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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Guts felt the fatigue and and pain from both his fight with the nazi and him having to both release his demon and take it back in. He had to lean against the wall and breath very heavily.

"I take it that's good?"

He asked to Astra as his legs gave out and he slid down the wall to sit against it.

@Echo Dreamsong
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts felt the fatigue and and pain from both his fight with the nazi and him having to both release his demon and take it back in. He had to lean against the wall and breath very heavily.
"I take it that's good?"

He asked to Astra as his legs gave out and he slid down the wall to sit against it.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra nodded before leaning on her brother.

Echo choose that moment to reappear, smoke coming from her charred skin. She even had a few holes in her arms and legs. Not to mention the wings.

"Um, don't go in flaming molten rock! Not good!"
Guts would struggle to stand back up he then picked up Ty into his arms and asked Astra,

"Where is his bed?"

He then looked to Echo and said,

"Thanks for the help."
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would struggle to stand back up he then picked up Ty into his arms and asked Astra,
"Where is his bed?"

He then looked to Echo and said,

"Thanks for the help."
Astra pointed him in the direction as Echo frowned.

"Fine! You want to know why I couldn't? Let me show you."

A floating oil like substance flowed from her hand, slowly surrounding Guts. The moment he touched it, fear would enter his system, bringing wild hallucinations and pure terror.
Guts would look at the small thing and say to it,

"Look pal I live that every single day. Its not gonna make me flinch."

He turned and walked in the direction Astra pointed and laid him down on his bed to rest.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would look at the small thing and say to it,
"Look pal I live that every single day. Its not gonna make me flinch."

He turned and walked in the direction Astra pointed and laid him down on his bed to rest.

Echo frowned and ran after him, the five year old sized goddess growling in annoyance.

"Think about being fear, how would you like it without respect!"
TheBlackSwordsman said:
As Guts picked up Astra and sat her next to Ty on his bed he turned to the door saying to Echo,
"I've been fear before and I still am to most people."

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo huffed before kneeling next to Ty.

"Great... I really am just like Cinder. Next thing you know, I'll be starting another holocaust..."

Astra curled against Ty, clinging to him like a raft.
*BOOM* Razor shot the man that wouldn't give him his money. "Anybody else want some lead in their skulls?! Then PAY UP WHEN YOU LOSE!!!" Razor left at a slow leisurely walk as the cops showed up and stormed the bar. My name is Razor, I'm what you would call a "walking rabbit's foot". I learned how to control probability when I was young, I used to use it for small things like hitting my target. Now I use it for money *sniffs cash* aahh.. I love money. Razor walked down the street and to the hotel where he has been staying for a while. He was always carrying around a gold coin and rolling it across his knuckles. He flicked the toothpick that was in his mouth into the air and it landed in the trash can all the way across his room.
Guts would walk out of the room leaving the three to be alone. He was exhausted and pain riddled his body from the electric burns and broken hand to his mental exhaustion from his inner demon.

"You want to kill them you want to see their bodies destroyed by your own blade... You let me out if she didn't put me back I would have killed them all and that's what you want."

The beast said to him as he sat there in the warehouse.

"Shut the hell up."

He said back to the demon.

Hahaha one day you'll turn out like him like Griffith."

If Guts could touch this beast he would have killed it by now but it lives inside of him. He most learn to keep it down to fight the very thing that has kept his feet moving thus far. He wanted to sleep to rest and to heal but he knew that if someone attacked again he would be the first and last line of defense for these kids.

"Why am I injuring myself for these kids?"

He thought to himself as he sat there waiting for the night to come to an end. After his question he thought of Ty then though of himself,

"Because I know what its like, becuase I know his struggle and because he could help me find him and maybe a cure for her..."

For the rest of the night Guts stood watching and waiting for anything that would do harm to him or the kids.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would walk out of the room leaving the three to be alone. He was exhausted and pain riddled his body from the electric burns and broken hand to his mental exhaustion from his inner demon.
"You want to kill them you want to see their bodies destroyed by your own blade... You let me out if she didn't put me back I would have killed them all and that's what you want."

The beast said to him as he sat there in the warehouse.

"Shut the hell up."

He said back to the demon.

