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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"....Because I loved him. As for your destiny, well as a God, you may choose. I know he loved you because you were his child, and mine. You were born the same as Athena. A thought sprouted from love. One day you just....manifested in his arms. You were a vision of his and mine. Your red eyes come from him while your figure is similar to my own."
Barbarous was in shock "You're my mother! Why? Did he know you were the mom? Why did you two abandon me?" So many questions went through her mind, her hands shaking as she looked away. Her head was down and the sword next to her was glowing bright blue.

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"He knew. We didn't want to part with you child, but the others were furious at the addition of an heir. Had we not done this...you could have died. When you were a child, I would sneak from the kingdom to see you. I would craft veils of silence, and sing to you so only you would hear. Eventually I was found out, and my lips were sealed shut with golden wire. That is until the New God, the Sound God came to save me. Yet when you found him, something changed. He is a completely different deity now." [media]

[/media] (This is the song. Don't judge me. It's a sweet song.)
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Barbarous fell to the ground, the rose chain had fallen as well. "What am I!?" She yelled as everything had seemed to stop, the world was motionless and silent before moving again. "I don't know what to do mother, I am God and it is probably the hardest job I can do," she said getting up and embracing Silence, her fathers outline flashed in front of Silence for a split second before vanishing.

@Otakubeats (Possibly @DestinyGuy3712)

@Otakubeats[/URL] (Possibly @DestinyGuy3712)


Silence embraced her, holding her tight. "I know. I know it's hard. You are Barbarous, Bob, a strong woman. Think of this....the world is a canvas. It's up to you to decide. Maybe, instead of following your father's hatred of mortals...perhaps you could help them. But whatever you choose my dear, I shall be behind it and love you no less for it. The crown is a heavy cost. If you wish to discard it then I will follow you. In this world...Gods are not needed too much. The people have a balance set between their champions and enemies. It is up to you my child."
"Speak for yourself, Si. Some don't want to be forgotten. To be thrown away like an overused toy."

Movement floated closer to the pair. He had listened to what they had said, and was still angry from the previous events.

"Shadow's disappeared. It's only a few of us left."

@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Barbarous nodded and went from the hug "Maybe I should just watch for now. I'll see if humanity is a race worth saving or punishing," she said walking further out of the forest. She saw Movement "Are you a god of my father," she had asked, her sword in one hand as she spoke.

@Quillicious @Otakubeats
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"I'm...different from the others. I'm not like her."

Movement gave a cold look at Silence, his glowing green eyes slightly blazing. His smile was small and upside down.

"I just joined God after the others. I was actually around before Him, believe it or not."

@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](God: Everyone was.....I am technically just an alien who gained the powers and became God)

((He's talking about the One, who he believed to be the REAL God.))
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]

Black accepted the high five and looked back. "THAT WAS AWESOME! However it was also wrong, I'll figure it out later," he said soaring through the clouds

Psycho nods in agreement to both things that he said and smiled under his mask. He removed it as they soared through the clouds and tilted his head at Black. "What now?" He asked quietly but hoping it was loud enough for him to hear.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Barbarous looked at him "So you are a old god, I thought most of the gods were either dead or drained of there powers." She said walking through a field near the city, plants seeming to die and come back to life as she walked.


Black stopped and landed near the warehouse. He went over and put stuff away before walking out "Let's take a walk, it will help clear my mind," he said already beginning his strole, whistling as he went.


YoungX said:
(hue. xD )
In any case, Hibiki continued on reading because surely he wasn't needed now. Or... was he?
A small distored voice spoke one word as visions of destruction filled Hibiki's mind. 'Run.'
Otakubeats said:
A small distored voice spoke one word as visions of destruction filled Hibiki's mind. 'Run.'
As Hibiki would read his book, he would be interrupted by visions of destruction. Then he would do as the vision did and ran. Of course he would transform into Ultimate Kuuga and ran with incredible speed. The issue was... where was he going exactly?
YoungX said:
As Hibiki would read his book, he would be interrupted by visions of destruction. Then he would do as the vision did and ran. Of course he would transform into Ultimate Kuuga and ran with incredible speed. The issue was... where was he going exactly?
Hibiki was subconciously led to the edge of the forest where quiet talking could be heard.
Otakubeats said:
Hibiki was subconciously led to the edge of the forest where quiet talking could be heard.
Kuuga would stop in the forest and transformed back into Hibiki. He heard quiet talking, and would follow the source of the talking. There was curiosity in his mind, and wanted to know what he was even doing here.
YoungX said:
Kuuga would stop in the forest and transformed back into Hibiki. He heard quiet talking, and would follow the source of the talking. There was curiosity in his mind, and wanted to know what he was even doing here.

