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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

He looks at her nervously, not knowing why he was called cute. He looks down for a second and mumbles "12" under his breath. He was scared of the two and didn't know if they where going to try and hurt him.


She extends her hand "Come with us small child, We wont hurt you" she says not knowing what to expect
MiyaTheNeko said:
He stares at her hand for a second and gulps some. He grabs her hand reluctantly and stands up. "W-where are we going?"

"we have a house, we can bring you there... its better than this place" she says pointing to the door
Bolt saw what he had done to Her and vanished into his room which was just black. He looked up as he was the only thing lighting up the room, a tear ran down his face.

Lena was suprised, noticing that Bolt suddenly disappeared. She stood up, still rubbing her shoulder, and slowly proceeded towards her room

"B---Bolt?" She called out quietly

@Shammy the Shamrock
MiyaTheNeko said:
Psycho smiled and nodded to her before reaching back to grab his mask. He heald it at his side and waited for them to leave. "How far is it?"

The two hold her hand teleporting the three away to a small house. "Right here!" Choas yells unlocking the door
Bolt heard himself being called and got back up, he snapped his fingers as the lights went back on. He picked up Astra and smiled "Hi sweetie," he said kissing her cheek and hearing Lena. Bolt walked up and sighed "Sorry for shocking....and bailing on you," he said looking down.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab
Bolt looked down at Astra "It's okay, I'm right here and sorry for leaving you alone," he said stroking her hair. He looked up at Lena "Hey!? I'm not Dumbo! If anything you're Ariel, you see now that makes sense," he said sitting on the couch and rocking Astra gently.

@JJKab @Echo Dreamsong
Psycho hesitantly looked around after they teleported and smiled some. He couldn't help but giggle as well. "Cool!" He said loudly but instantly grabbed his throat in pain. He sighed and frowned a little.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Psycho hesitantly looked around after they teleported and smiled some. He couldn't help but giggle as well. "Cool!" He said loudly but instantly grabbed his throat in pain. He sighed and frowned a little.

"Whats wrong with your throat little girl" She ask walking inside


"How did you get the name phycho?"
Bolt kissed Astra's head "Hey, she's not going to hurt you. She's my girlfriend so please try and be nice," he said going up to Lena and kissing her. He threw Astra in the air and caught her a few times.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Emily huffed and crossed her arms.
"We have names! And she's a girl too!"

Ty glared. "Maybe it'd do you best to pipe down. You did freeze our floor you know."
Bolt smiled and looked at Lena "Would you be fine with Mommy having a girlfriend," he said tightening his grip around her. Sitting down on the couch he placed Astra next to him and leaned back on the couch.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab

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