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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

How much time passed? Hours? Days? Years? She felt like she has been... 'There' for maybe a century or so, tucked in her stiff and minuscule space capsule. But no, the clock showed that just 2 days passed. She wondered if ground control was still looking for her, with the antennas pointed skyward trying to find a little tin can lost among the stars.

But her trail of thoughts was interupted by whispering voices... The same spooky whispers that has been bombing her brain relentlessly for hours. She again felt that weird feeling, she felt as if she learned something, yet she couldn't tell what, it was driving her insane.

"STOP IT!!! Please! I beg you, let me go!..." She yelled while crying, unsure if 'Them' could listen her from beyond the suit and the capsule. Somehow her pleads worked, until they began whispering again, but this time they were talking between them.

Suddently her capsule shuddered, yanking her left and right inside the scarce space of the tin can, but then she saw it. The Earth, with it's beautiful clouds and the mighty blue sea. She was glued to the little window of the tin can in joy and marvel, she was going to cry but her instrument warned her that the ground was getting near, too near.

She left aside her feelings and began the standard procedure for landing, she didn't knew where she was going to land, maybe in the ocean or maybe in the middle of Kansas but in any case she was ready to go home and turned on her radio.

"Mercury to Canaveral, Mercury to Canaveral, I'm beginning re-entry, can you hear me? over." She waited for a couple of minutes but she received just the absolute silence, that wasn't good, expecially since she was starting to burn through the atmosphere. She waited more, even if she somehow managed to pick a signal she was in the middle of re-entry, extreme g-forces were tearing her appart while flames enveloped the little tin can, it was painful but after a while she was finally inside the atmosphere and she was ready to engage her parachute.

"Mercury to Canaveral, Can you hear me? I need navigational support, over!" She waited another, torturing minute until she finally picked a signal.

"This is LAX Ground Control, What kind of aircraft are you Mercury? You're vertically descending on the city!" Said angrily a man over the radio.

"The WHAT?!? This capsule can land only on water!! Oh no, I'm gonna crash!!!" She yelled at the radio frightened. The man over the radio tried to calm her down but she had to quickly find a way. She felt it, the ground coming right below her and ready turn her into a pastiche of scrap metal and red mist.

But then she felt a whisper inside her head, the same she heard in the void, she tried to focus, to catch it with her mind, until she understood, it was something she couldn't comprehend consciously, yet she knew what to do.

The metallic capsule fell down on the road, gently from the sky as if it was made of actual tin foil, it was falling too slowly for something so big and yet all it made was just a gentle thud.

The astronaut has never been that happy in her whole life. With a little of difficulty she climbed out of her tin can and saw... Motor cars? High buildings? It was all so strange and allien, and alliens were the weirdly dressed people who was watching her amazed.

A couple of people that looked like policemen came to help her climb down from the capsule, their uniforms were so strange and one of them was even a woman!

"A-a police... woman?" She said amazed, she couldn't believe what she was looking at but the policewoman looked like she took offence to that.

"What? You never saw a policewoman? Did you just came back from the moon or what?" Snarked the woman, but the astronaut was sweating heavily and she felt her bones so brittle and weak.

"J-Just what year is now?" She asked dreadfully, she was going to pass out any moment but she was trying to hold on.

"2016, why you ask?" The astronaut just fell down on her knees and blacked out. The medics would say that the re-entry drained her physically, but in reality, the future was just so scary for Jane.
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Damacyn said:
How much time passed? Hours? Days? Years? She felt like she has been... 'There' for maybe a century or so, tucked in her stiff and minuscule space capsule. But no, the clock showed that just 2 days passed. She wondered if ground control was still looking for her, with the antennas pointed skyward trying to find a little tin can lost among the stars.
But her trail of thoughts was interupted by whispering voices... The same spooky whispers that has been bombing her brain relentlessly for hours. She again felt that weird feeling, she felt as if she learned something, yet she couldn't tell what, it was driving her insane.

