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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Bolt was back home eating bread and lying back as he saw the power turn off "Shi-" he was stopped as the power was turned on by something else in the room.

Storm stood there, his sword in one hand "Are you the new god, is this what my challenge is." The creature in robotic armor said staring down at him with a sinister glare in his eyes.

Bolt stood back "No, I'm the Hero of Lighting. I am guessing that you also have powers over power," he said crossing his arms and looking up at storm. They were both frozen, not knowing how to react or act to the other.

Evan & Mischief's Fight

They both stared at each other, both on the hull or.. Top of the Zamboni. Both holding those long french breads or some shit, ready. "HAX MODE ON!" They both said, pulling out boom boxes, both set at the same time, both on loop. Playing the same song.


"Hup." They both said, throwing the french bread in the air. "Catch." Said both, catching the breads horizontally. "And.. Throw." They threw them at each other, both breads turned 90 degrees left, hitting both of their legs at mass force. Thus breaking them. However, the Zamboni's were on autodrive at the time so they both started driving as soon as both of them got on the floor.

Both of them ran away from the Zamboni's screaming. "NO! ZAMBONI'S ARE MY WEAKNESS!" They said, about 5 feet away from each other, they flipped onto their heads and kicked each other's legs, making more pain. "AHHH!" They screamed. "Ever heard of the no legged warrior?" They said at each other, doing a handstand and headbutting each other. "AHH!" They screamed in pain, as the Zamboni came closer and closer. "NO!!!!"
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Louis couldn't help but look at Fate he said "Why, hello." Fate said "What do you want Louis." She loomed over behind him, looking down as she would smile over him. Louis "Watch out, if you get to close, Eliza may kill me." He said with a chuckle with a snap of his fingers, he teleported away from her he said "Well, just saying hello." Fate stood over Saitama for a second saying "Saitama bad news your fate is being bold forever,and you will die by slipping on a wet floor in fifty years." Said Fate to think "Someone so powerful could be beat with such ease." She said as she yelled "I guess that floor can kill people in one slip." She said not telling him how he would really die. @Salex
Salex said:
"gods? i thought they don't exist, i thought they were just superstitions..." he said @YoungX
"Well we are most certainly real. I am in charge of maintaining a balance within the multiverse and unlock the powers and potentials of any being. I unlocked the power of Kuuga within Hibiki over there," he says looking to Hibiki. He then looks to God and says, "This is the reincarnation of Kuuga. The ancient warrior that rivaled the strength of us God's who perished after attaining power beyond a God," he says to God. God may have forgotten, but Daguva remembers that even Kuuga once fought with him on equal ground.

@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
"Well we are most certainly real. I am in charge of maintaining a balance within the multiverse and unlock the powers and potentials of any being. I unlocked the power of Kuuga within Hibiki over there," he says looking to Hibiki. He then looks to God and says, "This is the reincarnation of Kuuga. The ancient warrior that rivaled the strength of us God's who perished after attaining power beyond a God," he says to God. God may have forgotten, but Daguva remembers that even Kuuga once fought with him on equal ground.
@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock
"yeah still, that guy just about kicked my disciple" he said poiting to god @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock
YoungX said:
"I apologize for that. Though that is how God is. It's quite surprising for those that find out what God is like. They change religions in a heartbeat."
"i still don't believe in these 'gods' as you say" he said @YoungX
God stared at Saitama "This one is one I remember, the only New God without a equal. The God of Strength," he said, he looked down at Silence and Ty "I wouldn't agree to it, we are observing so observe. If the the new god attacks, kick his ass." He said before going up with Daguva and Saitama. "She is her last remaining link, why shouldn't I kill the new god of Death," he said using his powers to lift Ray up and toss her to Saitama.

