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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra purred before her hair slowly changed to blond again. Within a moment, Amanda had drove a knife into his stomach.
"Thank you sweetie."

Inside her mind:

'No! No! You hurt him!'

'You shouldn't have tried to keep me out. Now, how to punish you...'

A sharp stabbing pain trailed throughout Astra's mental body as she screamed. It seemed worse than the original flames. Almost like drowning in lava. She finally was reduced to a broken shivering mess in a small cage. Amanda sighed and shook her head.

'I pity... You didn't have to receive this. If only you had been a good little pet and listened to your master.'

Ty fell to the ground with a thud.
Otakubeats said:
Ty fell to the ground with a thud.
Echo immediately was at his side, gently shaking his arm.

"No mister Ty! Don't die!"

She slowly pulled the knife out and pressed a healing feather to the wound.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo immediately was at his side, gently shaking his arm.
"No mister Ty! Don't die!"

She slowly pulled the knife out and pressed a healing feather to the wound.

There was no answer aside from light breathing.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo panicked and pressed more of her feathers to heal him.
"Please don't die!"

He shuddered, before slowly opening his eyes to see echo. Wincing he lay his head on the ground. "The fuck is it with people and stabbing me.."
Guts walked into the room parts of his skin still burning and saw the scene. Ty was injured on the floor with Echo trying to get him up and the toddler was there with a knife. Guts sighed,

"This is why I will never intentionally have kids."

With his one good hand he picked up the toddler and pressed her against the wall. He then looked over to Echo and asked,

"So you can grant wishes huh?"

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Bolt decided to go talk with Lena again after this whole ordeal only to be stopped by a metal hand. He was thrown into her room through a wall by the figure, he layers there on the ground.

Otakubeats said:
He shuddered, before slowly opening his eyes to see echo. Wincing he lay his head on the ground. "The fuck is it with people and stabbing me.."
Echo sighed in relief before hearing Guts.

"W-well, um, yes."

She looked at him nervously, ready to take Ty and bolt.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts walked into the room parts of his skin still burning and saw the scene. Ty was injured on the floor with Echo trying to get him up and the toddler was there with a knife. Guts sighed,
"This is why I will never intentionally have kids."

With his one good hand he picked up the toddler and pressed her against the wall. He then looked over to Echo and asked,

"So you can grant wishes huh?"

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Amanda growled, summoning flames to rip wildly up her arms.

"I'd stay back. The kid is the only one feeling pain."
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts looks to Echo and says,
"Good then could you get this thing out of her and keep in out?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo froze and stared at Astra.

"I-I don't know. If I do it, I can't be sure I won't kill her. Fear can stop a humans heart. I don't want to risk it.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Speaking to mostly Echo but also with Astra Guts says,
"Trust me if she wants to see her Ty she can be strong enough to beat this thing."

He then looks back at the toddler speaking to Astra,

"Kid if you wanna get out and see your brother again then your gonna have to beat this out of you."

He turned back to Echo,

"She is suffering every second you wait to do this thing now get this out of her!"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo panicked. And when tiny goddess panics, she teleports. This time to the spot she quite remembered. Into a volcano. Well fudge.

Astra strained against the mental bars, summoning every once of strength. Amanda walked over and dangled the key just above her.

'Now now my pet, be careful. If I let you out, bad things will happen. To your brother and parents.'

'I-I can beat you!'

'Doubt that.'

Amanda unlocked the cage and Astra sprung out, lunging for Amanda. The older girl simply dodged. Within a few moments of more attempts, Astra found herself on a fudging leash, with the collar around her neck. She strained against it before attempting to move and attack Amanda. The girl hit her with a freakin whip.

'Now kitty, don't ever try that again, or you'll stay in that collar forever.'

Astra growled at the girl, earning three more lashes. Outside her mind, painful swollen bruises appeared in the spots she was hit mentall. Hurt from the inside. Literally.
When the tiny thing vanished Guts sighed and said,


He then looked over to Ty and said to him,

"Your probably not gonna like this."

Guts would then look at the toddler and as the physical wounds showed up he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. His armor activated but instead of normally activating Guts released his inner demon known as the Black Berserker rage. As the armors eye sockets glowed red Amanda saw the manifestation of his inner demon enter with her and Astra in the mental plain. The beast of darkness manifested into the form of a hell hound and growled wildly at Amanda saying without moving its mouth almost telepathically,

"Release the child!! Now!!"

@Echo Dreamsong
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](I'm sad... Why did I get kicked out of the thingy)
(;~ ;)

I destroyed the whole conversation cuz Shammy.)
TheBlackSwordsman said:
When the tiny thing vanished Guts sighed and said,

He then looked over to Ty and said to him,

"Your probably not gonna like this."