"STOP IT!!! Please! I beg you, let me go!..." She yelled while crying, unsure if 'Them' could listen her from beyond the suit and the capsule. Somehow her pleads worked, until they began whispering again, but this time they were talking between them.

Suddently her capsule shuddered, yanking her left and right inside the scarce space of the tin can, but then she saw it. The Earth, with it's beautiful clouds and the mighty blue sea. She was glued to the little window of the tin can in joy and marvel, she was going to cry but her instrument warned her that the ground was getting near, too near.

She left aside her feelings and began the standard procedure for landing, she didn't knew where she was going to land, maybe in the ocean or maybe in the middle of Kansas but in any case she was ready to go home and turned on her radio.

"Mercury to Canaveral, Mercury to Canaveral, I'm beginning re-entry, can you hear me? over." She waited for a couple of minutes but she received just the absolute silence, that wasn't good, expecially since she was starting to burn through the atmosphere. She waited more, even if she somehow managed to pick a signal she was in the middle of re-entry, extreme g-forces were tearing her appart while flames enveloped the little tin can, it was painful but after a while she was finally inside the atmosphere and she was ready to engage her chute.

"Mercury to Canaveral, Can you hear me? I need navigational support, over!" She waited another, torturing minute until she finally picked a signal.

"This is LAX Ground Control, What kind of aircraft are you Mercury? You're vertically descending on the city!" Said angrily a man over the radio.

"The WHAT?!? This capsule can land only on water!! Oh no, I'm gonna crash!!!" She yelled at the radio frightened. The man over the radio tried to calm her down but she had to quickly find a way. She felt it, the ground coming right below her and ready turn her into a pastiche of scrap metal and red mist.

But then she felt a whisper inside her head, the same she heard in the void, she tried to focus, to catch it with her mind, until she understood, it was something she couldn't comprehend consciously, yet she knew what to do.

The metallic capsule fell down on the road, gently from the sky as if it was made of actual tin foil, it was falling too slowly for something so big and yet all it made was just a gentle thud.

The astronaut has never been that happy in her whole life. With a little of difficulty she climbed out of her tin can and saw... Motor cars? High buildings? It was all so strange and allien, and alliens were the weirdly dressed people who was watching her amazed.

A couple of people that looked like policemen came to help her climb down from the capsule, their uniforms were so strange and one of them was even a woman!

"A-a police... woman?" She said amazed, she couldn't believe what she was looking at but the policewoman looked like she took offence to that.

"What? You never saw a policewoman? Did you just came back from the moon or what?" Snarked the woman, but the astronaut was sweating heavily and she felt her bones so brittle and weak.

"J-Just what year is now?" She asked dreadfully, she was going to pass out any moment but she was trying to hold on.

"2016, why you ask?" The astronaut just fell down on her knees and blacked out. The medics would say that the re-entry drained her physically, but in reality, the future was just so scary for Jane.
Emily and Yasero had seen this, leading to the pair running to the location.

"Please step aside! Official hero duty!"

The white wolf, creating a slippery ice path, sealed the deal. Emily knelt down next to the girl. The person seemed odd to this time, but only Robin would know about that.

The girl wore a light green tank top and purple jean shorts. With a small black mask covering around her eyes.

Sitting next to the strange girl, Emily felt for a pulse. High, but there. Yasero trotted next to her human companion and created a bit of ice for Emily to use.

"Thanks Yey."

The medics watched carefully, worry etched on her face.

"I'd suggest taking her to the hospital." One medic began to question the short haired brunet, but a growl from the large wolf known as Yey silenced him. They lifted space girl, as she had been dubbed, onto a stretcher and pulled her into an ambulance. At the hospital, she was attached to a heart rate monitor and fluids. About every fifteen minutes a nurse came in to check on her.
The astronaut woke up suddently on a bed, she was sweating and her heart was beating furiously. She had a bad dream, she had a dream where she landed in the future, surrounded by weird future people and... But it was all real.