Hahaha one day you'll turn out like him like Griffith."

If Guts could touch this beast he would have killed it by now but it lives inside of him. He most learn to keep it down to fight the very thing that has kept his feet moving thus far. He wanted to sleep to rest and to heal but he knew that if someone attacked again he would be the first and last line of defense for these kids.

"Why am I injuring myself for these kids?"

He thought to himself as he sat there waiting for the night to come to an end. After his question he thought of Ty then though of himself,

"Because I know what its like, becuase I know his struggle and because he could help me find him and maybe a cure for her..."

For the rest of the night Guts stood watching and waiting for anything that would do harm to him or the kids.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Echo sat solemnly waiting for Guts to notice her. Whether he liked it or not, she had come to like him. No way was he escaping that easily.
"Alright, I'm bored." He said to himself. Razor packed one single sticky bomb and a pistol with three bullets loaded in. He walked down to the bank that was just about a mile away. He walked in and saw how many people were there. "lets see.." he muttered. "Maybe if I..." He fired one bullet from his gun at the person next to him, the bullet went through his head and out to the metal wall behind him. It ricocheted off of the metal wall and hit three people in a row to the right of him. then hit the metal wall on the right side of the building and hit all four bankers standing at the front desks. "And all before they pressed the alarms." He chuckled. He went to the biggest vault and took out his sticky bomb. "If I'm lucky.. I might be able to put this in just the right position..." He placed the sticky bomb on the door, stepped back and detonated it. The vault door flew open and he bagged the cash. Razor walked back out to the main area and shot every alarm much like he did the people. "Just one bullet." He chuckled as he walked home.
"uuugghh!" He groaned. "It's great having money, but what do I have to do to get noticed by someone other than the Fuz-

"ahh! what the hell!?" Room 316. ASAP. Come alone. "hehehe" He sneered. "It's my lucky day."

He grabbed an AK-47 with only 5 bullets and put it in his coat. "314, 315, 316." He walked in without knocking. "I'm here mister mind man! Hellooo!!??

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo shrugged and looked up.
"You know, I bet I'm older than you."

Ty suddenly woke sitting up and looking around in a panic.
The cold metal of a barrel of a gun was pressed to the back of Razor's head.

"This isn't a negotiation, this is an order. You can't get lucky point-blank. Besides, I've got a detonator that'll blow this entire block sky high. Wired directly to the explosives. Not to mention my backup. Make the gun disappear."

Razor chuckled. "hehe, I like your style." He dropped the AK-47 and kicked it across the room in front of him. "So, what am I here for exactly?" He turned around with his hands up and and then slowly put them down. Razor put his finger up and slightly pulled down on the muzzle of the gun so he could see the man's face.

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Quill's face was blurry, a result of him twisting Razor's sight to hide any sign of his face. He lowered the pistol, but still kept it in his hand.

"I need some allies of a certain...ethical persuasion. I guess you've heard of the Heroes of Tomorrow. I'm gonna bring them to the ground."

Quillicious said:
Quill's face was blurry, a result of him twisting Razor's sight to hide any sign of his face. He lowered the pistol, but still kept it in his hand.
"I need some allies of a certain...ethical persuasion. I guess you've heard of the Heroes of Tomorrow. I'm gonna bring them to the ground."

Otakubeats said:
Ty suddenly woke sitting up and looking around in a panic.
Astra clung to him, looking up. Sure, she was in pain, but Ty was more important than that.

Quillicious said:
Quill's face was blurry, a result of him twisting Razor's sight to hide any sign of his face. He lowered the pistol, but still kept it in his hand.
"I need some allies of a certain...ethical persuasion. I guess you've heard of the Heroes of Tomorrow. I'm gonna bring them to the ground."

Cinder randomly appeared from a shadow.

"Well, I'm in!"
"whats in it for me?" Razor tried to look past the blurriness in the man's face but couldn't. "Cause I ain't doin' anything unless we discuss terms first." He took out his coin and rolled it across his knuckles. Razor laughed. "Heroes of tomorrow? what's next? The Ambiguously Gay Duo?" He could hardly make out enough of the man's facial features to see that he wasn't laughing, so he quit laughing immediately.


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