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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

YoungX said:
(Just in stasis until @Otakubeats comes back. Also remember to put FUTURE in your titles since some of us are in the future! Plz. Hue.)
Mitch led the two into a small room, using his electricity to turn on the light. He then looked at the two, curiously. "So is this guy from the H.O.T?" He began to pull out a journal, and wrote in it. Ty nodded, "Yeah. Meet Hibi-Alcoor. He's a power ranger."
Otakubeats said:
Mitch led the two into a small room, using his electricity to turn on the light. He then looked at the two, curiously. "So is this guy from the H.O.T?" He began to pull out a journal, and wrote in it. Ty nodded, "Yeah. Meet Hibi-Alcoor. He's a power ranger."

"Well yes you can say that," Hibiki would then gain even more memories surrounding on what his future-self, Alcoor has been doing. "I've been working on destroying all of the villains in this world. Since the villain's victory, I've been working on finding every single one of them in hopes of rebuilding the world." The memories he gained were very useful.

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Black growled "Not the hair!" He yelled teleporting and punching him in the face. He looked at the note pad and flipped through the pages "These are ni-isn't this the thing I just had a run in with," he said tucking the thing away and looking back as he was ready for another attack.

@FaceBloat @PixieDusts


Ray looked down at Jace since she had taken another leap. "Have you found anyone else around the city, I haven't had any luck besides you," she said crossing her arm and frowning, she let out a sigh of frustration.

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YoungX said:
"Well yes you can say that," Hibiki would then gain even more memories surrounding on what his future-self, Alcoor has been doing. "I've been working on destroying all of the villains in this world. Since the villain's victory, I've been working on finding every single one of them in hopes of rebuilding the world." The memories he gained were very useful.


Mitch nodded. "I had been part of the H.O.T but I had to leave to handle some things. When I got back, shit had hit the fan. I met Ty when we were resisting." He tossed Ty a familiar headset which he caught. "Oh sweet! Thanks dude."

"No problem. Are you gonna look for the others? After what happened to bolt, I'm only risking it if you need me."
@FaceBloat[/URL] @PixieDusts


Ray looked down at Jace since she had taken another leap. "Have you found anyone else around the city, I haven't had any luck besides you," she said crossing her arm and frowning, she let out a sigh of frustration.

"Wait" Ultron said before he disappeared *woosh*

(Now i'mma go to sleep land,And let Black and Khaleesi have "fun" together if you know what i mean*wink* *wink*)
Cinder chuckled softly, not bothered by his threats. "I simply made her my new pet. It's been in progress for over a year." She said with a smirk. "Only I could make an antidote, but that won't be happening. I'd rather die than see my pet's beauty undone."

Stella softly pet Astra's trembling form. "Shh, Daddy's gonna fix it. It's gonna be okay now." The leopard colored kitten curled into a small ball and whimpered. "DAMMIT QUILL! HELP ME! I'M NOT GOOD WITH ANIMALS!" Stella shouted, successfully scaring Astra.


Ezekiel woke up, somewhere in the building. He seemed to be on top of it to be in fact, which never actually did anything, like, why go to the roof when your scared of heights.. Or not. Ezekiel got up and well, walked to the nearest person he could find, a guard.

"Why am I here?" Ezekiel asked.

"I don't know." The guard replied.

"It probably makes sense in the manga!" Ezekiel walked off.

(Sorry honey booboo! Did I hurt your single feeling?)

The creature growled at the man and started hitting his leg. "Excuse me!! Give it back!!" It screamed and Khaleesi sent it back home. She hopped down from the building and walked to the man, her eyes on the floor before she looked up at him. Her blue hair sparkled in the light, her eyes making it seem as if she was precious. They shimmered lightly as she smiled up at the man.

"Th-the notepad... It's... It's mine..." Khaleesi said all sweetly and growled on the inside. 'God I hate people... let's just kill him!!' She shook her head lightly and just sat there, acting all innocent. "M-may I have i-it back...? I w-wasn't finished a-and I don't l-like people l-looking in my d-drawings..."

@Shammy the Shamrock
FaceBloat said:
Gary sighed "Maybe....." Gary stood silent for awhile before finally speaking "I'm bored.."
"Do you know any other places that we can go and kill people?" She asked Gary, lifting her crowbar upward, smilling.


(By the way, @Zedisback , if you want to join us, we will have to wait for @FaceBloat to wake up (OuO))
Black shrugged "Maybe, first why do you have an exact picture of the rock thing I fought earlier. I would also like to know why the angel is here to," he said flipping to the pages. He let out a fake smile 'Bitch thinks I'm just gonna give to her, why the fuck does she have these. Wait in my head I can sound like anything *Deep voice* aw yah!' he thought to himself, showing the pictures.

BlankName said:
[The thing is.. I'm very tempted to make a 4th Wall Breaking character soon. It's just such a good idea.]
(@FaceBloat asked me if he could and I agreed. It would be fun to have that (OuO) so go for it)
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