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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt sighed "I think our sparing is over for a bit," he said going to a light poll and vanishing back to the warehouse. He cleaned up the wound in the back of her head and used bandage wrap to cover it. "Sorry, maybe I was a bit too rough," he said placing Lena on her bed.

Bolt patted her head "You need to rest, I know that. I'm going to go look for Astra, Quill seemed to have something to talk to her about and I want to know what it is," saying this he walked out and into the living room, looking around for the girl.

Lena nodded, closing her eyes, soon falling asleep. It was irregular, so she would be woke up by anyone.

(Who wants to interract now?)
@Echo Dreamsong

Ty was instantly a bit mad. "He. Did. what?" He took a deep breath, and looked at her. "Do you wanna go talk to Bolt?? Maybe he can fix this." He still held her in his arms protectively. No way in Hell was anything or anyone gonna hurt his little sister. Nope.

(Murder their families and make them watch as you eat them. I'm talking about the damn fish btw.)
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Quill was sitting on his hands in Astra's room. He was emitting a little amount of rage, and those who were caught in a small radius got a little aggravated. He ran his hand through his hair and hopped off Astra's bed, landing hard. Walking out of it, he leaned against the wall with his arms cusioning his forehead on the wall.

"Fuck! Shit! Fuck covered shitballs! God dammit in an asshole!"
Bolt sighed and heard Quill "Quill where's Astra at? I haven't seen her around," he said feeling a bit agitated but his worry covered it. He saw Quill swearing which didn't help with his worry.

Bolt eyes burned blue as he knocked on the door of Quill's room "What's wrong with me having a girlfriend!? You're acting like I cheated on you. Where the fuck is Astra," he said the last part through clenched teeth as his eyes turned red.

Bolt sighed "I'm concerned for my group. I care for each member and you're no different. Don't! I know what you'll say but you live here so you're part of the group. What did you say to her," he said keeping his cool and calming down.

Bolts anger grew, the lights around seemed to flicker as he talked "What truth? What did you tell Astra," he said as he clenched his fist. He glared at the door waiting for an answer.

Otakubeats said:
@Echo Dreamsong
Ty was instantly a bit mad. "He. Did. what?" He took a deep breath, and looked at her. "Do you wanna go talk to Bolt?? Maybe he can fix this." He still held her in his arms protectively. No way in Hell was anything or anyone gonna hurt his little sister. Nope.

(Murder their families and make them watch as you eat them. I'm talking about the damn fish btw.)
Astra shook her head wildly and pushed Ty's arms away.

"No! He'll leave too! Go away!"

She sobbed, clutching the unicorn tightly.
Quill fumed in his bed, turned away from the door. He stayed silent, not caring to give him an answer. He was leaving, anyway, so might as well go out with a bang. Or a bolt of lightning, but they'd have the same effect, pretty much. Exploding. If he was mad, he'd get Bolt mad, too.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt felt like yelling but he didn't attack or fight, he just walked away from the door. He put his jacket on and stormed out the door, he fell to the ground but soon went back up. "Where is she!?" He said to himself before continuing his run, he saw the woods, everyone seemed to be drawn to it. With a sigh he ran in, the leaves crinkling under his feet.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra shook her head wildly and pushed Ty's arms away.
"No! He'll leave too! Go away!"

She sobbed, clutching the unicorn tightly.

Ty held her at arms length and looked at her. "Astra. You are family. I'm not leaving you alone and I'm not letting anyone hurt you. And as for Bolt leaving, he wouldn't. The day he first became your 'mom' he was so happy. He connected with you Astra. He isn't going to leave you. Quill just made a bad decision okay? Bolt won't do the same. If he does,I'm still here."
Otakubeats said:
Ty held her at arms length and looked at her. "Astra. You are family. I'm not leaving you alone and I'm not letting anyone hurt you. And as for Bolt leaving, he wouldn't. The day he first became your 'mom' he was so happy. He connected with you Astra. He isn't going to leave you. Quill just made a bad decision okay? Bolt won't do the same. If he does,I'm still here."
"B-but what if you leave too!"

Astra cried, trying to move away. As a last resort she threw the unicorn.
Bolt heard what he Quill said 'What did you say to her!?' Bolt thought while he was walking through the forest. Anger was overwhelming him and he didn't want to turn back.

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"B-but what if you leave too!"
Astra cried, trying to move away. As a last resort she threw the unicorn.

Ty grabbed it before it went far. He set it down near them. "Astra. You are my family. And I don't leave family. I've lost people before and if I had the choice to leave or stay right now? I'd stay. No matter what I will stay. I know what Quill said hurt but Astra... Do you trust me?"
Quill had ran out after him. He finally caught up with him.

"Bolt! Bolt, please don't be mad. Don't freak out. I...I told Astra I couldn't be her dad anymore..."

He couldn't lie to Bolt, and crossed his arms.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:
Ty grabbed it before it went far. He set it down near them. "Astra. You are my family. And I don't leave family. I've lost people before and if I had the choice to leave or stay right now? I'd stay. No matter what I will stay. I know what Quill said hurt but Astra... Do you trust me?"
Astra glared at the ground before finally slowly nodding.

"I-I guess."

She threw a stone at the dark shadow in the water.
Bolt twitched but couldn't fight, he had to conserve his energy if he was in the forest. "You told her what," he said in a voice of anger but really it was sadness, a tear trickled down his cheek at the reality of it all. He wasn't her mom and he never really saw himself as a good caretaker of her. All the times he left and she was hurt or ran away was hurting him on the inside.


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