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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

(Nice :D )

As Tusk made his way though the forest, a growing feeling began to wave through his body. He was lost. After tracking the source of the shaking for a while, Tusk had gotten himself lost in the forest, and decided to rest on a rock for a moment. Wipping his forehead and pulling out Warg-gram, Tusk said to it, "Find the Gods of this land."

However, the sword showed only an image of dark nothingness, before fading back to its Nordic symbols. Tusk was greatly puzzled from this, since this had never happened to his sword before. Stabbing Warg-gram into the ground, Tusk looked up into the sky and observed as birds a geese flew about. It reminds him if his own home in Norway; a dence and snowy forest where he and his brethren would take the boys of the village out to go practice hunting.
Bolt teleported into the city and took as much energy as he could before going into the woods, where the original sound wave came from. He looked around, it was nice in the silence but his silence was broken by a voice. Going slowly foreword he saw a man who looked like He-Man if he was also Thor. He stood still but the God of The Storm energy seemed to come from him.

@Echo Dreamsong @DestinyGuy3712

(@DestinyGuy3712 Btw If you want to see the gods we have them in the neutral tab, you can tell they're gods by the Group being Gods)
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](Bolt: *Sips coffee* We have an Tusk)

(*starts waving giant sword around xD *)

Startled by the figure who suddenly appeared, Tusk pulled Warg-gram from the ground and roared, positioning the sword straight up wth both of his hands holding it, "Who are you!?"
"The Old Gods?" Tusk replied, tilting his head as he folded his arms, "I've never heard of these "Old Gods" before. And who is this "daughter of God" you speak of? Is she the daughter of Odin?"
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Bolt laughed "Listen, there are no gods of your religion. Odin doesn't exist and many other gods before him have been shown," he said with his arms crossed. "The Old Gods were Gods under one man, his name was God. The heroes who were with me had to defeat each to become 'New Gods', I am one of them. I am the god of the storm, or weather if you must, I don't have that power at the moment so I can't show you," he said with his hands in his pockets.

@DestinyGuy3712 @Echo Dreamsong
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Although intrigued by the Old Gods and how Alex and his allies defeated them to become Gods themselves, Tusk was outraged when he commented on Odin.

"Of course Odin is real!" Tusk exclamed, letting out a jolly laugh, "As well as all the Gods and Godesses of my land. You probably heard of them, being a God yourself, but I can tell you that the Gods of Vallhala are the guardians of our world!"

Although Tusk was speaking with great pride, he felt a strangly human chill travel down his spine. Was it the thought of him actually begging in false deities, and the Old and New Gods Alex spoke of were actually the true Gods of Earth? He didn't want to think about it.
Bolt sighed "I may be wrong. For all I know every god could exist at once. These guys weren't from Earth and from the info I was able to gather when I absorbed one of the gods is that this guy kills gods. There is a child at our base named Ray, her mother was death and God smashed Death skull in," he said with a frown. The thought of Death's last moments made him shiver.

@DestinyGuy3712 @Echo Dreamsong
Tusk paused for a moment, then said to Alex, "I'm sorry to hear that, New God..."

After standing for a moment, Tusl stretched his limbs as he then said, "Well, I should be going. I'm searching for two Gods who's gery clash shook the earth."
Bolt nodded "So should I. I may see you later- I didn't catch your name stranger," he said with a smile as he looked back to the forest. His eyes dimmed slightly but he ignored it, saving his energy for a real fight.

"I am Tusk." The Viking said as he was about to continue his mission, "The Watchman of the Gods. It was a pleasure to meet you, Alex the New God."

Bolt stroked her hair and held on tight "It's okay, it won't hurt you. It won't as long as i'm around," he said looking around at the shattered...everything. He leaned back and let out a sigh, he wanted to got but the woods would zap his powers.

@Echo Dreamsong
Silence decided to play it safe. She'd seen what had happened. It would be best to remain calm. She did not have the strength to fight. "Yes. I am Silence. It is a pleasure to meet you Barbarous."
Bolt nodded and walked off into the forest, he looked around and seemed to find nothing. He sighed "TOO MUCH FOREST! I may burn out before I could even find the God," he said before grabbing Astra off his shoulder and looked at her. "How are you doing?" He asked the little girl as he walked through.

@Echo Dreamsong

Barbarous laughed, her grip on Silence's neck grew tight. "The pleasure is all mine. Do you know why I am here Silence?" She asked getting out a sword and putting it to her neck.

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Barbarous dropped the sword "You where the most loyal to my father. Alright, you are the only Old God I am sparing, however since I don't know much about you I have to do something." Barbarous lifted her hand as a chain of roses came and wrapped around her neck. "This is your collar, you betray or say anything to others it will tighten and force you not to speak, understand," she said with her eyes burning a dark red like her fathers.

@Otakubeats (Possibly @DestinyGuy3712)
Barbarous bowed back before looking around "We must leave this place, come Calamity," she said grabbing her sword and putting it over her shoulder. While walking she looked back "What was my father like?" She asked with a tone of stress in her voice, a frown across her face.

(What if we made the M. Night Shamylan twist that somehow Silence was her mom xD )

Barbarous sighed "I thought he was known as a tyrant. He came to my home on day and killed my friends, he hurt me but spared me....Why!?!? Why would he spare me if I was so weak," she asked with her eyes glowing with anger, she than looked back and walked out the forest.


(Yes we can :) )
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Barbarous looked at her "Why did you follow such a man? How do you know he loved me? He seemed weak due to his death and I was forced to take his place. Am I meant to be the savior or punisher of this world," she said leaning against a tree on the rim of the forest. The sword stabbed into the ground beside her.

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