@Salex @YoungX @Otakubeats
Ezekiel & Knowledge's Fight

Once the Wambergini stopped, both of them arrived at a library. "We're here." Knowledge says, kicking the door open, walking in with Ezekiel. They arrived at the center, where the real battle begins. It was a quite big library, about 5 dozen lights, the whole library was advanced in technology so... Yeah.

Since the city was in a blackout, the lights were off, but they turned it on in sync. "Time.. To fight!" They both said, ducking under cover behind bookshelves. The lights were turned off as it'd be harder to spot them. Pulling out Glock 18's, they took shots at eachother, constantly flicking lights at each other. "Why am I here?" Ezekiel asked Knowledge. "You got to think about that.. Maybe we were sent here by God to fight. Maybe not..." Knowledge replied. "No! Dumbass, I mean, why was I brought to a library?" Ezekiel said.

"Cause, we are fighting to the knowledge!" Knowledge said, they both continued to shoot at each other while the whole ordeal was going down. Than, Ezekiel noticed an explosive transformer where Knowledge was. And Ezekiel exploded it.

To be continued...
Otakubeats said:
"Don't touch her!" Ty growled, his eye glowing red.
"Please calm yourself. You will only get yourself killed by God," he says nullifying his powers. "I don't wish to have bloodshed."

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as saitama grabs ray to prevent her falling, he puts her down and says "because she is just a child, and i swore to her mother or as you more likely know death to protect her, she is also my disciple and also, where is your honor as if you are as claimed as a 'god' to kill a 10 year old child?" @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Salex said:
as saitama grabs ray to prevent her falling, he puts her down and says "because she is just a child, and i swore to her mother or as you more likely know death to protect her, she is also my disciple and also, where is your honor as if you are as claimed as a 'god' to kill a 10 year old child?" @Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
"It is not my place to question God. I am simply here to provide evolution and balance," he says simply watching.
Louis looked at Fate again But Fate said "Louis you are my equal, but do you really think you can beat me, so what you're a warper big deal. She would laugh "You have the dimnsional force big deal. I have the power of fate." Louis just looked at her saying "So I guess we have to fight so how do you want to do this?" Asked Louis, just looking at her waiting for her to speak. Fate would glare at Louis with a snap of her fingers, her and Louis were now in a place that had nothing it was just whiteness, she said "We, will fight in the hall of fate." As she loomed behind him for a second saying "We can fight like real fight, play a game of monopoly, it is all up to you Louis." Louis just looked at Fate for a second.
God glared "So you call god dishonorable. Heh, I wouldn't kill the child here, too many people for that. She may be a god but she will never be able to do Death's job. I came to bring her a present," he said throwing a cloak on the ground and shoving it at them. "Balance, about Kuuga, that was once. It was before I killed the many gods I killed, I am beyond him now," he said crossing his arms. "Have you seen Storm," God realized since Storm woke before everyone else.

@Salex @YoungX

Louis Vs Fate

Louis looked at Fate he said "Lets play Monopoly", Fate would smile that means she could do this fight the lazy way, reach under her bed she pulled out the box for Monopoly, she said "Lets get everything out." Louis said "Let me do it." With a snap of his fingers, he had everything out, he said "I think I'll be the dog." As he reached for the dog placing it on go waiting for Fate to pick her player. Fate said "Alright." As she grabbed the car.

She said "This is the Monopoly game of gods." She rolled the dice, she got a four and a two she said "Your turn Louis."
Louis grabbed the dice rolling them both, he got a four and a one. Louis said "You get to go first, Fate. So how is your day so far?" Louis asked Fate looked at him and said "Its alright, you?" She rolled her dice yet again she got two ones so she move two spots, as she said "Your turn Louis."

Louis said "I'm alright, thanks for asking. Louis picked this way as he was feeling kind of lazy too weirdly, he grabbed both of the dice rolling a three and a four.

To be continued...
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[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](I would read EVERY post on them playing Monopoly.....but we would be here all night since that game takes FOREVER to win)

(Yeah that game takes forever.)

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