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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

(Okie! Astra's gonna be in a hospital or somethen.)

The red haired midget woke with a start. Her memories were fuzzy, but one thing was clear. Mommy. She wasn't even sure her name, but the needle in her arm freaked Astra out and she torn it from the vein. The slow flow of blood fascinated her and she stared at it for a minute before getting bored. The jungle scene on the wall was nice in her mind, something she didn't think she'd seen. Maybe she had. Someone with really frizzy red hair had showed her. With a small gasp she tried to climb out of bed, whisper shouting 'Monkey!' before finding she couldn't move her legs. No matter how much she tried. Oh well, her mommy would fix it, he always did. Except for the fact that the doctors running in terrified the girl.

"Mommy!" She wailed, swatting at anyone who tried to touch her. "No! Bad carrot!" She cried, brandishing her pillow as a new weapon.

One doctor finally had the sense to call Bolt.

"Hello sir, this the children's hospital. We have news about your daughter."

(That was kinda fun to write. And get your own mop!)
Bolt had been at work and had to leave when he heard something about Astra "Hello? What seems to be the problem doc," he said walking through the streets. He put on hand in his pocket and teleported at the front step of the hospital.

@Echo Dreamsong
Black grabbed Psycho and lifted him through the roof, he laughed and threw him high into the air before catching him by the feet. He flew into the city, humming the theme of superman, still holding Psycho by the feet.

Quillicious said:
"Well, Tusk. You use money, the kind stored in the bank. It's a coveted resource these days. You might be better off building your own. Houses can be expensive, and they're not like what they used to be."
(Sorry for not replying for a while; life got a little hectic for me xD )

Thinking about what the man had said, Task said in a more casual tone of voice, "Very well. I shall build a settlement of my own. Thank you very much, and I hope to see you again soon."

Woth that, Tusk made his way out of Sanfield and into a forest region about a half a mile away from a city. The region was full of tall trees and plenty of wildlife.

This was a good spot to build a home.

Warg-gram had been made for hewing heads, but it was better than the sharpest axe for felling trees. One blow and the blade sliced clean through a trunk the thickness of a stout man’s thigh. It only took two days to build a habitable place—a snug cabin with a smoke hole in the center. Every day Tusk went out hunting on the forest, or fishing at a small river where bears gather to also hunt for fish.

His blessing and his curse were the same thing: immortality. Waves of sadness spread over him from time to time, making him long for a release…for a death that he knew would never occur. In this regard nothing was new. The sadness had always plagued him. He wished that he could go back to the city and live a normal life like the rest of the modern-era humans, and maybe even find a woman to marry. But he had tried that before. Long ago he’d taken a wife, but he had remained young while she’d grown old, filling them both with despair.

It was best to be alone. That was the duty of a Watchman. But why had the lords of the Astral plane— the Gods of Valhalla—made him a Watchman in the first place? Despite his thoughts, Tusk felt that he would be making use of the city he'd explored; there was so much he hadn't learned about the strange era he was in.
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The doctor couldn't keep a smile off her face as she walked out to meet the hero.

"It would appear she's awake."

(Sorry! Wifi goes off here to! >^<)
Bolt sighed "May I please see her, I must know the problem," he said with a weak smile. He walked inside and immediately looked around for Astra, he teleported around until he was able to be next to her. "How's my baby?" He said ruffling her hair and smiling.

@Echo Dreamsong

Black finally stopped near a grocery store "Bolt wrote a note for me to get food, grab anything you like," he said walking into the store and grabbing an that looked edible.

Psycho walked into the store behind him and looked for a certain food item. He found the twitch bars and smiled, his eyes shun with happiness. He grabbed the box and walked over to Black and waited for him to finish getting what he needed.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Astra squealed in delight and held Bolt's arm tightly.


The doctor walked in and nodded.

"Good, some of her memories seem intact. You were aware of the coma, correct?"
Black had gotten everything he needed, which was a giant pile. "Now we run!" He yelled running out of the store with the cart at his top speed, he grabbed Psycho and threw him on top as he flew up.


Bolt hugged her tight before hearing what the doctor had said "I wasn't aware of any comma. What happened to her," he said refusing to leave her side.

@Echo Dreamsong
Psycho kept a tight hold on his twix bars as they ran out the stood. He giggled a little as he was thrown on top and flown into the air. He looked back at Black and heald up his hand for a highfive. Though something deep down felt wrong about what they did.

@Shammy the Shamrock

Bolt hugged her tight before hearing what the doctor had said "I wasn't aware of any comma. What happened to her," he said refusing to leave her side.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra stared at the two with her head tilted.

"Well, we aren't quite sure, but we believe trauma sent her mind into a shut down state of mind. We weren't sure if any of her memories would be intact."

Astra frowned at that and gave her the bird.
Bolt put her hand down "Be nice, these people helped you. You can flip these idiots off later," he whispered kissing her head. He looked at the doctors "May I take her home," he asked with a smile.

@Echo Dreamsong

Black accepted the high five and looked back. "THAT WAS AWESOME! However it was also wrong, I'll figure it out later," he said soaring through the clouds


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Bolt froze for a second "Family accident, I wouldn't like you to ask me personal questions please. People can find that as being rude," he said and sign whatever he was given. Bolt went over and picked Astra up "Did you miss me," he said kissing her forehead and getting ready to head out.

@Echo Dreamsong
Otakubeats said:
(DONT BREAK THE FOURTH WALL DAMN IT) "We should find bolt."
"Agreed. Let's get right on it." He would follow Ty in order to locate Bolt. Hibiki has joined Ty's party again.
Bolt teleported and appeared outside with Astra in his arms "How did you get into a comma?" He asked as he went into the city. He whistled and looked around "Been a very slow day," he said as he decided to go to the warehouse.

@Echo Dreamsong
Astra shrugged, fiddling with a paperclip. Then a spork. Seriously, where did she get all this. Her hospital gown had no pockets, maybe its ****MAGIC****

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