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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo trembled, looking at her hands.
"Oh great stars help me."

Astra finally opened her eyes, rather overwhelmed by the wave of memories. Each one claiming several seconds of her new life. With a small sob, she reached for Ty.

Echo backed against a wall before pushing open a window and jumping onto the roof.

Ty pulled her into a soft hug, rubbing the back of her head.
Quillicious said:
Quill's head spun as he felt something. Memories flashed in his head in perfect sync with Astra's. He also felt...regret, something like that from another creature. Something not human. He detected it was on the roof, so he wanted to check it out. He swung his legs over the window in his room and stepped on the bottom of it, reaching for the edge of the roof. He jumped to reach it and pulled himself up.
"Uh...you okay?"

Quill saw an...angel? He moved slowly and cautiously to her.

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo shrieked and waved her threatening spork. (Brilliant weapon)

"S-stay back! I have a deadly plastic utensil!"

She screamed, sort of covering herself with the silver wings as large as the three foot child.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra purred happily, leaning against him.
"I-I remember now!"

Ty hugged her. "For god's sake child. Can you not give me a heart attack? I'm only 16." He joked, playfully rubbing her head.
Otakubeats said:
Ty hugged her. "For god's sake child. Can you not give me a heart attack? I'm only 16." He joked, playfully rubbing her head.
Astra purred happily, rubbing her head against him in a cat like way.

"Thank mew!"

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with a deep blush.

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra purred happily, rubbing her head against him in a cat like way.
"Thank mew!"

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with a deep blush.


Ty laughed. "Oh my God. Cat puns. Well guess we should go tell Bolt your okay. Before he has a catostrophic meltdown."
Quillicious said:
"Oh wow, my life is in so much danger..."
Quill put his hands up and showed he wasn't any danger. He also forced a little calm into her consciousness.

"I'm not here to hurt you."

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo let her wings fold slightly and she returned to her sitting state.

"B-but why are you here?"

She froze and then shouted


Otakubeats said:
Ty laughed. "Oh my God. Cat puns. Well guess we should go tell Bolt your okay. Before he has a catostrophic meltdown."
Astra buried her face.

"I didn't mean to do it!"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo let her wings fold slightly and she returned to her sitting state.
"B-but why are you here?"

She froze and then shouted


Astra buried her face.

"I didn't mean to do it!"

He chuckled. "Still. It's funny. But unless you like being half-cat I'll need to get started on a cure."
Otakubeats said:
He chuckled. "Still. It's funny. But unless you like being half-cat I'll need to get started on a cure."
Astra looked at her tail and shrugged.

"I-it's actually not too bad. I can see better now, plus Chalice doesn't bother me as much."
Harmony/ Choas

They would be sneaking on the roof frame eavesdropping... if anyone notices in the warehouse
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra looked at her tail and shrugged.
"I-it's actually not too bad. I can see better now, plus Chalice doesn't bother me as much."

"Alright. Hey, you wanna go play smash brothers?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra frowned for a minute before looking up.
"What's that?"

"It's a game. C'mon I'll show you." He picked her up and set her on the wheelchair in the living room. He put the disc in and handed her a controller. "Now you can just choose a character then we can start." Ty picked Pikachu equipping it with the blue goggles cosmetic.
Otakubeats said:
"It's a game. C'mon I'll show you." He picked her up and set her on the wheelchair in the living room. He put the disc in and handed her a controller. "Now you can just choose a character then we can start." Ty picked Pikachu equipping it with the blue goggles cosmetic.
Astra chose a random character by pressing at any buttons. Honestly she had never seen or used anything like this.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra chose a random character by pressing at any buttons. Honestly she had never seen or used anything like this.

She'd ended up choosing squirtle. Ty then began to teach her how to play the game, and the two started co-op mode. He taught her all the attacks, combos and how to use certain characters and items. He used simple teaching, not over complicating it and not overwhelming her.
Otakubeats said:
She'd ended up choosing squirtle. Ty then began to teach her how to play the game, and the two started co-op mode. He taught her all the attacks, combos and how to use certain characters and items. He used simple teaching, not over complicating it and not overwhelming her.
Astra basically sat there, being terrible at it.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra basically sat there, being terrible at it.

Eventually Ty started a game of Mario Party, letting her choose her character.
Quillicious said:
Quill frowned at her reaction.
"I want to know what happened to Astra. The girl you helped. What did you do to her? She...remembers everything. How?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo froze before holding out her hands. For an instant, blue and green light flickered.

"I-I used the power of her hope to grant her wish. It's kinda what I do. And as a reward, I get to keep some of the energy to restore any lost. Yes, I am literally a manifestation of hope."

She said with a small glare, as though hiding something a bit deeper.
Quillicious said:
Quill raised his eyebrows in surprise. He was surrounded by strange people, but this was one of the strangest.
"Do you have an infinite amount of wishes you can grant?"

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo rubbed her arm awkwardly.

"Not exactly, I have to absorb enough energy to grant one. If I don't, well, I basically die. Otherwise, no matter what, I'm immortal."

She giggled slightly, kicking her legs over the edge.

"One time I got tossed into a volcano by Cinder! She's awful, I think she's around here too... I need to stop her before she can- never mind."
"Oh, you know Cinder?"

Quill remembered her. That crazy girl who stole Astra in the future. They had hung out after Astra had escaped to Stella.

"She was pretty cool. Kinda hot, actually."

@Echo Dreamsong
Quillicious said:
"Oh, you know Cinder?"
Quill remembered her. That crazy girl who stole Astra in the future. They had hung out after Astra had escaped to Stella.

"She was pretty cool. Kinda hot, actually."

@Echo Dreamsong
Echo snickered, her wings twitching.

"You don't know the real her then. She's literally been corrupted by fear. Humans don't seem to realize that their actions affect more than themselves. We fear itself. It will leech into hopes and posses us. I-I'm the only one not effected. Probably because I'm already half..."

She muttered the last part angrily, throwing a rock at the sand.
After laying Mario Party for a bit Ty decided that he should check on Quill. Who knew Astra was so good at that game anyhow. He wandered to the window about to look out when he heard bits of conversation. Including Quill saying she was hot. "Damn it Quill..."

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong

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