling that it's not all jetpacks and daily space travels" she said abit grim while looking out the window.
Yasero stifled a laugh, shaking her head.

"Sorry to tell you, but that's not quite worked yet. We don't have those just yet, but we do have health care!"

Emily shook her head. "Canada has better health care... And eggs."
Bolt put her in the wheelchair "Without me? Are you sure, I wouldn't want you to get hurt," he said leaning against a light pole, grabbing the two and vanishing to the beach. He patted Astra's head, a nervous look on his face.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats
If I'm gonna take on Astra I'm going to need to get rid of bolt first. shit! Razor grabbed an old knife he had in his pocket. I hope this works. He walked behind bolt and stabbed her through her back, narrowly missing her spine.
Fullmetal32 said:
If I'm gonna take on Astra I'm going to need to get rid of bolt first. shit! Razor grabbed an old knife he had in his pocket. I hope this works. He walked behind bolt and stabbed her through her back, narrowly missing her spine.
( xD Bolt's a guy)
Fullmetal32 said:
If I'm gonna take on Astra I'm going to need to get rid of bolt first. shit! Razor grabbed an old knife he had in his pocket. I hope this works. He walked behind bolt and stabbed her through her back, narrowly missing her spine.
(Bolt's male....Astra just calls him Mommy)
Otakubeats said:
Ty had heard them mention a beach, and followed. He watched and was surprised when Bolt got stabbed. Ty then ran to catch up with Astra.
(Ty logic: Oh no Bolt's been stabbed! Well better go follow Astra xD )
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra somehow was nearly a mile away. What sort of magic is this?! Oh, just Chalice and friends.

Ty caught up to her after a few minutes "Damnit..." He took a breath and looked at her. "Bolt's in trouble. Let's get off the beach before he zaps the water or something."
After a few hours of fast jogging he checked his hand and too his surprise it was only a bit sore. He continued on his journey until he heard the slight voice,

"You can't escape me. Your blood, your bones, your heart, your eyes and ears, your fear and anger all of it is mine for the taking. You have the brand you are mine."

"Shut up"

"No matter how far you run or how fast I will always be there."

"Shut up!"

"Maybe I'll go get Casca?"

Guts readied his arm cannon,


He shot his cannon into the sky and it seemed to shut him up for now...

He continues on his running.
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(Ty logic: Oh no Bolt's been stabbed! Well better go follow Astra xD )

(...Ty's like:.....The fuck can I do?! If bolt can't win I'm just cannon foder. May as well protect my sister.)
Otakubeats said:
Ty caught up to her after a few minutes "Damnit..." He took a breath and looked at her. "Bolt's in trouble. Let's get off the beach before he zaps the water or something."
Astra shrieked, eyes growing wide. Within a minute, Chalice and the four other flames pushed her along as she also wheeled. Seeing a gun pointed at her mom, she went faster.

"MommY!" She cried before throwing Chalice (Aka tiny fire spirit) at Razor.
"Really? Damn you Buck Rogers! you lied to me!" She said jokingly while laughing but couldn't help but wonder what the hell is an 'Healt Care'

Just then a nurse asked the trio to leave as their time with the 'astronaut' was over, but not before asking for the address of the HQ. As they leaved Jane took out a photo of her with two men clad in her same space suit, the memory of her friends and fellow astronauts made her weep a tear, wondering if they're still alive and if they had the life they dreamed.

OOC: (Sorry, It's past 1 AM here, gotta call it a day and log off, bye!)
Damacyn said:
"Really? Damn you Buck Rogers! you lied to me!" She said jokingly while laughing but couldn't help but wonder what the hell is an 'Healt Care'
Just then a nurse asked the trio to leave as their time with the 'astronaut' was over, but not before asking for the address of the HQ. As they leaved Jane took out a photo of her with two men clad in her same space suit, the memory of her friends and fellow astronauts made her weep a tear, wondering if they're still alive and if they had the life they dreamed.

OOC: (Sorry, It's past 1 AM here, gotta call it a day and log off, bye!)
Emily sighed and waved before practically dragging her sister out. Yasero followed like the loyal wolf she is.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra shrieked, eyes growing wide. Within a minute, Chalice and the four other flames pushed her along as she also wheeled. Seeing a gun pointed at her mom, she went faster.
"MommY!" She cried before throwing Chalice (Aka tiny fire spirit) at Razor.

Ty followed her closely.
Fullmetal32 said:
"What the fuck!?" He looked at Astra and knocked her out with the back side of his gun. He turned back around to bolt and pointed the gun again at him.
@Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock
"ASTRA!" Ty. Was. Pissed. "HEY JACKASS!" He snapped his fingers and a blast of sound would go for his shoulder with enough force to dislocate it.
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