She found herself surrounded by machinery bleeping at the same rate of her heartbeat. Her helmet was near her and it looked like they tried to open her suit while she was unconscious.

A nurse was standing frightened near her, she was clad in a weird colorful suit which included a pair of pants, something very different from the white dress the astronaut was so accustomed.

"W-Where am I?" She asked to the nurse, It looked like they both saw an alien.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Hours upon hours Razor worked to create backwards air vents. He would create a very small room and trick Astra into going inside. The panic door would close, and then vents would suck out every bit of oxygen in the room leaving Astra powerless since fire needs Oxygen to breathe. No oxygen, no fire, Astra will be human and Razor planned to kill her. "If I'm lucky, I might be able to finish this in a couple more hours..." He said to himself. "STELLA!" He called out in the open. "I KNOW YOU CAN HERE ME! COME HERE!" Razor had a proposition.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Fullmetal32 said:
Hours upon hours Razor worked to create backwards air vents. He would create a very small room and trick Astra into going inside. The panic door would close, and then vents would suck out every bit of oxygen in the room leaving Astra powerless since fire needs Oxygen to breathe. No oxygen, no fire, Astra will be human and Razor planned to kill her. "If I'm lucky, I might be able to finish this in a couple more hours..." He said to himself. "STELLA!" He called out in the open. "I KNOW YOU CAN HERE ME! COME HERE!" Razor had a proposition.
@Echo Dreamsong
Stella huffed and strode in, grumbling about pie.

"You woke me from my nap, dammit!"
Damacyn said:
The astronaut woke up suddently on a bed, she was sweating and her heart was beating furiously. She had a bad dream, she had a dream where she landed in the future, surrounded by weird future people and... But it was all real.
She found herself surrounded by machinery bleeping at the same rate of her heartbeat. Her helmet was near her and it looked like they tried to open her suit while she was unconscious.

A nurse was standing frightened near her, she was clad in a weird colorful suit which included a pair of pants, something very different from the white dress the astronaut was so accustomed.

"W-Where am I?" She asked to the nurse, It looked like they both saw an alien.

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily and Yasero, (Now a tall blond girl with bright green eyes) came in, wearing white tanks and plain jeans with thin black mask.

"Ma'am, please calm down. We think there is an explanation. Would it be okay if we explain?"

Without waiting, Yasero continued.

"We are the protectors of this city. It seems that you came from space-"

She was cut off by a young girl bursting in, blue eyes bright as she pulled her long blond hair into a ponytail.

"I want to explain! Miss, we believe you were lost in space. You have been missing for quite some time, based on your discomfort. I suppose that you either went into a coma, or maybe a power."

"ROBIN!" Emily shrieked, pointing at the girl. "Out! Now! Go home little girl!"

"B-but Em-"

Guts chuckled a bit and said,

"No I've only been here a day and in one day of being here I've broken my hand, gotten thousands of volts sent through me and had to deal with a demon baby."

Quill wondered how he was gonna kill Bolt. Maybe just let him beat on him until he was out of juice. He nodded to Stella and Razor, walking over to them with his hands in his pockets. Kissing Stella on the cheek, he looked at Razor questioningly.

"So, how's it goin?"

@Fullmetal32 @Echo Dreamsong
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts chuckled a bit and said,
"No I've only been here a day and in one day of being here I've broken my hand, gotten thousands of volts sent through me and had to deal with a demon baby."

Astra got annoyed and threw her mango at him.

'Back off cubby!'

She sign shouted.

'You're a fuck Brussels sprout!'
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts chuckled a bit and said,
"No I've only been here a day and in one day of being here I've broken my hand, gotten thousands of volts sent through me and had to deal with a demon baby."

