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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"Do you know what makes you happy, Silence?"

It was the first time since they met that he had used her full name. He teleported to her, ignoring the barrier.

"You know I'd always listen to you and respect your opinions. I always have. I just regret my own cowardice, taking it out on you and...him."

He wasn't going to call him God anymore. He didn't deserve the title.

God looked at him "Everyone is of sin," he simply said seeing Silence vanish into the clearing. He sat down and leaned on a tree, controlling the ground around him. He looked back seeing him vanish but didn't want to go after him. "I am not God, I am Levet." He whispered into the wind, now knowing the title didn't belong to him it wasn't his.

@Otakubeats @Quillicious
Quillicious said:
"Do you know what makes you happy, Silence?"
It was the first time since they met that he had used her full name. He teleported to her, ignoring the barrier.

"You know I'd always listen to you and respect your opinions. I always have. I just regret my own cowardice, taking it out on you and...him."

He wasn't going to call him God anymore. He didn't deserve the title.

Silence turned and slapped him. "I know what makes me happy. Now get out of my realm."
Technovore graced him with a silent nod, as if to acknowledge his gratitude. But for once, a reaction in the form of a slight head tilt was hers and hers alone for a moment. Heroes of Tomorrow...yes, the name was familiar. A group of prestigious heroes whose whereabouts her superior had shared with her a few days after becoming a hero. "...Impressive." Her voice may have not given it away but her word was genuine. But a smile, even if there, was impossible to see. "I am Technovore. Pleased to make your acquaintance, Alex or Bold, leader of the Heroes of Tomorrow."

@Shammy the Shamrock
Movement didn't bother teleporting out of the way as she slapped him. He merely watched with dim eyes as she did so.

"I see how you feel, though I won't pretend to understand. I hope you can forgive me, Silence."

He sighed and kept his head in the position that the slap left him. A green light started to creep up from the ground, up to his feet. It traveled slowly, but Movement felt as if he was anchored to the spot he was in. He couldn't move from the light. It seemed to paralyze him and chill him to the bone.


He didn't know what else to say.

Bolt tilted his head "How do you know of my group? Hello Technovore, it is nice to meet you," he said giving a bow. Bolt looked back "Do you have a place to stay? We would gladly have you over, just for the night," he said with a smile, looking in the direction of the warehouse.


Black smiled "I am very much fine, I think I just need some rest." He said leaning back and letting out a sigh, he looked at the ceiling. His hands stretched across his chest as he looked back at Psycho.

Cypher nodded at him and smiled a little when he got ready to shoot... something? She watched for a moment before he turned around and pointed it at her. Her eyes widened some and she covered herself. "What are you..." she heard a click and let out a small chuckle knowing that he wasn't going to shoot her. She heard what he said about the ammunition and frowned some, looking to the ground. "S-sorry sir..." She said hoping he would forgive her. She knew he wasn't mad, but also knew that he would slowly start to count up the smaller things and publish her as if they were big ones. She hoped that wouldn't happen and was going to try her best not to make stupid mistakes like that. "Yes, of course that would be best." She said with a smile looking into the horizon with him. "Would you like me to carry that?" She offered, wondering if he wanted her to carry the firearm.

Quillicious said:
Movement didn't bother teleporting out of the way as she slapped him. He merely watched with dim eyes as she did so.
"I see how you feel, though I won't pretend to understand. I hope you can forgive me, Silence."

He sighed and kept his head in the position that the slap left him. A green light started to creep up from the ground, up to his feet. It traveled slowly, but Movement felt as if he was anchored to the spot he was in. He couldn't move from the light. It seemed to paralyze him and chill him to the bone.


He didn't know what else to say.

Silence lowered the barrier allowing him to leave and walked off deeper into the wood.
Movement hung his head as the green light enveloped his entire body. He watched Silence go the whole time. When he was fully covered, he couldn't move at all. His figure slowly faded, disappearing from all existence.

"No... I'm afraid you would fuck that up too." Furnace replied coldly. He shot her a look of slight anger, but it was quite obvious that he was just having a bad day... It wasn't like him to react so heavily to something that minor. He was just under a lot of stress... Which wasn't uncommon for him. Small bits of his hair were already turning grey from stress... And he was only 23.

They arrive at the car quickly, and Furnace, calmly opens the driver's side door. Him and his assistant were on relatively good terms... But they both had their faults. Furnace's short temper was one of them...


((Still trying to figure out where I'm gonna take Furnace's personality... Sorry xD ))​
Black looked at him "You can stay if you want, I don't mind. It will be like a sleepover," he said with a laugh. Black went to his side and started to doze off, slowly drifting into sleep.

