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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Zedisback said:

Louis Vs Fate

Louis looked at Fate he said "Lets play Monopoly", Fate would smile that means she could do this fight the lazy way, reach under her bed she pulled out the box for Monopoly, she said "Lets get everything out." Louis said "Let me do it." With a snap of his fingers, he had everything out, he said "I think I'll be the dog." As he reached for the dog placing it on go waiting for Fate to pick her player. Fate said "Alright." As she grabbed the car.

She said "This is the Monopoly game of gods." She rolled the dice, she got a four and a two she said "Your turn Louis."
Louis grabbed the dice rolling them both, he got a four and a one. Louis said "You get to go first, Fate. So how is your day so far?" Louis asked Fate looked at him and said "Its alright, you?" She rolled her dice yet again she got two ones so she move two spots, as she said "Your turn Louis."

Louis said "I'm alright, thanks for asking. Louis picked this way as he was feeling kind of lazy too weirdly, he grabbed both of the dice rolling a three and a four.

To be continued...
(you bloody kidding me? i hoped for a battle with light and laser shows and goddamn universe destroying beams of ultimate destruction and all that happens... is monopoly?.... genius)
Salex said:
(you bloody kidding me? i hoped for a battle with light and laser shows and goddamn universe destroying beams of ultimate destruction and all that happens... is monopoly?.... genius)
(Well lets face it Fate is lazy, and Louis well he just likes to do things the easy way.)
Silence reappeared in the forest, not even the wind making a sound. She handed Ty a sword and the two began to battle. However, they were not only fighting with their swords. The two would literally be fighting for sound, as the silence attempted to muffle the echoing crash of metal upon metal. Slowly, Ty gained more ground. The fight reaching a climax as he went on the offensive, Silence parrying his blows.

Louis Vs Fate

Louis would smile at Fate saying , "We're going to be here for a little bit." Said Louis, he landed on chance he would smile, taking a chance card it was a get out of jail free card! Fate said My turn, grabbing the dice, she rolled them she landed on visiting jail spot as she said "Well I got the first useless spot." Louis rolled the dice yet again.

He rolled two ones, one spot behind Fate, he said "So, Fate, why did you pick this of all things?"
Fate said as she grabbed the dice "Well I'm kinda lazy, and this is easy." She said rolling the dice, she got two fives, she landed on the other useless spot as she picked up the dice handing them to Louis

Louis rolled the dice he said "Heh, well good this will be easy." He got a three and a one, picking up the dice and handing them to Fate he said "Who would think to do this as a battle to become a god, this is...well at least I don't have to be serious." Said Louis. Fate looked at Louis, she would laugh, she was glad he picked to do this, she knew she couldn't beat him in combat she didn't think she could at least how much damage he could do in a short time.

To be continued...
Daguva and Hibiki would then be teleported into Daguva's own personal space. It seemed to be a library and at the center of this small library was a nice table. The two would sit across from each other. "Now Hibiki, this is a simple test. Are you ready to hear it?" Hibiki would only nod in response.

What is the test? Find out next time on Dragon BALL Z!
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[/media](Play it as you read)
Ty slashed at the Goddess, as she leapt back and forth, weaving around the metal ribbon. Suddenly she disappeared. Ty turned in a circle, before the familiar whoosh of metal cutting through air reached his ears. He hopped up, and off her blade hilt. He landed behind her kicking her over. She hit the ground with an audible thud, the sword falling with a clamor. Ty kicked her broadsword away, holding his own blade at her throat. There was quiet, the wind brushing over the leaves a gentle rustling enveloping the small area. A whisper echoed inside Ty's mind as she communicated. 'I concede.'

The blades vanished, and she stood brushing herself off. The goddess took him by the hand, leading him deeper into the forest.
(everybody is battling each of their counterpart gods wether it be a relaxing friendly battle or a fight to the death, but saitama has no counterpart to he's just standing there like "where the hell did everybody go?" xD )
Evan vs Mischief [starring: Hibiki & Daguva]

They both teleported to Daguva's personal space, their legs apparently healed. Evan was in the air, in a dropkick form, ready to dropkick Mischief, before Mischief grabbed Evan's legs and hulk smashed him. "Why is this such a rude battle." They both say, as they sit down at the table where Hibiki and Daguva are, setting up a game of Go Fish. "Uh.. Evan.. You got a red 3?" Mischief asked. "Go fish dumbass." Evan replied. Both of them, in sync got up and threw cards at each other, each card spinning very fast.

Evan continued to back up, flipping onto the wall, using his legs as a push, he lunged himself at Mischief, grabbing his head and snapping it. Landing on the ground, Evan stabbed about 5 knives into Mischief's head. "Woo.. That was easy." He said, sitting down with Hibiki and Daguva.

