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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Black growled before a bullet flew through the room and skid across one of the girls arms. He sighed knowing who it was and now wishing for someone else.

Bounty had been stalking the place and when she saw these girls freeze her brother it didn't help. "Hey assholes, don't you know the spirit of the hunt. Listen I could shoot my brother right now but I don't because it isn't fun," she said creating her rifle and aiming at the two.

(Little fact: Black and Bounty are the brother and sister of Lou)


Bolt smiled and stroked her hair before looking back "We should probably head back, don't want the group to get worried," he said kissing Lena's cheek and getting to his feet. He vanished and appeared back in his jacket and gauntlets.


Bolt smiled and stroked her hair before looking back "We should probably head back, don't want the group to get worried," he said kissing Lena's cheek and getting to his feet. He vanished and appeared back in his jacket and gauntlets.


"Why do that when I can do this" she says absorbing the energy from the boy


"Say who are you anyways" she says ignoring the bullet that grazed her
Anne pointed the gun at Harmony's head "These are doused with holy water so ask her to give them back before I have to shoot your bitch. I must warn you I am the fastest shot you will ever meet so don't do anything stupid," she said aiming and holding the trigger.

@Yappi @MiyaTheNeko <---(If you want to come and save Black :) )

Bolt teleported home and heard a bullet go through the air. "What the hell!?!? Come on," he said grabbing Lena by the hand and running into the warehouse.

@Yappi[/URL] @MiyaTheNeko <---(If you want to come and save Black :) )

Bolt teleported home and heard a bullet go through the air. "What the hell!?!? Come on," he said grabbing Lena by the hand and running into the warehouse.


She let's the man move and stops draining him "Fine" she says letting her purposely ~revealing~ clothing show. "Now what do you want precious" she says purringly to the Anne "I go both ways"


She chuckles letting Harmony so her thing. She sits down going into her demon form letting her lil spiked demon tail hang out
@Yappi[/URL] @MiyaTheNeko <---(If you want to come and save Black :) )

Bolt teleported home and heard a bullet go through the air. "What the hell!?!? Come on," he said grabbing Lena by the hand and running into the warehouse.

Lena niftly followed Bolt, looking a bit worried
@Yappi[/URL] @MiyaTheNeko <---(If you want to come and save Black :) )

Bolt teleported home and heard a bullet go through the air. "What the hell!?!? Come on," he said grabbing Lena by the hand and running into the warehouse.


She let's the man move and stops draining him "Fine" she says letting her purposely ~revealing~ clothing show. "Now what do you want precious" she says purringly to the Anne "I go both ways"


She chuckles letting Harmony so her thing. She sits down going into her demon form letting her lil

Yappi said:
She let's the man move and stops draining him "Fine" she says letting her purposely ~revealing~ clothing show. "Now what do you want precious" she says purringly to the Anne "I go both ways"


She chuckles letting Harmony so her thing. She sits down going into her demon form letting her lil spiked demon tail hang out
@Shammy the Shamrock
@Yappi[/URL] @MiyaTheNeko <---(If you want to come and save Black :) )

Bolt teleported home and heard a bullet go through the air. "What the hell!?!? Come on," he said grabbing Lena by the hand and running into the warehouse.

Astra screamed some more at the loud noises. She didn't know what was happening, where she was, who she was, or why the noises were hurting her ears.
Anne glared "Sorry but I lost most of my emotions a long time ago. Now stand still so I can shoot you," she said holding the gun up to her face again.


Lily heard the screaming and grabbed Astra, she put a baby bottle into her mouth. "I heard this calms children," she said rocking her side to side, refusing to let go.

Bolt ran in and saw Astra, he was silent as he slowly walked up to her, a nervous look on his face.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab
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Lily heard the screaming and grabbed Astra, she put a baby bottle into her mouth. "I heard this calms children," she said rocking her side to side, refusing to let go.

Bolt ran in and saw Astra, he was silent as he slowly walked up to her, a nervous look on his face.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab
Lena slowly went after Bolt, releasing his hand. She was as nervous as he was, looking at Lily and Astra

Lily heard the screaming and grabbed Astra, she put a baby bottle into her mouth. "I heard this calms children," she said rocking her side to side, refusing to let go.

Bolt ran in and saw Astra, he was silent as he slowly walked up to her, a nervous look on his face.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab
Astra tried to shove the bottle out of her mouth, sobbing hysterically. Not knowing what anything was is terrifying. Still, the rocking motions seemed nice. Lena's appearance, along with Bolt, scared her and she began sobbing once more.

Lily heard the screaming and grabbed Astra, she put a baby bottle into her mouth. "I heard this calms children," she said rocking her side to side, refusing to let go.

Bolt ran in and saw Astra, he was silent as he slowly walked up to her, a nervous look on his face.

@Echo Dreamsong @JJKab
Harmony flash freezes him "Your no fun" she remarks before freezing the other boy

Chara lifts them up and forces them into the trash
Echo still hadn't gotten used to wings. So far she had crashed into several buildings and inflatables. The storm didn't help either, but seeing a boy laying as though dead on the beach brought her to a stop. She supposed it had been from the angry storm spirits she had calmed, but this bothered her. The small girl crash landed in the sand next to him before fiddling to grab a feather from her wings. In a panicked way, she pressed it against Ty, slowly healing him.

"Um, Mr. Human person? Are you okay?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo still hadn't gotten used to wings. So far she had crashed into several buildings and inflatables. The storm didn't help either, but seeing a boy laying as though dead on the beach brought her to a stop. She supposed it had been from the angry storm spirits she had calmed, but this bothered her. The small girl crash landed in the sand next to him before fiddling to grab a feather from her wings. In a panicked way, she pressed it against Ty, slowly healing him.
"Um, Mr. Human person? Are you okay?"

"what..." He slowly sat up wincing. He saw her wings and blinked. "Either I'm dead or you are a superhuman..."
Otakubeats said:
"what..." He slowly sat up wincing. He saw her wings and blinked. "Either I'm dead or you are a superhuman..."
Echo giggled and looked at him.

"I'm not a human! And no, you aren't dead."

After a minute she awkwardly held out her hand.

"This is a common human gesture. I shall now say my name. I am Echo, fifth star of the Dreamlings. Is it still custom to bow?"
Lily turned away from the two "I am sorry but you are scary her, I'll take care of it," she said walking into Astra's room and sitting on the bed, still gently rocking her and keeping the bottle in her mouth.

@Echo Dreamsong

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Echo giggled and looked at him.
"I'm not a human! And no, you aren't dead."

After a minute she awkwardly held out her hand.

"This is a common human gesture. I shall now say my name. I am Echo, fifth star of the Dreamlings. Is it still custom to bow?"

He shook her hand. "Not really no. Um, I'm Ty. Also. What are you?" Ty looked at her a bit confused.
Otakubeats said:
He shook her hand. "Not really no. Um, I'm Ty. Also. What are you?" Ty looked at her a bit confused.
Echo frowned for a minute.

"I think a human called me, what was the word? Um, a myth? Another got on the ground and cried 'ANGEL'. But technically I'm what used to be known as a Dreamling. Keepers of hope and wishes."
Quill burst into the warehouse.

"What the hell is going on?! Ty almost died, Stella almost died, people are going fucking nuts! I was mauled by a bear-man, two villains were found hanging dead from a bridge, Jace is gone, and this random guy who can run really fast who also might be from Tron! Where's Astra?!"

@Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock

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