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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra somehow managed to follow Ty quietly (Magic). The strange person was supposed to be her friend and she wanted to know why. Of course once she entered the grove, more of her memories began to fade. Even of Bolt.

Ty was unaware of the girl following. He approached the former goddess and the two began to speak. The girl would be unable to hear the words, the forests veil of magic keeping these talks undisturbed. Eventually Silence took notice of the child and her predicament. After a few moments Ty pocketed something and bid her farewell. He picked up Astra and carried her ignoring whatever struggles she may cause

(Silence's new appearance)
Astra thrashed about, punching at Ty.

"No! No gwoat!" She shrieked, flailing her arms about. Her chair was still in the clearing and she really wanted it. The one thing standing from the foggy mist of her mind was the chair. For some reason, one she didn't know, it was important.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra thrashed about, punching at Ty.
"No! No gwoat!" She shrieked, flailing her arms about. Her chair was still in the clearing and she really wanted it. The one thing standing from the foggy mist of her mind was the chair. For some reason, one she didn't know, it was important.

Ty simply sighed, hiding the sadness of her amnesia as he spoke. "It'll reappear outside the rift. I promise."
Otakubeats said:
Ty simply sighed, hiding the sadness of her amnesia as he spoke. "It'll reappear outside the rift. I promise."
Astra paused for a moment and looked at him with a puzzled expression. By now the only thing she could tell was that this odd goat (As she deemed him) was carrying her and she couldn't escape. That didn't quite help her calm as she tried to hold back tears.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra paused for a moment and looked at him with a puzzled expression. By now the only thing she could tell was that this odd goat (As she deemed him) was carrying her and she couldn't escape. That didn't quite help her calm as she tried to hold back tears.

Ty set her down in her chair and began to walk her to the warehouse. He opened the door, and left her in the living room. "Bolt, keep your child in the house and from wandering to other dimensions please." Ty sounded a bit pissed and walked back out to the rift once again.
Otakubeats said:
Ty set her down in her chair and began to walk her to the warehouse. He opened the door, and left her in the living room. "Bolt, keep your child in the house and from wandering to other dimensions please." Ty sounded a bit pissed and walked back out to the rift once again.
Hibiki was busy reading his book to really notice much happening.
Otakubeats said:
Ty set her down in her chair and began to walk her to the warehouse. He opened the door, and left her in the living room. "Bolt, keep your child in the house and from wandering to other dimensions please." Ty sounded a bit pissed and walked back out to the rift once again.
Astra glared at him angrily, holding the side of her chair. Faint outlines of the past crammed her mind, but still frustratingly dim. That might have been worse than nothing. In her panic of the place, she wheeled herself backwards against the wall, glancing at everything with terror in her eyes. Even poor Bolt.
Bolt was in shock and teleported in front of Astra. "Are you ok, what is wrong," he said in a nervous voice, a hand rested on her shoulder. He frowned and nervous of what she would say.

@Echo Dreamsong
Ty returned to the realm where his friend resided. Ever since first gaining her ability, she'd been communicating and helping him. Even now when those powers lie dormant she stills helps on occasion. It in fact was her who first alerted Ty to another God's presence. He sat beside her on the grass.

"What should we do Silen?" He had adopted the nickname for her a time ago, she hadn't minded actually glad someone had given her speech back.

"About Astra or Bob? Is Bob a common name for women in this era? I never understood such titles."

Ty shrugged, "Both, and no idea."

"Well.....you know the item I gave you earlier?"

He nodded and pulled out the small amulet. It was a glowing glass-like crystal of a purple hue. The inside held fragments of light inside it.

"For Astra, give her time. If things worsen convince her to meet on the edge of the rift and I'll do my best. As for this New God that amulet holds a small fragment of my soul. If things get hard, it will lend you strength. Now you should go devise a plan. And do me a favor, don't die. Being alone for eternity isn't pleasant. Besides, you are good company."

He smiled at the former goddess and nodded. "I'll do my best. Thanks for the help Silen."

"No problem Ty-dye."

Ty shook his head grinning and waved farewell to her as he exited the small clearing and re-entered his own dimension. He decided to stay in the forest for a while and think. However, being alone in a forest creates an opportunity of attack...

