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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo cringed at the noise before just laying back on the roof.
Astra pulled on Ty's pants gently.

"What does ass mean?"

"It's an animal. Don't worry about it. But don't say it infront of the others, or they'll kill me." Ty picked her up and set her on the couch. "What do you wanna do now?" (Best rolemodel ever.)
Otakubeats said:
"It's an animal. Don't worry about it. But don't say it infront of the others, or they'll kill me." Ty picked her up and set her on the couch. "What do you wanna do now?" (Best rolemodel ever.)
Astra giggled and muttered

"Fuck ass. Mommy never old me what fuck means, can you tell me brother?"

She looked up at Ty curiously, wondering what an ass (Apparently thinking it's a giraffe or something) was.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra giggled and muttered
"Fuck ass. Mommy never old me what fuck means, can you tell me brother?"

She looked up at Ty curiously, wondering what an ass (Apparently thinking it's a giraffe or something) was.

"Well, an ass is a donkey. But it's a bad word for it. Fuck is just a really bad word people use. A sign of it is something you did once to the doctors, when you flipped them off. But please don't tell anyone else I taught you that or they will kill me. And if I'm dead, well...I think being dead is boring. So don't say those things infront of Mom or Dad. Do you wanna watch a movie since we're here?"
Otakubeats said:
"Well, an ass is a donkey. But it's a bad word for it. Fuck is just a really bad word people use. A sign of it is something you did once to the doctors, when you flipped them off. But please don't tell anyone else I taught you that or they will kill me. And if I'm dead, well...I think being dead is boring. So don't say those things infront of Mom or Dad. Do you wanna watch a movie since we're here?"
Astra looked up at Ty with shining eyes.

"A-a movwe? Like the shiny screen things?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra looked up at Ty with shining eyes.
"A-a movwe? Like the shiny screen things?"

"....No one ever showed you a movie?! My god! Remind me to ask bolt why later. For now let's watch something new I found. Honestly I liked it so..." He grabbed zootopia off the shelf and put it in. (BEST FUCKING MOVIE EVER) He then went, made popcorn and came back to share with astra.
Otakubeats said:
"....No one ever showed you a movie?! My god! Remind me to ask bolt why later. For now let's watch something new I found. Honestly I liked it so..." He grabbed zootopia off the shelf and put it in. (BEST FUCKING MOVIE EVER) He then went, made popcorn and came back to share with astra.

Astra cautiously poked at the corn before picking one up and throwing it across the room. Her reason's weren't bad this time. She had once seen a lady doing that, so it should be right, right? Then she stared intently at the screen, ears back slightly at the noises.
Astra cautiously poked at the corn before picking one up and throwing it across the room. Her reason's weren't bad this time. She had once seen a lady doing that, so it should be right, right? Then she stared intently at the screen, ears back slightly at the noises.

Ty shook his head. "You eat it. It's a snack. But I mean some people do that...." He shrugged and ate some popcorn. He turned the volume down so it wouldn't irritate her cat senses.
Otakubeats said:
Ty shook his head. "You eat it. It's a snack. But I mean some people do that...." He shrugged and ate some popcorn. He turned the volume down so it wouldn't irritate her cat senses.
Astra shrieked at the scene with Mr. Otterton attacking, clinging to Ty in near tears.

"Bad ottwer! Back! Leave Judy awone!"

She cried, waving her hand angrily at the TV.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra shrieked at the scene with Mr. Otterton attacking, clinging to Ty in near tears.
"Bad ottwer! Back! Leave Judy awone!"

She cried, waving her hand angrily at the TV.

Ty held her. "He's just scared. Don't worry." He pat her head watching the movie as it continued.
Otakubeats said:
Ty held her. "He's just scared. Don't worry." He pat her head watching the movie as it continued.
Astra flattened her ears against her head, hissing slightly at the screen.

"I don't like movwies."

She whispered, hiding her face in Ty's arm.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra flattened her ears against her head, hissing slightly at the screen.
"I don't like movwies."

She whispered, hiding her face in Ty's arm.

He pat the back of her head, and when the movie reached it's climax and the scene where they tricked the villain he grinned. "See? Now that the bad guy is gone, everyone is alright."
Otakubeats said:
He pat the back of her head, and when the movie reached it's climax and the scene where they tricked the villain he grinned. "See? Now that the bad guy is gone, everyone is alright."
Astra frowned and tilted her head.

"But I thought sheep were good! Wolfies are bad!"

Emily and Yasero chose a bad spot to try and shelter. They opened the door to the warehouse, only to find several inhabitants. The silver wolf growled while Emily stared.

"Well fudge to this."

'I blame you'

'I love you too, Alpha.'
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra frowned and tilted her head.
"But I thought sheep were good! Wolfies are bad!"

