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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Otakubeats said:
Ty slowly got up wincing. "what the hell.."
"Well Ty apparently Calamity took over your body, used it to cause destruction, hold the rift together and your body was on the brink of death. Fortunately I was brought here by you and I used my god powers to help you get back on your feet."
Something was walking through the forest of silence. The figure was large but ghostly, anything around it seemed to run away and hide. It looked around "Silence, reveal yourself," the figure asked in a soft voice, it's hand extended.


Black breathed heavily before getting back up "Sorry, that shot took a lot out of me," he said holding his chest. He didn't get up and when he tried it made him feel awful as he fell to the ground once more.

The thing removed his mask to reveal himself to be a grey skinned man, his hair in cornrows and his eyes burning red. "How is our daughter?" God asked with a soft smile "Have you missed me," he asked as his ghostly figure seemed to vanish for a second before appearing again.

God smiled "Good. Since my death I've been able to travel the realms. So many places, they were so beautiful they made me feel at ease. If only I could take you there but I am merely just unwanted static to this world that fades in and out. I wanted to see you again." He said coming closer, his arms crossed and the smile showed teeth "Was I a good man in life," he asked as his voice seemed to break the silence in the forest.

Psycho frowned seeing that his friend was having a hard time standing up. He sighed a little and used his telekinesis powers to lift him off the ground and into his arms. He heald Black bridal style and smiled. "Home?" He said quietly tilting his head some.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Movement detected God's presence after he fled the scene of destruction, and watched Silence and the former God with increasing rage. On one hand, he was furious and disappointed with himself for not telling Silence how he felt. On the other, he was bitter about their child. He had always secretly hated God with a burning passion. The way he treated Mischief, and how he thought everything was beneath him and only his. He liked the One better. He was always a benevolent deity. Shadow was still nowhere to be found, even though movement had travelled to his personal realm to search. Movement's eyes dimmed very much, his eternal grin shrinking and flipping. Maybe it was better to just fade like most of the others.
Psycho heald him close as he walked back twoards their home. He looked down and smiled to see that Black had fallen asleep. He sighed some when he finally approached the building and went to Blacks room. He layed black on the bed and stood their for a moment looking at him.

@Shammy the Shamrock
God looked at her "I remember when I first met you. Saw you as nothing more then a puny God. Then you showed me how loyal you were, how beautiful and caring you were. In life I didn't show much of it but I loved you," he said embracing and kissing her. He came eye to eye with Silence "Can you give the child of Death something for me, I don't need it anymore," he said handing her a white cloak with a yellow rim, the inside had space moving around in it. "I miss you dearly," he said as his hands passed through her.

Quillicious said:
Movement detected God's presence after he fled the scene of destruction, and watched Silence and the former God with increasing rage. On one hand, he was furious and disappointed with himself for not telling Silence how he felt. On the other, he was bitter about their child. He had always secretly hated God with a burning passion. The way he treated Mischief, and how he thought everything was beneath him and only his. He liked the One better. He was always a benevolent deity. Shadow was still nowhere to be found, even though movement had travelled to his personal realm to search. Movement's eyes dimmed very much, his eternal grin shrinking and flipping. Maybe it was better to just fade like most of the others.
(God: You had your chance at the Kaitlin you! Shammy: if anyone get that reference I will give you a cookie :) )

"Cypher, would you mind grabbing my gun from the car?" Furnace asked politely, with a creepy calm infused with his words. They were both on a rooftop, a few blocks away from the vehicle they arrived in. Furnace hadn't quite told Cypher of his plans as of yet... But his request for his firearm may have given her a clue. Though, their location was still a mystery... He was certain she would rebel at his request for his steel-clad weapon, she would certainly do it in the end. She was his assistant, after all... She knew that rebelling would end in... Punishment.

With that final action, Movement snapped. He finally uncrossed his legs and stood firmly on the ground. His eyes slowly grew brighter, and a fire in them seemed to explode with his hatred.


He used his telekinesis to slam God's physical form into the ground, nearby trees, and into the sky. He raised his hand again and brought it quickly down. God plummeted down and crashed down to the earth.


