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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Though the pain was incredible he pushed through it and when he reached the warehouse he came in behind Quill. Guts would grab him by the hair and pull him back. With his other hand he would take the toddler from him and say to Quill,
"I'm a disaster that you can't stop."

He would then throw the toddler to Ty and throw Quill to the ground slamming his head into it.

"I will not let you touch them ever again."
Ty nodded at Guts and caught her. He went to the warehouse into Astra's room putting her in bed. He closed her door and sat at her desk.
He would have his throwing knives and put them up under Quills ribcage.

"How would you know that?" He asked as he lifted Quill up with the knives.
"Don't look at me..."

These were the words that echoed in his head. That was the image that was burned into his right eye. The last thing his right eye ever saw...

He would turn incredibly quickly and throw Quill through the wall of the warehouse. He would walk up to the man and kick him in the face and pick him back up.

"Now you too know the reason I keep walking..."

He would headbutt Quill.

"I live that every night!"

Guts would punch him in the face again and as blood splattered all over his face Guts would give an evil grin

"Now you know what your up against pal."

Guts would punch him another two times then throw him as far as his arms would allow.

He would walk back into the warehouse and ask Ty,

"Who is he?"

@Otakubeats @Quillicious
Ty looked up at Guts tiredly. "He was her father figure and then told her he was going to leave. She almost died, but I got her safe. He's just a fucking illusionist with images of grandeur. I just hate how he acts without consequence. It feels like he'd betray all of us just on a whim." He leaned over and coughed shuddering. "Shit...still too early too be trying that." He winced and sat up rubbing his head.

@TheBlackSwordsman @Quillicious
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Guts rubbed the blood from his face,

"How could we kill him?"

As he rubbed the blood from his face he calmed down a bit. That image hadn't left his mind since it was put there. Even then it still haunts him.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts rubbed the blood from his face,
"How could we kill him?"

As he rubbed the blood from his face he calmed down a bit. That image hadn't left his mind since it was put there. Even then it still haunts him.

"...what?" Ty shook his head. "Sorry...i'm just really tired after using my powers like that."
Otakubeats said:
"...what?" Ty shook his head. "Sorry...i'm just really tired after using my powers like that."
"Sleep then kid you did good."

He walks into the main and sits on the couch and waits until morning.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
"Sleep then kid you did good."
He walks into the main and sits on the couch and waits until morning.
Ty forced himself to stay awake. He didn't want Quill doing something stupid when he turned his back to Astra.
After several hours he walked into Ty's office to see what the kid was up to. Seeing him awake shocked him so he pulled up a chair and said,

"So is he your father too?"
TheBlackSwordsman said:
After several hours he walked into Ty's office to see what the kid was up to. Seeing him awake shocked him so he pulled up a chair and said,
"So is he your father too?"
"No. My father's dead. Quill is an acquaintance."
Otakubeats said:
"I don't know. And I don't care."
Guts chuckled a tad at his answer.

"I get it pal well I'm not sleeping tonight."

He point to his brand on the back of his neck.

"He haunts my dreams every night."
A bolt of lighting appeared on the ground as a person in armor. His blue eyes shining from under the goggles and mask, he took out his guns and started shooting people who he deemed unworthy. "Hm, diese Welt ein nicht durch die Nazis geändert, pitty. Zeit für meine Mission," he told himself as he walked through the streets, the lights flickering as he walked by.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts chuckled a tad at his answer.
"I get it pal well I'm not sleeping tonight."

He point to his brand on the back of his neck.

"He haunts my dreams every night."
Ty nodded before bolting to his feet(NO PUN INTENDED) He swung his head to the direction of the city. "Gunshots..." He looked at Astra, torn between going to help and staying with her.
Otakubeats said:
Ty nodded before bolting to his feet(NO PUN INTENDED) He swung his head to the direction of the city. "Gunshots..." He looked at Astra, torn between going to help and staying with her.
Guts would stand and put a hand on Ty's shoulder.

"Stay here and keep your promise to your sister I can handle this plus your exhausted."

Guts would then walk over to the wall his sword was leaning against and he sheathed it and began to walk out the door.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would stand and put a hand on Ty's shoulder.
"Stay here and keep your promise to your sister I can handle this plus your exhausted."

Guts would then walk over to the wall his sword was leaning against and he sheathed it and began to walk out the door.
"...Thanks." Ty sat back down next to Astra.
Guts would run out the warehouse and to the rooftops toward the sound of the gun shots. He saw the soldier on the red and grey armor gunning down people. He thought to himself,

"This is why I hate guns."

From the roof tops he jumps down bringing his sword down on the man.

@Shammy the Shamrock
The soldier grabbed a lamp pole and vanished to another "Das ist, warum ich hasse Schwerter," he said as he pointed and a bolt of lighting came to strike his sword. "Ich bin nicht hier, Sie zu kämpfen, sondern jemand anderes," he said taking reloading his gun.

(Oh if you're wondering what he's saying just use google translate :) )

The lightning would strike his sword and shock him and while the pain was intense he was able to push through it.

"Look pal I don't give a shit who or why you wanna kill someone just go kill them and stop causing all this crap."

He would then run towards the man uses his sword and a shield form the bullets he thought would come from the man. Once he got close to the man he went to slice his gun in half.

(Lol how are we supposed to understand eachother?)
He dropped his gun before clearing his throat "Forgive me, I didn't know this was America. Thought it got torn down but apparently not in this universe. I would have left but sadly you destroyed my favorite gun, for that I must break you," he said in a accent that switched from German to Russian. He curled his arm as his fist built up electicity and he punch him in the stomach. "Fight me like a man," he said crossing his arms.

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Guts would stab his sword into the ground and would get ready to fight this man.

"Alright sparky lets do this."

Guts would then bring up his fist and threw a few punches at the man testing his guard.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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