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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt frowned and sat down "I-I just don't know anymore," he said shaking and curling up on the couch. "Astra forgot us again. She's was freaking out but it seemed to stop," he said refusing to get out of his curl.

@Quillicious @JJKab

Lily sighed and went onto the bed, still holding Astra "Better?" She said putting the girl on her shoulder and patting her back, what she was taught to do after they had been fed.

@Echo Dreamsong
@Quillicious[/URL] @JJKab

Lily sighed and went onto the bed, still holding Astra "Better?" She said putting the girl on her shoulder and patting her back, what she was taught to do after they had been fed.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra coughed a bit before working up the nerve to ask.

"W-who am I?"

She whispered, looking around in terror.

Otakubeats said:
@Echo Dreamsong
"Well I need to go back to my friends." He stood wincing. "You can come if you want. I don't really care." Ty began walking.
Echo gasped and jumped up.

"I can!? Thank you!"

She skipped after him, stumbling a bit in the sand.
Bolt sighed "She's in the room, one of the new group members Lily is taking care of the screaming. You can try if you want," he said getting back up and looking at where she had left.


Lily scanned her "Astra, your name is Astra." She said putting her back in her arms and looking down at her "Who do you remember?" She asked letting out a soft sigh.

@Echo Dreamsong

Lily scanned her "Astra, your name is Astra." She said putting her back in her arms and looking down at her "Who do you remember?" She asked letting out a soft sigh.

@Echo Dreamsong
"Am I supposed to wemember?" Astra asked shakily, looking up at the lady.This was really starting to scare her, everything seemed out of place and she didn't know what was happening.
Quillicious said:
"Come on, Bolt. It's not our fault. I can...I can try to help. I can try to make her remember, and still remember."
Quill nudged Bolt with his elbow as he sat down beside him.

"Where is she?"

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ty walked in and sat down. "I hate fucking demonic storm spirits." He rubbed the back of his head wincing.
Otakubeats said:
Ty walked in and sat down. "I hate fucking demonic storm spirits." He rubbed the back of his head wincing.
Echo plucked another feather and pressed it against him.

"I can heal it!"

She cried joyfully, bouncing around as she tried to take in everything.

"Wow! Kanya would love it here!"
Bolt leaned against Lena and looked down "I feel awful, if I didn't leave as much maybe it would be harder for her to forget me." He said shaking and accidentally letting out a shock of electricity.


Lily kept one hand on Astra "Mr. Quill please don't do anything to fast. She's still nervous and I don't want her to cry again," the cyborg girl said in an emotionless voice.

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong

Lily kept one hand on Astra "Mr. Quill please don't do anything to fast. She's still nervous and I don't want her to cry again," the cyborg girl said in an emotionless voice.

@Quillicious @Echo Dreamsong
Echo jumped up, excited by the electricity.

"That was lightning, correct sir?"

She asked with jittery nervous energy. She eagerly held out her hand, focusing on everything.

"I-I'm Echo!"
Quill's heart dropped as Astra asked him the question. He started to step forward, but stopped midstep. The depression of the situation flooded him, hit him like a tsunami, and realized why Bolt was so sad.

"No...no. I don't matter. Nevermind."

Quill ran swiftly to his room, locking the door. He crashed onto the bed, heaving a huge sigh.

@Echo Dreamsong
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]Bolt leaned against Lena and looked down "I feel awful, if I didn't leave as much maybe it would be harder for her to forget me." He said shaking and accidentally letting out a shock of electricity.

Ty bit back comments of his emotional instability. He sighed. Pulling out the amulet, he began to focus allowing his energy to power it. He then stood and walked to where Lily sat with Astra.
Harmony/Choas (Hia Quill)

They hide on the roofing of the warehouse listening intently

(Open for interaction)
Otakubeats said:
Ty bit back comments of his emotional instability. He sighed. Pulling out the amulet, he began to focus allowing his energy to power it. He then stood and walked to where Lily sat with Astra.
Astra shrunk back nervously, looking at the amulet.

"W-what is that? What does it do? I-is it dangerous? Who are you?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra shrunk back nervously, looking at the amulet.
"W-what is that? What does it do? I-is it dangerous? Who are you?"

"Woah woah. Calm down. It's not dangerous. It's a necklace. I made it to help you. My name is Ty. I'm one of your friends."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"W-what will it help with?" Astra asked nervously.

"It will help you remember what you've forgot."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra gasped and reached out for the amulet before pulling back.
"W-what's the catch?"

"That's just it. You don't have to pay the catch. All I ask is that you trust me on this."
Otakubeats said:
"That's just it. You don't have to pay the catch. All I ask is that you trust me on this."
Astra frowned before gently removing the necklace and pulling it over her head. Almost instantly Echo was by her side, yanking it off.

"NO! Nonono!"

She cried.

"I can fix it! Don't use jewelry!"

She touched Astra's forehead before drawing upon her wishes.

A blue/green light appeared in Echo's hand and the small girl beamed. A small blow sent it back to Astra with a trail of white.

Astra shrieked and Echo froze.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra frowned before gently removing the necklace and pulling it over her head. Almost instantly Echo was by her side, yanking it off.
"NO! Nonono!"

She cried.

"I can fix it! Don't use jewelry!"

She touched Astra's forehead before drawing upon her wishes.

A blue/green light appeared in Echo's hand and the small girl beamed. A small blow sent it back to Astra with a trail of white.

Astra shrieked and Echo froze.

"Astra! Echo what did you do?!"
Otakubeats said:
"Astra! Echo what did you do?!"
Echo trembled, looking at her hands.

"Oh great stars help me."

Astra finally opened her eyes, rather overwhelmed by the wave of memories. Each one claiming several seconds of her new life. With a small sob, she reached for Ty.

Echo backed against a wall before pushing open a window and jumping onto the roof.
Quill's head spun as he felt something. Memories flashed in his head in perfect sync with Astra's. He also felt...regret, something like that from another creature. Something not human. He detected it was on the roof, so he wanted to check it out. He swung his legs over the window in his room and stepped on the bottom of it, reaching for the edge of the roof. He jumped to reach it and pulled himself up.

"Uh...you okay?"

Quill saw an...angel? He moved slowly and cautiously to her.

@Echo Dreamsong

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