Emily and Yasero chose a bad spot to try and shelter. They opened the door to the warehouse, only to find several inhabitants. The silver wolf growled while Emily stared.

"Well fudge to this."

'I blame you'

'I love you too, Alpha.'

"Don't judge a book by it's cover." Ty smiled. He heard the door open and stood turning. He made Astra duck behind the couch as he looked at the strangers. "Who are you and what do you want."
Otakubeats said:
"Don't judge a book by it's cover." Ty smiled. He heard the door open and stood turning. He made Astra duck behind the couch as he looked at the strangers. "Who are you and what do you want."

Emily trailed off before looking at the wolf. Yasero decided she wanted an ice rink, so one touch of her paw to the ground and the whole floor was rapidly coated in a sheet of thick black ice.

'Now it looks nice'

'Dammit Yey!'

Yasero bared her teeth while Emily held up her hands.

"We mean no harm!"

'Man, I wanted to chew on stuff.'

'Um, no.'

The two continued the mental argument with a staring contest.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Ummm..."
Emily trailed off before looking at the wolf. Yasero decided she wanted an ice rink, so one touch of her paw to the ground and the whole floor was rapidly coated in a sheet of thick black ice.

'Now it looks nice'

'Dammit Yey!'

Yasero bared her teeth while Emily held up her hands.

"We mean no harm!"

'Man, I wanted to chew on stuff.'

'Um, no.'

The two continued the mental argument with a staring contest.

Ty almost slipped, but stopped himself. He glared at the two. "Excuse me! Would you pause your staring contest for a moment and tell me what the hell you're doing here?!"
Otakubeats said:
Ty almost slipped, but stopped himself. He glared at the two. "Excuse me! Would you pause your staring contest for a moment and tell me what the hell you're doing here?!"
Yasero mentally snickered while Emily kicked at her, only to fall on her back.

"OW! Dang it Yey! I blame you for this!"

The large wolf growled at Ty when Emily wasn't looking. Emily finally managed to sit up and looked at Ty.

"My apologies, this is my companion. Alpha of the last frost wolf pack. We're sorry to interrupt, but it's kinda cold outside. She doesn't mind, but I can still freeze. She doesn't seem to realize that fact..."

Emily glared at the wolf, who now sported a smug expression.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Yasero mentally snickered while Emily kicked at her, only to fall on her back.
"OW! Dang it Yey! I blame you for this!"

The large wolf growled at Ty when Emily wasn't looking. Emily finally managed to sit up and looked at Ty.

"My apologies, this is my companion. Alpha of the last frost wolf pack. We're sorry to interrupt, but it's kinda cold outside. She doesn't mind, but I can still freeze. She doesn't seem to realize that fact..."

Emily glared at the wolf, who now sported a smug expression.

"If she's gonna act hostile towards me and freeze the floor, she can wait outside. You however miss. Need to explain why you are running in the streets with a wolf and then barging into buildings you have no right being in.
Otakubeats said:
"If she's gonna act hostile towards me and freeze the floor, she can wait outside. You however miss. Need to explain why you are running in the streets with a wolf and then barging into buildings you have no right being in.
Emily glared at Yasero before fiddling with her thumbs.

"I, uh, didn't think there were people in here..."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Emily glared at Yasero before fiddling with her thumbs.
"I, uh, didn't think there were people in here..."

"What's you name."

(I lost track of everyone... and wow this RP slowed down a bit)

MiyaTheNeko said:
Psycho didn't wake up but was visibly crying and whining in his sleep. He was curled up in a ball as if he was in the corner of a room trying to get away from something. "Please... don't h-hurt me!" He mumbled out of his trembling lips.

The two succubi approach the child, going into there human forms Harmony slowly tries to shake the child awake
Psychos eyes shot open, feeling himself being shaken. He shuffled away and curled into a small ball. "W-who are you two..." he said in a quiet tone, still shaken from the dream.

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MiyaTheNeko said:
Psychos eyes shot open, feeling himself being shaken. He shuffled away and curled into a small ball. "W-who are you two..." he said in a quiet tone, still shaken from the dream.

"Im Harmony" she says cheerily


"And im Chaos" she says smiling even more, even through the two had blood all over there clothes from the fact they robbed a bank and slaughtered everyone in it
Psycho calms down and sees no immediate threat in the two until he sees their bloodied up clothing. He cautiously backs into the wall and chews on his shirt out of fear, making him look adorable. "N-nice to meet you, I'm psycho..." he whispered.

MiyaTheNeko said:
Psycho calms down and sees no immediate threat in the two until he sees their bloodied up clothing. He cautiously backs into the wall and chews on his shirt out of fear, making him look adorable. "N-nice to meet you, I'm psycho..." he whispered.
(Making a undertale RP if you wish to join!)


"awe so cutes" she says before recognizing her name "Well how old are you"


I look out the window with my shotty pulled incase anyone trailed us

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