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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Otakubeats said:
Mitch nodded. "I had been part of the H.O.T but I had to leave to handle some things. When I got back, shit had hit the fan. I met Ty when we were resisting." He tossed Ty a familiar headset which he caught. "Oh sweet! Thanks dude."

"No problem. Are you gonna look for the others? After what happened to bolt, I'm only risking it if you need me."

Hibiki would stand by for what comes next.
Quillicious said:
Jace glanced at her glove and gestured to it.

"What's up with your hand?"

@Shammy the Shamrock


Ray looked at the glove "It's to protect my hand since I have death touch. I believe in this time I model it after Saitama's," she said taking it off, revealing her hand to be black and charred. She went to a plant and touched it as it turned black and died. "It makes it hard to give people hi fives," she said putting the red glove back on.


Stella sat there cradling Astra. Until she remembered the others. "Ray... Hibiki... Yeah! They can help! Maybe even Ty too!." Stella stood up and dashed off with Astra clinging to her tightly, probably meowing her head off. "RAY? HIBIKI? TY? ANYONE?!" Stella shouted as she dashed through the streets.

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Khaleesi smiled brightly and looked up at the man. "I drew those when they were fighting with you... Sorry sir, I'm a big fan!!" She bowed lightly and laughed lightly, looking up at him. Her pigtails swung around in the air as she continued to stare up at the man. She wasn't afraid of him, she just wanted her drawings before she went. Her smile was bright and so were her eyes.

@Shammy the Shamrock
(I said that to my brother the other day!!! xD Omfg Lmfao, weeelllllll most of it anyways. The first part was differnt, last part was same///@BlankName )
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Black sighed and look at the drawings. "Here, they ain't mines to begin with," he said tossing the pad to her. He turned around and started his walk. He thought about the 'Fan' thing and knew it was just a excuse to get her drawings back. Ark went back to playing his DS acting like usual, a child.

Khaleesi didn't expect that. She looked at her notepad and shook her head, "Moron..." With that the creature looked at Khaleesi and climbed onto her. "He's so stupid..." He said and Khaleesi growled lightly. She watched the man walk away and smirked. "He is pretty stupid." With that the short girl ran off with her drawings, right to the forest. Only place safe for her.



Ray heard someone yelling her name and tugged away from Jace and ran over. She stopped as a trail of smoke followed her, her face was covered by the white cloak with yellow rim. "Yes citizen," she said in a bored voice, her white eye glowing underneath the hood.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Stella gasped for air, holding Astra close. "Thank the god Ray... We need your help. Remember me? Stella? Okay, forget it." Stella sighed before holding up the kitten formerly known as Astra. "We need help. Quill kinda messed up and forgot about Astra." The kitten squirmed and hissed until Astra stopped holding her lion king style and held her to her chest.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Annie went from building to building still searching for her target but to no avail. "Where are you, you little brat," she said to herself creating a sniper rifle from thin air. "Slow day," she whispered and pointed the gun at anything she found odd.
Astra squeaked and buried her face in Stella's arms. "Well, for one we need to find the others. And also there may be a large group of villains who have decided that we are targets."
@Shammy the Shamrock[/URL]



Hibiki would step outside for a bit when he heard Stella. He would then go to the location of the voice, and would meet her and Ray. "Ah Stella, Ray. It's me Hibiki," he would say to her since his appearance one year from now has changed drastically.

(Future Hibiki from one year)


@Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock
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Stella shrieked and dropped Astra, who didn't actually have the reflexes of a cat. "FUDGE! You made me drop Astra dude!" She shouted angrily before trying to pick up the terrified cat.
((Stella has short hair now.))


"Ooh. Okay then. Apparently Quill and I are together now... So that would make me Astra's step-mom or something." Stella shrugged. "And I apparently hacked my hair off..."

Astra ran and hid behind Hibiki's shoes, glaring at her step-mom.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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Nero came back from doing a job, he said "Gary did you read the book." As he stood waiting for him to answer, he would yawn, sitting down getting some rest after the long job he had done. @FaceBloat

Louis woke up at the warehouse yawning looking around for anyone to talk with as he stood around looking. (Okay so many pages happened what did I miss?)

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