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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Clash smiled as a tendril sharpened and went through the rock powerfully. "Ignorant twerp, I am merely helping. I guess humans are too stubborn to see it!" She said as she felt something gaining control in her body. The black stuff around her body was teared away revealing Bolt who kept his hand on her head "A-Astra, please," he whispered as tears ran down his face.

@Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious @Otakubeats
Amanda smirked and shook her head, breaking the remaining bonds.

"Your daughter will prove quite useful when I return to hell. Thanks!"

The girl laughed before running. She was sure to grab a knife on the way out. Punishment for Astra if she was bad. Which the idiot was. Once the initial shock wore out, she began mentally shouting again.

'Leave my mommy alone! I won't do what you say!'

'Now now dearest. Keep calm. I still have to punish you for this little outburst though...'

Astra mentally screamed, feeling about as though she was being torn to bits slowly as Amanda dug the knife deeper and deeper into the girl's arm. Blood began shing down her arm as it dug further.

'Now, do we still have to go on?'

'N-no, master.'
Guts would quickly bolt to the toddler grabbing it by the arms and putting it to the walls bringing it up to his eye level.

Looking into its eyes he said,

"You wanna go to hell then live a day with me."

Now speaking to Astra,

"If you want to see Ty again then I'd suggest you fight this thing off."
Quillicious said:
Quill gave Guts a splitting headache and shoved him away from Astra, catching her in his arms. He threw the knife at the wall, barely missing Guts' head.
"Don't touch her or you'll know what Hell really is."

@TheBlackSwordsman @Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Amanda growled and unleashed the purple flame on Astra's father. With a quick sharp kick to the worst spot, the girl was off again, mentally punishing Astra for each attempt made against her.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Amanda growled and unleashed the purple flame on Astra's father. With a quick sharp kick to the worst spot, the girl was off again, mentally punishing Astra for each attempt made against her.

Ty followed her, and focused a sharp pain hitting him as he used Silence's ability to suddenly wind her. He pinned Amanda down and threw the knife away.
Guts would use his false iron arm and punch Quill in the jaw saying to him,

"Don't you dare talk to me about hell pal! Now if Ty says don't touch her then back off!"

He then drew his sword and pointed it at the man,

"Stay down."

Otakubeats said:
Ty followed her, and focused a sharp pain hitting him as he used Silence's ability to suddenly wind her. He pinned Amanda down and threw the knife away.
Amanda grinned and quickly sent more pain to Astra. She relieved every moment she wanted to forget. Her mother's screams as she burned. Cody's betrayal. Even the old man's move on her. Even if Amanda lost this fight, the girl would be paranoid.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Amanda grinned and quickly sent more pain to Astra. She relieved every moment she wanted to forget. Her mother's screams as she burned. Cody's betrayal. Even the old man's move on her. Even if Amanda lost this fight, the girl would be paranoid.

Ty had been practicing this for awhile. He placed his palm on her forehead, and focused. The painful thoughts would vanish for now, and Ty would be exhausted afterward. All he'd done was use his own energy to block Amanda's mental torture.
Otakubeats said:
Ty had been practicing this for awhile. He placed his palm on her forehead, and focused. The painful thoughts would vanish for now, and Ty would be exhausted afterward. All he'd done was use his own energy to block Amanda's mental torture.
Amanda growled slowly before smacking the Ty in the head. Then she began her run again. Seriously. How far could she go without missing a breath?!
Guts would regain his senses now and would run to pick up the now winded Ty. He would then run over to Quill and with one hand hold Ty and with his false Iron arm he would point it at Quill. He pulled a hidden string with his mouth revealing the cannon and with one more tug it would fire.

"What the hell are you doing? You have 5 seconds. 5"
Quillicious said:
Quill blindsided Amanda, tackling her to the ground. He held her in a fierce choke hold, cutting off her oxygen supply.
"Easy way or the hard way, bitch."

@Echo Dreamsong
Amanda just smirked, knowing she could simply leave at any moment. Astra however, would have to deal with the fact that her own father killed her. After about a minute, Astra's face began to lose color. That was when the red returned and blue covered her half dead eyes. She shuddered for a minute, gave Quill a look of betrayal, then promptly passed out.

Lets say her dreams involved lots of screaming. So Quill would have to deal with a non-waking kid who kept crying.
Guts would see the girl pass out from the man chocking her. He would release the string putting the cannon back away then he would see Ty running with her to the warehouse. He turned back to Quill and picked him up by his neck,

"Now its just you and me pal."

He took his Iron arm and punched him with all his might in the face. Twice.

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Though the pain was incredible he pushed through it and when he reached the warehouse he came in behind Quill. Guts would grab him by the hair and pull him back. With his other hand he would take the toddler from him and say to Quill,

"I'm a disaster that you can't stop."

He would then throw the toddler to Ty and throw Quill to the ground slamming his head into it.

"I will not let you touch them ever again."
Quillicious said:
Quill raised his eyebrow and disappeared. Guts felt an extreme pain in his unmentionables and Quill ran away to the warehouse. He snatched Astra away from Ty.
"Don't tell me what to do, kid."

@Otakubeats @TheBlackSwordsman
"She isn't even your kid. You left her. You tried to choke her!" He glared at the taller man extremely protective.

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