Levet(God) decided to follow, he went into the forest and refused to give up. "Are you mad at me? Did I upset you," he asked Silence with his arms crossed across his chest. He looked down at her "Am I really as awful as Movement said I was," he asked with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

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Cypher frowned some and looked to the ground at what he said. She knew it was out of stress from his day and probably the mistake that she made earlier, but it still managed to hurt her some. They where pretty close but not in the way where she should be pouting at his comment, but she was sensitive about certain things. She shook it off and followed him back to the car.

She got in the passenger side and sat quietly for most of the ride before decided she should talk some. "
Sorry about earlier, it was a stupid mistake." She sighed and cracked a smile on her face. "Hey, wanna go scare some sappy citizen with the mist unit?" She said hoping that would be something to make him happy.


Psycho smiled some at what he said and quickly made his way back over to his bed. He nodded some and giggles. "
Thanks..." he said quietly laying on the bed with him. He made sure to keep near the edge so that it wasn't awkward and slowly fell asleep. Not long later he was shaking heavily in fear of a night terror that was going on. A faint "help..." could be heard escaping his lips.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Black didn't wake up but instead hug him tight, he believed him to be his pillow. "Mine!" He mumbled as he started chewing on his hair having another dream where his pillow was a marshmallow.


Levi smiled and went up closer "You are beautiful but that isn't the reason I fell in love with you. Your personality was so perfect it was hard not trying to show my love. Do you remember how we first met?" He asked as the memory was blurry in his mind he only remembered bits and pieces.

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"You're fine, Cypher..." Furnace muttered, with a slightly apologetic tone. "The Mist Unit..? Mind reminding me what project that was..?" It wasn't uncommon for Furnace to forget projects... Often he just left them for Cypher to play with... The Mist must've been one of them. He often only remembered projects by their number...

He shook his head a bit, and looked to Cypher, obviously back to his more
'Sophisticated' self.

Back to normal.

Psycho felt himself being pulled and immediately woke up. He looked over to see he was in Blacks grasp. He blushed slightly and closed his eyes once more before feeling something chewing in his hair. He whines some but doesn't try to stop him, mostly because it didn't hurt.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Cypher raised an eyebrow, surprised that he didn't remember what the mist project was. She smiled and pulled out a picture of the group she had created. "The mutated soldiers that I helped create." She said in a proud tone. "They only work in a deep mist, create rifles from thin air, super fast, super strong..." she trailed off and sighed, proud of her invention. She was also quite happy that Furnace seemed to be calmer and in his normal sophisticated mood.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/metal-gear-solid-the-skulls-2.png.44a610e722b78dcee95336ea5e96a25f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139312" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/metal-gear-solid-the-skulls-2.png.44a610e722b78dcee95336ea5e96a25f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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"If they're so great, then why don't I remember them??" Furnace asked, before raising an eyebrow. "I say this whole thing is shit." He said, dismissing her with a slight wave of his hand. Of course he remembered them after his refresher, but he could tell how proud she was of them, and figured he'd give her a chance to show them in action. She'd earned it.

((Shhhh..!! xDD I can't sleep))​
A quiet, robotic chuckle could reach the male's ears. " That's...classified. " She felt a bit flustered at his bow, not expecting something so...respectful. His proposal did not help either. She would have to see if her superior would allow it...would he? Hard to say, this could either be a chance to gather intel on the group or a way to 'distract her', whatever that means. " ...Thank you. If it were not much trouble, I accept your suggestion with gratitude. "

@Shammy the Shamrock
Ben is lying on his bed in his box under the brige thinking about the things he heard about from his box buddys. Things that shouldn't be...people that can do things that shouldnt be. Ben was like that, but they where not talking about him,he knew that so what are they talking about?
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Astra finally woke up, unsure where she was, or who she was. Everything was a pearly white color and the sounds were no existent. With a small whimper she felt around for anything, hoping something would come back.
Cypher raised an eyebrow and let out a soft chuckle. She put the paper away and thought for a moment. "What is your least favorite group of people, not counting hero and anti-heros, that you would like dead and I can give you a reminder on how awesome they truly are." She said looking over at him with hope in her eyes. It was clear that she was very excited to show off to him what they could do.

Bolt nodded and gave her a small map "Here! Just go to the red dot, we are at the edge of the woods, it's a giant warehouse. You'll find it," he said walking away "I would teleport you but I am only strong enough right now for a one man trip. I need to check on my little girl," he said vanishing in a bolt of lighting.


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