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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Otakubeats said:
@Echo Dreamsong
Ty had astra lay down and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry...I had remembered something. I'm ok just get some sleep."
Astra sat back up and hugged him.

"Tell me?"

She sort of ordered.

Quillicious said:
Quill sighed when Cinder appeared and let Razor see his face.
"Whatever, Cinder. Might as well have as much help as I can get. You guys help me get the heroes out of the picture, and we get the city for ourselves. Simple as that."

@Fullmetal32 @Echo Dreamsong
Cinder cheered and ran off. However, a particular blond watched from the shadows before stepping out.

"I suppose the heroes have run it long enough..."

The blond with green eyes muttered before walking towards Quill.

"I do believe I'm in as well... The heroes aren't good at much, so I'm with you."

Stella sighed.

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra sat back up and hugged him.
"Tell me?"

She sort of ordered.

Cinder cheered and ran off. However, a particular blond watched from the shadows before stepping out.

"I suppose the heroes have run it long enough..."

The blond with green eyes muttered before walking towards Quill.

"I do believe I'm in as well... The heroes aren't good at much, so I'm with you."

Stella sighed.


(So... why is Quill planning to take over the city again? I feel like I missed something... oh wait I did. Hue. 15 hour flight makes you miss a lot.)
"HEY! BLURRY FACE! I DON'T TAKE KINDLY TO BEING IGNORED! I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" He calmed down. "whats in it for me?" He asked again.
Quillicious said:
Quill almost threw up as he saw Stella. He dropped his gun and gaped at her. She just left him utterly speechless for a few moments, a rare occurance.
"Stella! What the hell...?"

@Echo Dreamsong @Fullmetal32
Stella shrugged.

"They do a terrible job anyway. Besides, its not like I have to stay with them."

Otakubeats said:
@Echo Dreamsong
"Just....bad things. Don't worry about it."

( xD Ty saved Stella, and she's gonna pull this shit? Damn.)
Astra frowned and muttered.

"I am worrying about it."

Then she looked at the ceiling.

"I wonder what Quill is doing..."

No longer considering him anything related.
"We kill the heroes and we all do whatever the fuck we want! The cops can't do shit, the army can't do shit. It'll our city, Razor! They'll rot in whatever prison we throw them in."

Quill finally lowered the barrier so his face could be seen.

@Fullmetal32 @Echo Dreamsong
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra frowned.
"What would da-I mean Quill be upset about?"

She signed, finding speaking difficult with one lash mark on her neck.

Ty looked away. "I yelled at him because he almost hurt you really bad after leaving you. He tried to act like your dad after what he'd said."
"And if we don't succeed? Then what? No money, no fame, no glory." He studied the man's face carefully. "Tell me you've thought ahead to at least that! do we have profiles? plans? do we know who is going after whom?"
Quillicious said:
"We kill the heroes and we all do whatever the fuck we want! The cops can't do shit, the army can't do shit. It'll our city, Razor! They'll rot in whatever prison we throw them in."
Quill finally lowered the barrier so his face could be seen.

@Fullmetal32 @Echo Dreamsong
Stella gasped and frowned at him.

"Quill? But what about Astra?"

Otakubeats said:
Ty looked away. "I yelled at him because he almost hurt you really bad after leaving you. He tried to act like your dad after what he'd said."
Astra frowned and looked down.

"Well he's nothing now..."

She replied bitterly.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts then asked Echo,
"What even are you?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo looked up with a smug expression.

"It just so happens that I am the ruler of an ancient empire."

She stood and bowed.

"Echo Dreamsong, Fifth Star of the Dreamling Kingdom."
"I've been with the heroes for a long time. I know each every one of their weaknesses. I've been inside their heads, seen their greatest fears, know their crippling weaknesses. As for Astra..."

Quill's face hardened. They all rejected him. He was nothing to them, so it was time to show them what he could do.

"Let's just hope they'll die for her. They won't want to know what she goes through."

@Echo Dreamsong @Fullmetal32
Quillicious said:
"I've been with the heroes for a long time. I know each every one of their weaknesses. I've been inside their heads, seen their greatest fears, know their crippling weaknesses. As for Astra..."
Quill's face hardened. They all rejected him. He was nothing to them, so it was time to show them what he could do.

"Let's just hope they'll die for her. They won't want to know what she goes through."

@Echo Dreamsong @Fullmetal32
Stella froze before shaking her head. The heroes had done nothing for her. They hadn't stopped the murder of her sister. They had to be useless.


TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts chuckled a little,
"Well Dreamsong answer this can your wishes cure madness?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo frowned before nodding.

"If that is someone's greatest wish. I haven't learned how to grant just anything. Only a persons greatest wish."
"Give me my first objective. Name, weakness, and how to find them. For every sunova bitch I take down, I want fifteen big ones." I picked up my gun and looked back at him. "If you can't provide, don't expect me to.
"Are you out of your damn mind!? They'd kill us in two seconds! We gather everyone up, give them a single hero, and then we all quietly leave. One by one, we tell them to go, if we do it swift and without making a scene they won't notice we're doing something until there's too little of them to stop us."

Quillicious said:
"No, no, no. We're not picking them off one by one. You'll just get cornered and fucked up. We're gonna cause a riot and lead each and every villain to the Warehouse."
@Fullmetal32 @Echo Dreamsong
Stella smirked, clearly different after her time spent watching seas be destroyed.

"I call killing Astra. I never liked that kid."

Cinder frowned and smacked her.

"Fine! I get Echo! You all wouldn't be able to handle her. She's small, but really too powerful."

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