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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

The man covered his face and stood his ground "Heh, I was trained for this," he said doing a low sweep and punching him down. "I'm from a world unlike yours, were the true race and the Germans won your wars. I see why it was so easy," he said throwing a punch to the face.

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In the distant void where only one resided there in resided Femto the blessed king of longing.

"He is still out there. His very being is breathing and living"

Femto would stay there waiting for the perfect moment to enter the world and make it his own.

"Still in his current form he still stands no chance to victory against me... I will have my world and nobody can stop me..."

About 100 miles from the city there lies a very small shack deep in the forests. Inside the shack lies four people the blacksmith Godo, his daughter Erica, his apprentice Rickert and Casca. At the moment Casca was playing with Erica since the little girl was having fun with her friend. Casca had lived there for a little over 3 years and hadn't gotten any better from the beginning of her insanity. She loved playing with Erica because her mind was sent back to being a small child even though she was a grown women. Due to her insanity she is illiterate and cannot speak except for random noises such as a baby would make. Guts left her there in that safe place so that he could walk the trail of vengeance. Only recently has he looked into curing her insanity since at first he was blinded by rage and didn't know of anyway to cure her. With the rise people with superpowers in this city Guts had an idea that one might help him though he hasn't found this person yet.

Casca was happy where she was and Guts was off struggling for both vengeance and for her...

The man smiled under his mask and let out a more electricity to the man. He growled as he felt himself get weaker "You know what, you aren't my target. I have something else in mind," he said shoving Guts to the side and staring to walk in the direction of the warehouse.

Guts would feel the electricity surge through him and him fall and lean against his sword.

"Hey sparky I thought you wanted to fight like a man?"

He took his sword out from the ground and walked towards the man.

"Come on is that all you got? I could get more volts from licking an outlet why don't you come and fight a man rather than try to fight a kid"

@Shammy the Shamrock
He smiled and removed his helmet, revealing him to be a 18 year old with blue eyes and curly blonde hair. "Eh, if you insist," he said as the lights around the area flickered and broke. When he looked back at the man his eyes burned brighter blue and a smile was on his face. He did one last punch almost all the electicity from his body running through the man.

Guts would take this punch head on feeling both the blunt force of it and the surge of thousands of volts go through him. At that moment of impact his armor activated covering his whole body. The armor nulls his body to pain (Doesn't make him invincible) and holds his bones together.

"There's your best sparky here's mine."

Guts would lunge forward and punch the boy with the force enough to shatter his own hand bone.

@Shammy the Shamrock
He took the punch and felt some of his bones shatter but something inside his suit had absorbed most of it. Blue lines across the suit glowed as he smirked "Was...that.....it," he said breathing heavily as he clenched his fist and glared at Guts.

As Guts continued moving towards the boy his twisted and broken hand started shifting and moving back into place letting him use it again.

"No. Its not."

Guts would sprint as fast as his legs would take him grabbing the boy by the neck, jumping into the air then crashing down to the ground crushing some of the ground they landed on.

@Shammy the Shamrock
He smiled "Heh, then I guess I shouldn't stop fighting," he said as he grabbed the mans arm and released some extra electicity. He spun and threw him into a building, he laughed "I ain't the general for nothing," he said getting up, he adjusted his cape so it blew in the wind, his eyes becoming a dark blue.

Guts would get up from the shock and the throw as fast as the electricity that shot up through his body. Running towards this man.

"Why does everyone wanna kill this kid and his sister?"

Guts thought to himself. He sprinted for the man swinging his sword faster than the eye could track.

@Shammy the Shamrock
He finally had enough as he hit the ground making a wall of earth. "ENOUGH!!!! I'm not here for your silly games. I'm here to find a man who looks exactly like me, I found destination so let me do my work," he said as a lighting bolt his him, letting him regain energy. He started walking off, anger in his eyes.

He broke through the wall of earth and ran to the man sweeping his legs out from under him,

"Look sparky whoever your looking for isn't here whatever your using to find him needs to get fixed because the only you here is you pal now leave."

@Shammy the Shamrock
He didn't get up his armor deactivated and he laid there looking up at the night sky. With his armor deactivated his broken hand now hurt incredibly and his whole skin felt on fire.

"How do all of these people know me?"

He got up and stumbled back to the warehouse, leaned his sword against a wall and bandaged the skin that ripped open in some areas.
Otakubeats said:
"Astra!" Ty ran over and shoved Quill off her and picked her up. He was visibly shaken with fear and anger. "YOU ALMOST KILLED HER YOU ASSHOLE! DON'T EVER COME NEAR HER AGAIN! I DON'T CARE IF SHE WAS FUCKING POSSESSED YOU COULD HAVE KILLED ASTRA." He stood and carried her back to the warehouse.
Quillicious said:
Quill raised his eyebrow and disappeared. Guts felt an extreme pain in his unmentionables and Quill ran away to the warehouse. He snatched Astra away from Ty.
"Don't tell me what to do, kid."

@Otakubeats @TheBlackSwordsman
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Though the pain was incredible he pushed through it and when he reached the warehouse he came in behind Quill. Guts would grab him by the hair and pull him back. With his other hand he would take the toddler from him and say to Quill,
"I'm a disaster that you can't stop."

He would then throw the toddler to Ty and throw Quill to the ground slamming his head into it.

"I will not let you touch them ever again."
Otakubeats said:
Ty nodded at Guts and caught her. He went to the warehouse into Astra's room putting her in bed. He closed her door and sat at her desk.
Astra groaned softly, slowly opening her eyes. As soon as she did, she regretted it. Visions of everything passed through her mind and she let out a muffled scream, clinging to the pillows as sweat beaded on her head.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra groaned softly, slowly opening her eyes. As soon as she did, she regretted it. Visions of everything passed through her mind and she let out a muffled scream, clinging to the pillows as sweat beaded on her head.

Ty rushed over to her and kneeled by the bed. "Hey, hey. It's okay."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra looked at him with wild eyes, moving away.

He looked at her holding his hands up showing a peaceful approach. "It's me. Ty." He moved back a bit to not scare her.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra choked back a sob and pulled him close to her.

Ty pulled her into a hug and rubbed the back of her head. "It's okay. You're safe."
Otakubeats said:
Ty pulled her into a hug and rubbed the back of her head. "It's okay. You're safe."
"C-cody came back! He w-wanted to kill you!"

Astra sobbed, practically strangling Ty with her new strength. Seriously, food makes a difference.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"C-cody came back! He w-wanted to kill you!"
Astra sobbed, practically strangling Ty with her new strength. Seriously, food makes a difference.

"Shh shh. It's alright it was only a bad dream. Besides. if I was dead who'd be here to watch out for ya? I made a promise, and I'm gonna keep it." He held her close.
Otakubeats said:
"Shh shh. It's alright it was only a bad dream. Besides. if I was dead who'd be here to watch out for ya? I made a promise, and I'm gonna keep it." He held her close.
Astra purred before her hair slowly changed to blond again. Within a moment, Amanda had drove a knife into his stomach.

"Thank you sweetie."

Inside her mind:

'No! No! You hurt him!'

'You shouldn't have tried to keep me out. Now, how to punish you...'

A sharp stabbing pain trailed throughout Astra's mental body as she screamed. It seemed worse than the original flames. Almost like drowning in lava. She finally was reduced to a broken shivering mess in a small cage. Amanda sighed and shook her head.

'I pity... You didn't have to receive this. If only you had been a good little pet and listened to your master.'

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