Calamity grinned and wandered towards Hibiki. He had a insane smile, and a bit of blood from his head to his chin. "Oh! Lookie, a new toy." He snapped his fingers and the air was sucked from Hibiki's lungs like a vacuum. Calamity grabbed his former friend, throwing him up in the air a few feet and snapping his fingers once more. A sound barrage hit him high up in the air and let him fall.

(He still looks like Ty btw.)
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Otakubeats said:

Calamity grinned and wandered towards Hibiki. He had a insane smile, and a bit of blood from his head to his chin. "Oh! Lookie, a new toy." He snapped his fingers and the air was sucked from Hibiki's lungs like a vacuum. Calamity grabbed his former friend, throwing him up in the air a few feet and snapping his fingers once more. A sound barrage hit him high up in the air and let him fall.

(He still looks like Ty btw.)
Hibiki would've transformed into Ultimate Kuuga protecting him from the air suckle. Then the sound barrage hit him up and would fall down making a crater on the ground. "Well then... that was unexpected. Why am I even here?" That was the million dollar question. Why was he here? What did he even have to prove at this point? It looked like Ty, but something about it was off. Could it be related to the Gods? If that was the case then he needed to find Daguva. Luckily he was transported into Daguva's personal dimension, and from there Daguva would be there in front of him.

"Don't worry my friend. Not even the other Gods can access my personal dimension. For now it seems we certainly have an interesting disposition on our hands."

[Locked for interaction for plot reasons. Hue.]
Psycho smiled and quickly out his Twix bars away. He then made his way outside to wait for Black to get back. He waved at black as he walked outside and nodded when he said for them to walk. Psycho walked next to him and sighed a little happily.

@Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
Hibiki would've transformed into Ultimate Kuuga protecting him from the air suckle. Then the sound barrage hit him up and would fall down making a crater on the ground. "Well then... that was unexpected. Why am I even here?" That was the million dollar question. Why was he here? What did he even have to prove at this point? It looked like Ty, but something about it was off. Could it be related to the Gods? If that was the case then he needed to find Daguva. Luckily he was transported into Daguva's personal dimension, and from there Daguva would be there in front of him.
"Don't worry my friend. Not even the other Gods can access my personal dimension. For now it seems we certainly have an interesting disposition on our hands."

[Locked for interaction for plot reasons. Hue.]
"Awwww I wasn't done yet. I wanted to grind his bones and tear off his head. I guess thats for another time." He shruged returning to Barbarous' side. @Shammy the Shamrock
Barbarous looked at Calamity "Cause chaos, this is my first test to humanity. I hear the new gods are in the city so just cause havoc as a warning," she said pointing to the city. She looked at Movement "Care to join the fun?" She asked sheathing her sword.

@Otakubeats @Quillicious
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Hibiki would just stand there and listen to what Daguva has to say.

"It seems we have... a gathering of gods once more. To be frank I had expected the New 'God' to be chosen, but certainly not the other gods. This is hardly what I can call balance. As it stands, you certainly could try to stand up to them, but it wouldn't end up well. So right now... your going to have to use my powers once more. Are you ready?"

Hibiki nodded and would think about what would happen. Once again would he take the helm and have god powers once more. Of course he had to make sure all was right within the world.

"Good. Now then this shouldn't take long," and before long a flash of light blinded Hibiki. From there Hibiki would be wearing a white robe and would feel the powers of a god within him.

"Now then... this should allow you to settle this conflict without so much of any real issues. The only concern I have is the state of the New God. That will be taken care of later I can assure that. Remember, you must settle this issue without disturbing the ways of the multiverse. Oh and the white robes? An inspiration from a neighboring multiverse. I think we call it 'Universe 7.' Yes that was the name. Instead of the city with the Heroes of Tomorrow, you have something called a Sanfield I believe is the name. Now then good luck," and with that Hibiki would be transported back to his apartment.

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