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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Quill packed up his stuff, which was nothing, and took a taxi to his house. He paid the cabbie and searched the minds of the citizens of the city. People being mugged, babies being born, people dying, people screaming, people laughing, crying, fighting, kissing, making love, killing...he felt it all. And it sucked. He just sat on the steps of his...well, mansion, and thought for a while.
(Um, Emily and Yasero just broke in.)

JJKab said:
Lena's mouth closed, as muffled screams came from her lungs, her conciousness beginning to leave her.
She refused to comply with Bounty's request.

Meanwhile, Bounty could feel something wrong was going on inside her body, as her body's temperature would slowly rise, to the point she had at least 42*C temperature.
Bounty returned to her original form, feeling colder "Well this makes it a lot easier on myself," she said shrugging and creating a sniper rifle. She shot at the wolfs foot and kicked it away "Alright you meat bags, come get me," she said replacing the rifle with a rocket launcher.

@JJKab @Echo Dreamsong

They rub pychoes head before the pair rush into the bank massacring the civilians inside
Lena soon passed out, her breathing slowing fown dangerously.

(GTG, assume she's knocked out)
Bounty laughed "More money for me later," she said to herself before jumping into an alley and becoming her usual self Annie. Ann walked through the streets and blend into the crowd, her eyes burning white before she vanished.

@Echo Dreamsong(I'm going to a hotel so I'll respond in a few hours :) ) @JJKab
(I thought I replied.)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra glared at the ground before finally slowly nodding.
"I-I guess."

She threw a stone at the dark shadow in the water.

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](I thought I replied.)

(Sorry I haz no brain)

Ty looked at her and handed her the unicorn. "Bolt's probably looking for you." He simply stated the fact. Honestly, it was up to her what to do next. He didnt wanna push her into doing something she's afraid to.
Otakubeats said:
(Sorry I haz no brain)
Ty looked at her and handed her the unicorn. "Bolt's probably looking for you." He simply stated the fact. Honestly, it was up to her what to do next. He didnt wanna push her into doing something she's afraid to.
Astra stared blankly at the ground before nodding. The numb feeling had sapped any emotion from her mind, leaving her with that awful blank.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra stared blankly at the ground before nodding. The numb feeling had sapped any emotion from her mind, leaving her with that awful blank.

Ty picked her up. "Hey, let's find Bolt." Her chair had sunk into the water. He was freezing from the soak, but still walked along the path back to the warehouse. As he carried her, he ran through alot of situations he'd been through that were like this. His family, dead. First hero group, dead. He really didn't want Astra to die. He would have ran, but it was hard enough walking. Ever since stella's little storm situation, it'd been alot colder. Not to mention, they fell into the lake which was away from any sunlight, with a harsh wind. Yea, life sorta sucked but it's life. You can't expect too much from it. You just need to go with it. Ty walked, and stayed quiet, making sure she was conscious with a few checks here and there. He wasn't going to say anything unless she wanted to talk.
Otakubeats said:
Ty picked her up. "Hey, let's find Bolt." Her chair had sunk into the water. He was freezing from the soak, but still walked along the path back to the warehouse. As he carried her, he ran through alot of situations he'd been through that were like this. His family, dead. First hero group, dead. He really didn't want Astra to die. He would have ran, but it was hard enough walking. Ever since stella's little storm situation, it'd been alot colder. Not to mention, they fell into the lake which was away from any sunlight, with a harsh wind. Yea, life sorta sucked but it's life. You can't expect too much from it. You just need to go with it. Ty walked, and stayed quiet, making sure she was conscious with a few checks here and there. He wasn't going to say anything unless she wanted to talk.
Astra shuddered, feeling the flame inside her slowly dying. The cold water seemed to leech her life source. Ty seemed like being ten feet from the sun at the moment, so she curled against him tightly. Chalice was slowly fading as well, his flame becoming ice as she was.

"I-it c-cowd."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra shuddered, feeling the flame inside her slowly dying. The cold water seemed to leech her life source. Ty seemed like being ten feet from the sun at the moment, so she curled against him tightly. Chalice was slowly fading as well, his flame becoming ice as she was.
"I-it c-cowd."

"Yea..I know. Just hang on....." He held her close. He'd have to make himself run. Ty began to run, holding her in a way the wind wouldn't affect her. The two would soon get to the warehouse and Ty opened the door. He set Astra on the couch and ran off for a moment coming back with a quilt. He set the quilt on top of her and sat on the floor near her. He didn't bother doing anything to warm himself up, he was busying making sure she was alright.
Hibiki would be at the apartment reading another book. He hadn't really been doing much lately, but it didn't really matter that much. So for now he would just simply relax at his apartment. Not like anyone really needs him right now.
Otakubeats said:
"Yea..I know. Just hang on....." He held her close. He'd have to make himself run. Ty began to run, holding her in a way the wind wouldn't affect her. The two would soon get to the warehouse and Ty opened the door. He set Astra on the couch and ran off for a moment coming back with a quilt. He set the quilt on top of her and sat on the floor near her. He didn't bother doing anything to warm himself up, he was busying making sure she was alright.
Astra trembled, reaching for Ty as her eyes closed. Her hands flickered for a moment before the little fire she had went out. Astra shuddered one last time before her body went limp, far below her needed temperature.
YoungX said:
Hibiki would be at the apartment reading another book. He hadn't really been doing much lately, but it didn't really matter that much. So for now he would just simply relax at his apartment. Not like anyone really needs him right now.
Echo sat outside his door, contemplating if he would help. She had heard about him a bit, and figured he might let her stay, squirrel and all. Yes, the squirrel on the beat up Angel thing was odd, but Luka was awesome. So deal with him.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra trembled, reaching for Ty as her eyes closed. Her hands flickered for a moment before the little fire she had went out. Astra shuddered one last time before her body went limp, far below her needed temperature.

He'd pick her up in the blanket sighing. No normal methods were gonna fix this in time...he snapped bringing them both to his glade. He used most of his energy to warm her back-up. After she was at her normal temperature, he sighed. She was set in a patch of grass. He sat nearby, focusing on using the power of silence's realm to heal his sister.

(Silence's realm has capabilities only it's current God can use. Ty unlocked it but it can harm him. Just clarifying the realm's power and the price of using it.)
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