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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Something in black came rose from one of the chairs "How is everyone, how have your territories been. I hope that they are in the best of health," he said walking around, people explained and the man nodded til he got to Bolt. He glared at him "Alex this isn't for kids, why are YOU here, I thought your dad knew what would happen if I saw you here after what you did to HER," he said as he climbed the table and stood up, his eyes burning a deep pink.

Bolt looked up "H-he couldn't make it, he is i-" He wasn't able to finish as the man lifted him up with a odd force "I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR SECTOR! YOU ARE LUCKY YOUR DAD WAS MY RIGHT HAND MAN, WHY DIDN'T HE JUST ALLOW DEBBY," he said as he started to loosened his force around Bolt's neck.

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Shadow growled when the man used some type of power to pick bolt up he formed a sword in his hand prepared to use it to protect bolt he glared at the man letting his golden eyes shine

@White Shamrock
The man growled as he used something to make the sword disappear, he let go of bolt "You are no longer a member of the Heroes, you have lost the little respect you have. I want everything, the lab, your fathers memory, and I forbid you to use your powers. If we find out that you are refusing.....I will have to kill you," he said as he punched Shadow out of the room, and bolt followed.

Bolt curled up as he left the room "W-we are no longer hero's, I have failed you all," he walked over to a small place of food and started eating. He slid against the wall, he held his hair as his eyes seemed to glow with electricity, and his body became untouchable.

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shadow rubbed his nose "Bastard" he screamed he got up and walked to bolt sitting next to him "you do realize you don't need to be a member of The Heroes to be a Hero you can save people on your own" he said while looking straight at the door contemplating breaking in and slitting the guys throat

@White Shamrock
Bolt knew what he was thinking "His name is t-rex, he is the president of the Hero's association. His power is in his telekinesis, he can sense what you're doing before you do it. When me and my sister were.....made, he became aggressive towards my dad. They were both after my mom, she died in the battle against "The Soul Gambler," as his last wish he created me and my sister, we are technically hers since we have dna from her." He looked at a picture of the old team, his dad could be seen standing next to a woman in a giant robot suit.

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"heh I know how you feel with the whole your mom is a superhero thing..one more thing you said he can tell what your gonna do before you do it..what if he knows what your gonna do but he is just not fast enough to counter" he said smirking "what if we combine our powers and we move faster than he can counter us" he looked at Bolt

@White Shamrock
Bolt sighed "We can't right now, the heroes are at his beck and call, the strongest of the all are in there. I am just a plug, my only power is electricity, you can teleport. We can't win even if we wanted to.....we can ruffle them up a bit though. Ever since I switched powers with Lou I have studied teleportation, we went separate, what would happen if we teleported both of us. Same place, same time, a new result," he said his eyes ecstatic with excitement.

Bolt snapped his fingers as a flash of light seemed to blind them. When it looked around he realized something was different, one of his eyes were gold the other blue, he wore the same tie, but was wearing Shadow's coat, he gave a slight laugh as he tested his powers, he shot lighting as it teleported towards the door "May the gods have mercy on their souls," it said with a laugh.

(The Shadowed Lighting Bolt has been born, you can control him as well, I just pulled a dbz fusion xD )

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it gave a loud laugh as it appeared in the room he turned his head when a person go up and tried to attack him he cackled and held his hand out shooting a blast of lightning at the person watching as the person flew into a wall unconscious "Who is next" he looked at the group with a smirk

@White Shamrock ((
What have we done xD ))
A giant arose from the table "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU! I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU!" The thing said trying to slam his fist into Shadow Bolt. The rest stood back terrified and amazed by this new discovery, they feared of its power. One of them in armor tried to tackle them.

He teleported behind the beast, he took out a spear that glowed with electricity. He stabbed into the monsters back and smiled, he left a black lighting bolt in his steps. He glared at the rest before both eyes turned blue
"I think Bolt Stepper sounds good, or maybe Electric Shadow, hmm we need to work on the name," Bolt said, He snapped back grabbing one of the attackers throat and slammed him down.

"yea I think we do" Shadow said he turned his head to another attacker and teleported above him throwing an electrified dagger at him watching as it landed in he the attackers foot, he somersaulted through the air and landed behind the attack giving a strong kick sending him flying "pray that you live" it said in a voice that combined bolt and shadow's "what about Shadowed lightning" Shadow suggested he turned and kicked another attacker

@White Shamrock
Bolt punched another "Hmm, ya I like that name," SL(easier to say his name) slammed a guy to the ground, he grinned as he grabbed the unconscious Trex and laughed. He used his powers to burn a black lighting bolt into his chest before walking out "I should go before they overwhelm me," he said as he snapped his fingers, gold and black clouds of smoke, and lighting appeared as he vanished. They were near the base as Bolt laughed "THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME, WE KICKED ASS," he said acting like his usual self.

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Eliza sneaked up to the sky watcher and let out a "RAWR!" she laughed as she sat next to him. Elly took her mask off and gave a sigh "What'cha doing, watching clouds," she said with a yawn, leaning on him.

shadow laughed along with Bolt "HOLY CRAP WHY HAVEN'T WHEN FORMED SL BEFORE THAT WAS FREAKING SICK" he yelled out looking back at the destroyed room with unconscious and possibly dead bodies lying there "maybe we should have held back a little" he shrugged

@White Shamrock
Bolt walked still in the form "Hmm, this is a combination of our very beings. I feel energetic, but also light and fast, I wonder if we can," he summoned a sword as it became electrified "HOLY SHIT IT WORKED! THERE IS NO HOLDING BACK!" Bolt said swinging the sword around and humming as they walked back.

[QUOTE="White Shamrock]
Eliza sneaked up to the sky watcher and let out a "RAWR!" she laughed as she sat next to him. Elly took her mask off and gave a sigh "What'cha doing, watching clouds," she said with a yawn, leaning on him.
@White Shamrock

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Saitama then landed down on the floor making a crater to the before clean floor, and making a hole in the roof "oh sorry... What. Is. That..." He said looking at bolt and shadow combined @White Shamrock @FrostXShadow
Shadow laughed "your a wack-o you know that.." SL looked at the two with a smirk plastered on his face " is there something wrong" he asked his voice being a combination of Shadow's and Bolt's but still sounding normal somehow

@White Shamrock @Zedisback @Salex
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow laughed "your a wack-o you know that.." SL looked at the two with a smirk plastered on his face " is there something wrong" he asked his voice being a combination of Shadow's and Bolt's but still sounding normal somehow
@White Shamrock @Zedisback @Salex
"I got a call from the hero association that a massacre took place, the japan hero association that is, they sent me since im a class-s hero now" he said "did you... Do all this? The unidentified monater is considered demon level threat" he said @White Shamrock @FrostXShadow
FrostXShadow said:
Shadow laughed "your a wack-o you know that.." SL looked at the two with a smirk plastered on his face " is there something wrong" he asked his voice being a combination of Shadow's and Bolt's but still sounding normal somehow
@White Shamrock @Zedisback @Salex
"Whatever you guys did, you caused a massive anomaly." As he would sign a little "So tell me what DID you to do?" Asked Lou as he glared at them a little. @FrostXShadow @Salex @White Shamrock
He shrugged "They wanted to kick us out of the association, so we took it into our own hands. I am Bolt and Shadow, also we are all targeted...sorry." He said with a laugh, he looked down "What do you think, impressive huh," he said with a pose.

@FrostXShadow @Zedisback @Salex
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