@Shammy the Shamrock *Hint hint*)
A woman in a cloak hid behind a tree, the wind making her hair sway gently. She studied him before walking up to him "Hello there young one, I am Barbarous." The women said revealing herself to be Bob under a new name


Bolt picked her up, he refused to let go "Child, what's wrong!" He said holding her tight, a frown on his face as he rubbed her head.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Astra wailed, sobbing as she couldn't understand what was happening. One thing stood out clearly though. A mane of frilly red hair and bright blue eyes. Something that looked nearly the same as she. "M-Mommy!" Astra wailed, hoping the face would swoop in and rescue her from the otter. The name Bolt no longer stuck to her memory. He had simply vanished from her mind.

(Why do I do this ;~ ;)
Bolt refused to let go "I'm your Mommy, remember," he said looking at her. He then started to grasp the situation "Y-You don't remember me, don't you?" He asked putting her back in the seat and looking down at the floor.

@Echo Dreamsong

Bolt picked her up, he refused to let go "Child, what's wrong!" He said holding her tight, a frown on his face as he rubbed her head.

@Echo Dreamsong
Ty paused mid step and met the woman's gaze with a cold glare. "Can I help you?" He knew who this was, and what she could do. He needed to play it safe. The amulet rested around his neck. Silen would at least be able to help if he needed it.
@Echo Dreamsong[/URL]
Astra trembled, clinging to the chair as she fought back sobs. Everything seemed hazy. Even her vision. For some reason she was burning up, even in her flimsy hospital gown. With a small gasp, she looked at Bolt with a puzzled expression. She sort of remember someone like him, maybe? "Mommy?" She whispered, shuddering as the air sapped her heat.

(Aka: Running a fever of 150. Not normal, but neither is she.)
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Barbarous smiled "I see you've been talking to one of the Old Gods. So you must be the New God, do you know what had happened to your God, my father," she said as her eyes burned bright purple. Her hands were behind her back as she talked, everything around her seemed to turn black.


Bolt looked back "Yes! Do you remember me, I am your mommy," he said in a weak voice. A small smile formed on his lips as he looked at her with worry in his eyes.

@Echo Dreamsong

Bolt looked back "Yes! Do you remember me, I am your mommy," he said in a weak voice. A small smile formed on his lips as he looked at her with worry in his eyes.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra frowned for a minute, slowly recalling a few things, only to have them slip through the cold gaps her mind created.

"M-mommy, its cowld."

She stuttered, still confused as to why her legs wouldn't work.
Barbarous smiled and lifted him up with the same force as God "Now, now, is that any way to treat your God. I am letting you go but I won't let a certain someone slip through my fingers," she said releasing him from the force and glaring down at him.


Bolt hugged her "You remember me!" He said with a smile as the lights shut off but soon came back on. He dragged the chair and sat on the couch, still holding her.

@Echo Dreamsong
Bolt frowned "You were in an accident, the accident caused your legs to no longer work. They had to give you a wheel chair," he said gesturing towards the wheel chair, gently stroking her hair.

@Echo Dreamsong
God smiled "Wouldn't you like to know. Give me a bad time, that is priceless! I could wipe you off this planet with the flick of my finger, you insignificant god," God said simply flicking him in the head as he was pushed back at the strength of a train hitting him.


[/media](Listen as you read.)
As Ty hit the ground pain flared across his body. A comforting darkness surrounded him and the pain lessened. The boy, pain clouding his judgement, allowed this dark to become part of him.

Smoke gathered at the place where the new god fell, and a sinister laughter filled the clearing. The god stood, a bit of blood running down his head. "Did you think it'd be that easy?" His voice had a dark hint to it, chilling the air when he spoke. He laughed insanely and looked at her. "MY turn!" Before she could blink he snapped his fingers and a sound-wave blasted into the deity with the force of a tidal wave. The amulet had shattered as the darkness absorbed the energy inside it. The city outside the woods shook as windows broke and structures cracked. A decent amount of trees had fallen around the deity in the attack. Ty-no. what used to be Ty-laughed at this. He then waited for the retaliation. This was going to be fuuunnn....
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