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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt shook his head "I'm going on patrol and you're staying here. You've been hurt three times. Once by a unknown person and twice by me. Do you really want to help me on patrol?" He asked a bit concerned for her safety.

Shammy the Shamrock]Bolt shook his head "I'm going on patrol and you're staying here. You've been hurt three times. Once by a unknown person and twice by me. Do you really want to help me on patrol?" He asked a bit concerned for her safety. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29799-jjkab/ said:
Lena sighed, nodding.

"Alright, alright.... I guess...." She exclaimed, looking at him with a slightly disappointed expression
Bolt sighed and put her on her bed. "Look, I love you. I've hurt you and I don't want anyone to hurt you again. If you really want to go I'll take you with me," he said putting a hand on her cheek.

Otakubeats said:
"...Damnit." he held Astra close. Afterwards he pulled out his phone walking her to the couch and setting her down. He pulled out his phone and texted bolt.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Astra decided that Guts deserved the finger. So she gave him it and yelled.

Shammy the Shamrock]The door to Lena's room was broken down "ASTRA!!!!!!!" He yelled as he heard what she had said and was planning on giving her a timeout. [COLOR=#00b359](Don't mess with Momma Bolt (*^*))[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29799-jjkab/ said:
Lena shrieked lightly, looking at the door.

"Ah, dangit.... Alright, I guess nothing happened" She exclaimed, smiling softly
Bolt picked Astra up and put her in a corner "We'll talk but first hun. Never say that word again! Look at the wall and nothing else," he said before going over to TY "Now tell me what happened please," he said giving an innocent smile.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats
Guts would get back to his clock tower and as he paced back and forth getting angrier and angrier he though to himself,

"Why did I hesitate?? Why didn't I rush and go in for the kill?? I haven't done that before so why now?"

He got so frustrated that he punched a hole in the wall. He sat down and thought to himself,

"Son of a bitch tonight is gonna be hell."

He would know when they would get close by the bleeding of his brand signaling him that someone with abnormal abilities would be near.
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL] @Otakubeats
Ty said nothing about the curse word. "Apparently I'm on the hit-list AGAIN. So, I need to meet this guy tonight for a fight apparently. I need you to stay here with her. By stay with her I mean don't let her out of your sight. If you do she's gonna follow me. I don't need her involved." Ty walked to the door pulling on his jacket. He left and began to walk to where he was meant to meet this guy.

@Echo Dreamsong[/URL] @Otakubeats
Astra huffed and muttered.

"Ty told me it..."

Then she glared at the wall before having Chalice set fire to the wall.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would get back to his clock tower and as he paced back and forth getting angrier and angrier he though to himself,
"Why did I hesitate?? Why didn't I rush and go in for the kill?? I haven't done that before so why now?"

He got so frustrated that he punched a hole in the wall. He sat down and thought to himself,

"Son of a bitch tonight is gonna be hell."

He would know when they would get close by the bleeding of his brand signaling him that someone with abnormal abilities would be near.
Echo, aka tiny child, suddenly crash landed next to Guts.

"Ow! Fudgesicle!"

Then she sat next to him with wings curled around her.

"I-I'm sorry."
Bolt nodded "I will make sure she doesn't. Oh and something else," he said as he kicked Ty with an electric foot to his balls. "That's for teaching her to swear," he said crossing his arms. He looked back at Astra "If you promise not to say that word again, you can come out of your time out," he said in a soft voice.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
Bolt picked up Astra and saw the burned hole "That's wonderful! You know you are not getting any mangos for three days right," he said walking to the kitchen and grabbing a banana. "Try to do more," he said placing her on the couch.

@Echo Dreamsong
Guts' brand began to bleed so he threw down the little thing and jumped down to the base of the tower. Guts drew his sword and said,

"Show me your reason to fight."

Guts lunged at the man bringing his sword down onto him.

TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts' brand began to bleed so he threw down the little thing and jumped down to the base of the tower. Guts drew his sword and said,
"Show me your reason to fight."

Guts lunged at the man bringing his sword down onto him.

A sound-barrier would deflect the blow. He couldn't die. He'd promised astra he would not leave her. Ty snapped and a sound-slash would be aimed to cut Guts torso.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts' brand began to bleed so he threw down the little thing and jumped down to the base of the tower. Guts drew his sword and said,
"Show me your reason to fight."

Guts lunged at the man bringing his sword down onto him.

Echo coughed up some blood before gliding down.

"Why in the heavens would you throw me! Um, mister Ty, can I fight him?"

@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
Astra huffed and pointed at Chalice.

"He's the one who did it!"

She whined, crossing her arms.
Guts would go to block to blow but would be sent back anyways. The blow making his blade ring from the force.

He would get up and sprint towards Ty his feet kicking up the very stone that made up the building.

"Come now boy tell me why you fight, why you struggle and why you'd come and fight me."

He would strike at him faster now showing no quarter.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would go to block to blow but would be sent back anyways. The blow making his blade ring from the force.
He would get up and sprint towards Ty his feet kicking up the very stone that made up the building.

"Come now boy tell me why you fight, why you struggle and why you'd come and fight me."

He would strike at him faster now showing no quarter.
Echo suddenly got bored and summoned her bow. With incredible accuracy, she aimed for Guts leg. In one swift motion she had fired.
TheBlackSwordsman said:
Guts would go to block to blow but would be sent back anyways. The blow making his blade ring from the force.
He would get up and sprint towards Ty his feet kicking up the very stone that made up the building.

"Come now boy tell me why you fight, why you struggle and why you'd come and fight me."

He would strike at him faster now showing no quarter.
Ty defended. "Because I made a promise. I'm not gonna break it." His sound barrier was weakening bit by bit.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo suddenly got bored and summoned her bow. With incredible accuracy, she aimed for Guts leg. In one swift motion she had fired.

Guts would just barely dodge the arrow leaving a scratch on his leg.

Otakubeats said:
Ty defended. "Because I made a promise. I'm not gonna break it." His sound barrier was weakening bit by bit.
"What kind of promise boy?!"

His attacks were growing more ferocious and fast.

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