Guts would then look at the toddler and as the physical wounds showed up he closed his eyes and breathed deeply. His armor activated but instead of normally activating Guts released his inner demon known as the Black Berserker rage. As the armors eye sockets glowed red Amanda saw the manifestation of his inner demon enter with her and Astra in the mental plain. The beast of darkness manifested into the form of a hell hound and growled wildly at Amanda saying without moving its mouth almost telepathically,

"Release the child!! Now!!"

@Echo Dreamsong
Amanda held Astra leash tighter, nearly choking her.

"And why might I do that? She's such a pretty little pet."

Amanda proceeded to pet Astra's furry black ears. Astra hissed, but shied away from the whip.

"Now Astra, be a good girl and go get my sword. If not, you know what happens."

Astra glared at Amanda, no longer feeling like complying. That really ignited the demon's rage. Within a second, Astra had suffered as many as twenty fierce lashes on her legs, arms, and everywhere. Astra of course cried, curling up as the whips continued to rain. Then Amanda finally stopped and smirked.

"Pet, fetch me my sword or you'll suffer thirty more."

With a small whimper, Astra used the extended leash length to grab a sword off the wall and scurried back to Amanda. She mouthed 'sorry' to Guts before Amanda delivered one more blow, silencing the girl. From the outside, Astra's body had collapsed, her mind nearly shutting down from the pain. Her small frame was now covered in bleeding bruises.

Amanda smiled cheerfully at Guts.

"So, where were we... oh! I remember now!"

The demon charged, stabbing at Guts.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Amanda held Astra leash tighter, nearly choking her.
"And why might I do that? She's such a pretty little pet."

Amanda proceeded to pet Astra's furry black ears. Astra hissed, but shied away from the whip.

"Now Astra, be a good girl and go get my sword. If not, you know what happens."

Astra glared at Amanda, no longer feeling like complying. That really ignited the demon's rage. Within a second, Astra had suffered as many as twenty fierce lashes on her legs, arms, and everywhere. Astra of course cried, curling up as the whips continued to rain. Then Amanda finally stopped and smirked.

"Pet, fetch me my sword or you'll suffer thirty more."

With a small whimper, Astra used the extended leash length to grab a sword off the wall and scurried back to Amanda. She mouthed 'sorry' to Guts before Amanda delivered one more blow, silencing the girl. From the outside, Astra's body had collapsed, her mind nearly shutting down from the pain. Her small frame was now covered in bleeding bruises.

Amanda smiled cheerfully at Guts.

"So, where were we... oh! I remember now!"

The demon charged, stabbing at Guts.

Suddenly, the blade was knocked back from her hands. Ty stepped forward but something was different. His eyes were a dull red and lacked any emotion. He focused, and a chill found it's way down Amanda's spine. With a snap, a shattering vibration would loosen Amanda's grip on Astra. The most it'd do to Astra herself was a headache. As Amanda was busy with the sound-wave, a amulet was slipped over Astra's neck. Astra's consciousness then became the dominant of the two minds, but it was up to her to fight back.
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Otakubeats said:
Suddenly, the blade was knocked back from her hands. Ty stepped forward but something was different. His eyes were a dull red and lacked any emotion. He focused, and a chill found it's way down Amanda's spine. With a snap, a shattering vibration would loosen Amanda's grip on Astra. The most it'd do to Astra herself was a headache. As Amanda was busy with the sound-wave, a amulet was slipped over Astra's neck. Astra's consciousness then became the dominant of the two minds, but it was up to her to fight back.
Still weary with from pain, Astra struggled up. Amanda suddenly felt weak, smaller. With one last lash to Astra's face, the weakened spirit vanished. Astra accidentally cast Guts out of her mind as she regained control. Astra groaned softly, shivering from either cold or terror. Her skin was beaten and bruised, but all she cared about now was Ty.


She asked weakly, keeping her eyes open to look up at him.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Still weary with from pain, Astra struggled up. Amanda suddenly felt weak, smaller. With one last lash to Astra's face, the weakened spirit vanished. Astra accidentally cast Guts out of her mind as she regained control. Astra groaned softly, shivering from either cold or terror. Her skin was beaten and bruised, but all she cared about now was Ty.

She asked weakly, keeping her eyes open to look up at him.

Ty suddenly fell onto his hands and knees shaking. "S-shit..." He mentally cursed himself for letting his guard down.
With the beast of darkness shot back into Guts' mind for a moment before regaining his concept on reality he was in a primal berserker rage. Before he could harm anybody he took hold of the beast and calmed down assessing the situation. He asked Ty,

"Did we do it?"

Otakubeats said:
Ty suddenly fell onto his hands and knees shaking. "S-shit..." He mentally cursed himself for letting his guard down.
Astra squeaked in terror, gripping one of his hands gently.

Then the girl looked up at Guts and smiled, red hair returning once again.

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