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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"N-no, but if you want I can grant a wish!"
Emily dashed in with the large silver wolf at her heels.

"We, um, kinda brought you here. Sorry! You were gonna die a-and it was awful!"

She cried, rambling on a bit.

"Oh a wish? Sure I can do that. Can I wish that Cinder would return back to the side of good?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Emily nodded and pat the large wolf's head, much to the its annoyance.
"She's my partner, my everything. And she says 'I froze the ground.'"

Yasero looked up at Lena with a smug expression.

"Well... She's pretty nice... What's your name, I forgot to ask?" Lena asked quietly, looking back at Emily, twitching her hand a little.
YoungX said:
"Oh a wish? Sure I can do that. Can I wish that Cinder would return back to the side of good?"
Echo's face fell and she looked at the ground, reminded again that she wasn't quite what she said.

"I-I can try."

She gently took Hibiki's hand and captured the wish in her hands. A small white light appeared and Echo smiled sadly at it. With a puff of smoke, it suddenly disappeared. Echo fell limp on the floor as crazy lady appeared, her eyes filled with light crazier than normal.

"Well then! I have my little pet now! Ha! She's never gonna trust again!"

The red head cried before teleporting through the shadows.

JJKab said:
"Well... She's pretty nice... What's your name, I forgot to ask?" Lena asked quietly, looking back at Emily, twitching her hand a little.
Emily blushed slightly and looked down.

"I-I go by Oak... Heroes don't ever say their real name."

'Emily! We aren't heroes! And if anyone is, it's me!'

'I can dream, okay! You need to take your human form.'

Yasero huffed and in a few moments, a tall blond girl was standing next to Emily. Her hair was just above the shoulder, nearly Emily's length, but a slight hint of orange tinted the ends.

"I hate human form..." The ex-wolf muttered.
YoungX said:
Hibiki was sort of silent for a bit. "What just happened?"
@Echo Dreamsong
( xD )

Echo finally awoke, surrounded by chains of literal darkness. She touched one and let out a small shriek of pain. It was pure fear. Echo curled up tightly, trying to avoid touching anything. Her hands were separated by chains, holding her to the wall. Great, she couldn't teleport anymore. She looked down and saw the black oilish substance seeped towards her and she shrieked. The stuff could literally take over the rest of her. One touch could leave her just like Cinder and the others.
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YoungX said:
"Oh boy... let's see," Hibiki using his powers would locate Echo. "Well there she is... I don't know what happened, but I'm heading there." He would be warped in front of Echo. "Echo what happened? You were doing the wish thing and then Cinder just showed up or something!"
@Echo Dreamsong
Echo opened her eyes and looked at Hibiki with terror.

"D-don't touch the cage! I-it would kill you!"

She squeaked, edging away from the oil.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]

Emily blushed slightly and looked down.

"I-I go by Oak... Heroes don't ever say their real name."

'Emily! We aren't heroes! And if anyone is, it's me!'

'I can dream, okay! You need to take your human form.'

Yasero huffed and in a few moments, a tall blond girl was standing next to Emily. Her hair was just above the shoulder, nearly Emily's length, but a slight hint of orange tinted the ends.

"I hate human form..." The ex-wolf muttered.

Lena's eyes widened a little, when a girl emerged from a wolf.

"Oh... Heroes...? Well, you could tag me as one... t--t-o.." She exclaimed, slowly sitting up on the bed, with a small grunt.
JJKab said:
Lena's eyes widened a little, when a girl emerged from a wolf.
"Oh... Heroes...? Well, you could tag me as one... t--t-o.." She exclaimed, slowly sitting up on the bed, with a small grunt.
Emily quickly pressed her back down while Yasero looked at everything.

"Don't get up, you lost a lot of blood."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Emily quickly pressed her back down while Yasero looked at everything.
"Don't get up, you lost a lot of blood."

Lena let out a louder grunt, as she was pressed back down onto the bed

"Sorry... thought I could... si-sit up again..." She sighed lightly, looking at them

"W---What happened while I was a goner?" Lena asked.
YoungX said:
"Oh you mean the chains?" Hibiki would use his God power and would nullify the chains power, and would break it apart. "Don't worry about. I'm the New God of Balance remember?"
@Echo Dreamsong
Echo stared in amazement before more of the shadows poured from the walls.


Echo shrieked before staggering up. The shadows instantly swarmed on her wings and arms as she sobbed in pain.

"L-leave quickly!"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo stared in amazement before more of the shadows poured from the walls.

Echo shrieked before staggering up. The shadows instantly swarmed on her wings and arms as she sobbed in pain.

"L-leave quickly!"

"I'm not leaving you behind," Hibiki would use his powers to destroy the shadows. He would take Echo and teleport them back at his apartment. "You alright?"
YoungX said:
"I'm not leaving you behind," Hibiki would use his powers to destroy the shadows. He would take Echo and teleport them back at his apartment. "You alright?"
Echo didn't respond, she lay there twitching in agony. The fear had entered her system, leading to the beginning of her corrupting. She had a higher tolerance to it than most, but pure fear was something even the strongest would fall victim to.
YoungX said:
"You know I'm limited to using this for balance, but this is pretty important." Hibiki would touch Echo on the forehead with his finger, and soon light would emanate through Echo. The fear she would have would be gone, and Echo would need some time to rest before she can wake up. "I'll give her... a few hours or so." He would go back to reading his book.
@Echo Dreamsong
Echo shuddered in her dreams, one's she hadn't seen before.

Her wings slowly faded, along with her arms. Everything felt numb. Was this what Cinder and the others felt? The world spun and her skin gained an ashy grew color. Panic filled her and she thrashed about to attempt escape.
YoungX said:
"Oh...," Hibiki would look to see her skin gaining an ashly gray color. "I better help her before she becomes corrupted." Hibiki would walk over to Echo and would touch her onto forehead again. He would wake her up and would return her skin back to normal. "If she experiences this any more then she'll become like Cinder."
@Echo Dreamsong
Echo awoke with a small scream, eyes wide and she looked around.

"W-where am I! I-is it GermanY!? NO!"

She shrieked, thinking of the last world war.
YoungX said:
"Great glad I can make you recover before things got worse. Mind telling what just happened a few moments ago? You were gonna make Cinder on the side of good and then she shows up. You get taken away and then this."
@Echo Dreamsong
"I-I don't know, sir. It appears Cinder taped into my power stream."
YoungX said:
"Hmm... I'll never ask for that wish then. It almost killed you back there. I'll hold back on the wishing. Now then I suppose we'll go look for Cinder."
@Echo Dreamsong
Echo quickly shook her head.

"N-no! She is dangerous. One wrong move could lead her to take revenge on all humans."

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