BlankName said:
Evan vs Mischief [starring: Hibiki & Daguva]They both teleported to Daguva's personal space, their legs apparently healed. Evan was in the air, in a dropkick form, ready to dropkick Mischief, before Mischief grabbed Evan's legs and hulk smashed him. "Why is this such a rude battle." They both say, as they sit down at the table where Hibiki and Daguva are, setting up a game of Go Fish. "Uh.. Evan.. You got a red 3?" Mischief asked. "Go fish dumbass." Evan replied. Both of them, in sync got up and threw cards at each other, each card spinning very fast.

Evan continued to back up, flipping onto the wall, using his legs as a push, he lunged himself at Mischief, grabbing his head and snapping it. Landing on the ground, Evan stabbed about 5 knives into Mischief's head. "Woo.. That was easy." He said, sitting down with Hibiki and Daguva.

Hibiki would look with confusion while Daguva looks with content. "Seems everyone is having fun. Now then, it's time to administer the test. Like I said it's fairly simple," and then Hibiki ends up in some blank void like area. Daguva appears and says, "My job is to bring Balance and evolution. A job too different from a normal god. The test is this: Who has more potential? A god or a mortal?

Hibiki begins to think.

(This area is accessible by Daguva only. Also if you even think you can try to enter then Daguva will null and void you out. Hue.)
[Fine.. Well.. I'll say the fight happened there, and even if you null & void, their still physically possible to fight each other. So.. I guess just let Ezekiel claim his power?]

BlankName said:
[Fine.. Well.. I'll say the fight happened there, and even if you null & void, their still physically possible to fight each other. So.. I guess just let Ezekiel claim his power?]
(Up to you really. Ezekiel had his own test. Hue. Also just remember that while no one can really do anything against Daguva he can't do anything either unless his duties require him. Hue.)
meanwhile in the forest

saitama returns from mcdonalds buying food, since he was not fighting anybody he figured just wait for a while, he found a nice rock and sat there while eating a burger, he saw god havent fought anyone yet and is just standing there so he asked "hey, want some fries?" @Shammy the Shamrock
Bolt starred at Storm "So what are we going to do....I really don't know," he said going over to the couch as if nothing actually crazy had happened.

Storm shrugged "What do humans do when they do not fight or scream," the creature said teleporting to the couch. "We could fight and do stuff," Storm said putting its fist out and trying to punch Bolt.

Bolt smiled and hit back as their fist collided and electricty pulsed from both of them. "Such power!" He said, his eyes burning blue.

Storm was surprised "YOU ARE WORTHY!" He yelled using his other fist to pound him in the side. There fight had now begun.
Hibiki would ponder about the question. Does a God have more potential or does a mortal? Certainly God's can become great, but humans are not divine so their threshold is higher. Every being has choices, and these choices evolve into something greater. He ponders for a while. This could have many implications and he wasn't sure if it was a trick question. The answer could be both, but it could be neither. Perhaps the answer was... Hibiki would then have his answer after he remembers sonething.

"The answer is... it all depends."

Daguva smiles and says, "I couldn't have said it better than myself. You remembered God didn't you? His comments about ascending past God's allowed you to gain answer. The choices we make in life certainly play out our role," he would then touch him on the forehead. "I now bestow to you my powers, and you shall be a successor. Keep in mind that you have my powers, but I still retain my own being as well. Your hidden form should awaken no matter what happens. Listen well Hibiki. You have the power to transcend God, but you may also perish as you did before. How you use your powers is up to you, but remember this. Kuuga is the link between Creation and Destruction."

By this point, Hibiki knew what it meant. He was the mediator. The balance between both forces. Kuuga was destined to take Daguva's place.

"Now then go. Return back," Daguva smiles and a light is shone.

Hibiki returns back to where Saitama and God are.

@Shammy the Shamrock @Salex

Louis Vs Fate

Hours have passed, as they played they made small talk, this seemed to be a relaxing battle, they didn't even get made when things didn't go their way, as Louis said "You're losing this game so far." he joked As Louis looked at the money they had he had four hundred left, Fate only had one hundred.

Louis said "Your turn." Fate rolled the dice she got two sixes, she landed on Louis's train as she lost the little bit of money she had left she said "Well you win Louis." She would laugh as for a second her body faded out, she said "Oh wait I forget I changed our fates so whoever lost fades from existence."

Louis looked at her giving her a look of really he said "You could of told me that before hand you know. After one second her body stopped fading she said "Guess what?" She would laugh "I lied about the Monopoly, I was just wasting your time." Louis looked at her he would just shake his head saying "Fine we can do this the hard way." He said getting up from where he was seated.
Salex said:
meanwhile in the forest

saitama returns from mcdonalds buying food, since he was not fighting anybody he figured just wait for a while, he found a nice rock and sat there while eating a burger, he saw god havent fought anyone yet and is just standing there so he asked "hey, want some fries?" @Shammy the Shamrock
God looked at him"I don't eat human food. Tell me so how does it feel not having a worthy opponent." He said crossing his arms and leaning against a tree.

Ray reached up for the fries. "Gimme!" She said in a low voice, hiding behind his leg.

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