@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
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Black woke up and rubbed his head "Ugh! I shouldn't use my power in one swoop, it take a lot out of me," he said rubbing his chest and looking at Psycho. "Thanks for taking me back, I owe you one," he said playfully hitting him in the arm.

Silence froze. She turned and looked at movement. "Am I so weak that you think I'd not see if I was being used? You don't deserve your powers. Look what you've done to my forest. It was already dying, now you've made it worse." She sighed. "Besides, Barb was birthed as an idea from HIS mind. So if anything was to be accused, it would be of me and using him. " She began to slowly pick up the fallen branches and crushed flowers.
God got up "I would need to fall in love to create a child. I love Silence, I am not doing this because I am weak. When I was in the realms without my powers I enjoyed myself. I became a different person a pawn my travels, I will not fight back," he said with no anger in his eyes. He looked at Silence and lifted his arms as fallen branches had vanished "I still have some power in this world, I am sorry for the disturbance Silence," he said in a calm tone before looking back at Movement.

@Otakubeats @Quillicious
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Cypher let her head fall back while letting out an annoyed groan. "You're kidding me... why did we bring it earlier?" She said aloud as she brought her head back down to look at him. She knew what would happen if she didn't, but still felt the need to point out the obvious. She finally did what she knew he expected and gave in to his demands. "Fine, I'll be back Furnace..." She ran to the edge of the building and jumped down the levels of the fire escape. She flipped her hood on and ran down the street to their vehicle where she grabbed his gun. She did her best to conceal it as she ran back to him. She went back up the fire escape, lowered her hood, and heald out the gun to him. "Anything else sir?" She said with a smile.


Psycho smiled and nodded at him. He giggled at the punch before sitting on the bed next to him. He ran his hand through his hair and tilted his head. "
You sure you're okay?" He whispered.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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Quiet steps approached the figure of the now revealed identity of the hero Bolt. A hand touched his arm, gently. "...No." She cancelled the impulsive command of her Scanner Vision, refusing to invade his privacy further. She closed her eyes, focusing her power on him, or rather, her regenerative healing. Perhaps this would ease his recovery. Soon, his body would grow lighter, stronger. Once it was enough, she let go, watching over him, her gaze under a large hood, hidden.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt got up, his eyes turning back to there bright blue. "Thanks! I am Alex or Bolt as most of my teammates call me. The leader of the heroes of tomorrow," he said extending his hand. A smile stretched across his face, the other hand behind his back.

Movement glared at him and shook his head.

"You still haven't paid for your sins. And don't talk to me about destruction. Especially with him. Your child was only born to continue your tyranny. That was the twisted thought she was born as."

He couldn't even look at Silence.

"You loved the idea of an heir. You didn't love her like I do. You never have. Your powers corrupted you, and you let it. What you were is inescapable."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
Quillicious said:
Movement glared at him and shook his head.
"You still haven't paid for your sins. And don't talk to me about destruction. Especially with him. Your child was only born to continue your tyranny. That was the twisted thought she was born as."

He couldn't even look at Silence.

"You loved the idea of an heir. You didn't love her like I do. You never have. Your powers corrupted you, and you let it. What you were is inescapable."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
Silence growled. "DO I GET A SAY IN THIS MATTER?!" He voice echoed around the clearing as she stormed to him, her finger pushing his chest the nail digging in. "I AM A GODDESS. I CHOOSE WHAT I DO AND WHO I LOVE. YOU DO NOT. YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM HAPPY! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" She turned and fled into the trees, a barrier blocking the two out.

"Yes, that is all. Thank you Cypher." Furnace replied, as he took his firearm. He held it firmly in his hand, and pulled the hammer back, careful of letting it fire prematurely. He smirked a bit, and turned around, pointing it a Cypher. He pulled the trigger, and chuckled a bit when it clicked. "Grab the ammunition next time." Furnace chuckled, before poking his assistant's nose. They'd been working together for years... And she knew he would never get too mad at her. But it was little things like this... She knew that they added up. She knew that eventually, he wouldn't be so... Forgiving.

"We're headed back home... We'll deal with this tomorrow." Furnace remarked, before turning to the horizon. "It's getting late anyways..."


((I'm gonna keep you on your toes, Mira ^^))​

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