Echo Dreamsong]Astra got annoyed and threw her mango at him. 'Back off cubby!' She sign shouted. 'You're a fuck Brussels sprout!' [/QUOTE] Ty leaned on the counter laughing. "Oh my god...half of that wasn't even...I fucking can't." [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34329-theblackswordsman/ said:
"Weeell I..." she was almost speechless and pretty much confused, expecially by the sudden appearance of the young girl. She then sighed and gathered her memories and enough energy to talk "I'm Lieutenant Jane Hamilton, I was launched from Cape Canaveral in May 14 1962... I was beginning to enter orbit with my Mercury capsule when I..." She looked at the window and gazed briefly at the skyline "I... Don't think I fell into coma... or had a power outage... My capsule isn't made to last for more than 2 days, actually I'm amazed I did it before I ran out of oxygen" She made an half smile, mainly because she was glad that she was still alive after all.

"Well, Here I am, The Future!" She said with an ironic tone "Jetpacks and daily space travels! I... Wonder what happened to Glenn and the others..." She said in a sad tone before trying to climb down from the bed but she still felt her bones being very weak.

"Tell me, miss, are you from the Army?" She asked after grimacing in pain.
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"its going okay. I got lucky and finished early. I created a fire proof panic room. All I had to do was hook up these air event's wiring differently and and have suck in air in stead of blowing it out. All I need to do is trick Astra into going in there and I have a portable air tank that fits over my mouth and gives me five minutes of air. Now for my proposition, Stella. I will let you in the room with the air tank to kill Astra, if you can get me 15 grand."

@Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
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Damacyn said:
"Weeell I..." she was almost speechless and pretty much confused, expecially by the sudden appearance of the young girl. She then sighed and gathered her memories and enough energy to talk "I'm Lieutenant Jane Hamilton, I was launched from Cape Canaveral in May 14 1962... I was beginning to enter orbit with my Mercury capsule when I..." She looked at the window and gazed briefly at the skyline "I... Don't think I fell into coma... or had a power outage... My capsule isn't made to last for more than 2 days, actually I'm amazed I did it before I ran out of oxygen" She made an half smile, mainly because she was glad that she was still alive after all.
"Well, Here I am, The Future!" She said with an ironic tone "Jetpacks and daily space travels! I... Wonder what happened to Glenn and the others..." She said in a sad tone before trying to climb down from the bed but she still felt her bones being very weak.

"Tell me, miss, are you from the Army?" She asked after grimacing in pain.
Emily laughed slightly, sending a fierce glare at her younger sister.

"Sorry Ma'am, I'm not from the army. I work for a league of crime fighting unions. I-I'm sure your friends are fine."

Robin slunk back into the room to the bed.

"M-miss, did you see aliens?" The young girl asked with wide eyes.

Fullmetal32 said:
"its going okay. I got lucky and finished early. I created a fire proof panic room. All I had to do was hook up these air event's wiring differently and and have suck in air in stead of blowing it out. All I need to do is trick Astra into going in there and I have a portable air tank that fits over my mouth and gives me five minutes of air. Now for my proposition, Stella. I will let you in the room with the air tank to kill Astra, if you can get me 15 grand."
@Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
Stella smacked him in the face.

"HELL NO! I ain't payin for murder!"
Jane smiled at the young girl but shook her head "I didn't but... I heard them" She thought she sounded quite silly "They... teached me something, I'm not sure what but it's instinctive..." She looked around for something until she pointed at her helmet.

"Grab my helmet and throw it upward, I can show you what they teached me" She said with a confident smirk.
Damacyn said:
Jane smiled at the young girl but shook her head "I didn't but... I heard them" She thought she sounded quite silly "They... teached me something, I'm not sure what but it's instinctive..." She looked around for something until she pointed at her helmet.
"Grab my helmet and throw it upward, I can show you what they teached me" She said with a confident smirk.
Robin squealed in delight before running and throwing it. Emily growled until Yasero silenced her.

Robin lobbed the helmet so it hit the ceiling. Emily walked behind the blond and smacked her in the back of the head.
Bolt appeared after his epic battle no one saw because reasons. He fell onto the couch as he drained some power from around the area, he let out a sigh before standing up straight and rubbing his head.

(Congratulations to me! I'm not dead :D )

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