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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Ezekiel got up, the toss wasn't like much of a football and more of a baby getting thrown.. Sadly. "So.. You wanna go to the pizza place?" He asked, brushing off some dirt and other random things you'd find in a bank. Though, because Ezekiel's a dweeb, he left the bank and decided to go to the warehouse where some fights were left. To just.. untie some ties.

@Salex @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
YoungX said:
Hibiki would head back to the base and formulated a plan. A plan that would allow them to use the Reaper's weakness and exploit it to all hell. These guys are weak to holy-based weapons, but that could mean anything really. The problem is what is considered 'holy' in the first place? Heck was the holy bible a good weapon to use to smack them? Even though Christians would be triggered, it may be genius. In any case, Hibiki would return to the base and see Ty. "Hey Ty I see your fine," Hibiki says calmly.
@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock @Salex @Echo Dreamsong
he returned to the base and said "hey ty, hibiki took the examination, he got class-a rank 13 and is named 'beetle knight'" saitama said as he then sits down and watches anime "feels familiar..." he said (referring to his anime beginnings)
Salex said:
he returned to the base and said "hey ty, hibiki took the examination, he got class-a rank 13 and is named 'beetle knight'" saitama said as he then sits down and watches anime "feels familiar..." he said (referring to his anime beginnings)

"I'm good, but I might be blind in one eye......."
(I need to write more shit!)

Astra choked back sobs, resorting to pitiful meows. Eventually she set a bush on fire and watched it burn to distract her from any pain she felt. Again, Astra felt she had let others down. She let herself get caught. Didn't press a button in time. Couldn't even protect herself. At least in her mind, she had failed at the test of life. Probably got a Z- too. How do you even get a Z.

Stella gasped and hugged Ty. "Nooooo! No baby no! Don't be blind! I'll save you! Come to the shark hospital where they cure you of coma's! And eat carrots!" She shouted, throwing a bag of baby carrots at his face.
Bolt stormed out teleported to the warehouse "Baby!" He yelled, he looked around and didn't find her "I'm going out to find her," he said storming out and running through the streets. A storm had come, rain and lighting had come "Baby! Baby!" He yelled looking around for the lost child.
YoungX said:
"I see. Well in any case, hope the doctors can help fix your eye, or even better find someone with healing powers," and as he said this he wondered what became of the hacker that caused the city to go on a blackout. In any case, it didn't really matter right now as he had to devise a plan for holy weapons.
@BlankName @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock @Echo Dreamsong @Salex
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong](I need to write more shit!)
Astra choked back sobs, resorting to pitiful meows. Eventually she set a bush on fire and watched it burn to distract her from any pain she felt. Again, Astra felt she had let others down. She let herself get caught. Didn't press a button in time. Couldn't even protect herself. At least in her mind, she had failed at the test of life. Probably got a Z- too. How do you even get a Z.

Stella gasped and hugged Ty. "Nooooo! No baby no! Don't be blind! I'll save you! Come to the shark hospital where they cure you of coma's! And eat carrots!" She shouted, throwing a bag of baby carrots at his face.

Astra perked up hearing Bolt's voice nearby. "Mommy!" She cried, clinging to the grass as thunder rumbled. Nope. Nopenopenope. "Momew!" She sobbed, her ears flat against her head as the noise continued. He'd find her, right? He'd make her okay. He'd help her find daddy too! Yes, Mommy will help!

@Shammy the Shamrock

Stella gasped and let go. "Shit! Sorry! Didn't think you'd nearly die!"

It was then when Hibiki would start planning on finding a way to technically make themselves a "holy weapon," so that they can harm the Reapers. By definition, a holy weapon is... well a holy weapon. If that is the case, then being blessed or something should do the trick. If not then he'll just have to improvise. He would go to his room, and start writing out ideas, and ways that this could work.
BlankName said:
[it is, I'm also hating Bolt right now too. Also Genos.. Saitama... Hibiki.. Ty.. Everyone...]
@YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong @Salex
(im gonna be honest, this was literally my reaction to what you said when i read it


"How the hell did you go blind?!" Stella shouted in rage. "I'll drown whoever did it! Come at me blinder person! I'll have Captain Sharky Shark eat you!"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"How the hell did you go blind?!" Stella shouted in rage. "I'll drown whoever did it! Come at me blinder person! I'll have Captain Sharky Shark eat you!"

"It was that hacker dude.....the one saitama let go. He caused a black out and then when we were fighting he made the light-bulbs shatter. This happened.." He pointed at his eye sadly.
Astra cried louder this time, sobbing through the noise. "MOMMY!" She shouted, shivering in the rain. She had shut her eyes so she wouldn't have to see what surely was happening. "Mommy pwease!" She whimpered, trying to pull herself closer to his voice. Astra probably looked like something from a freak show by now. Random patches of tan fur speckled her frail form. The ears and tail probably didn't help her case.
Ray sat down and talked to the air, this time it wasn't death who was talking to her but someone else. "So are you a ghost," she said to the thing in front of her.

Smiley shook her head "No I am like Freddy Krueguer. I can enter peoples dreams and kill them, not you of course since you are Death's child." She said sitting face to face with the child "Anyway how has your sanity been lately, I'm guessing cracked," she said putting a hand on her own chin
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BlankName said:
Ezekiel walked into the warehouse, ready for anything. Meaning, he had a gun. Ezekiel made his way to the man's room, where he last remembered the signal. Walking into the room, he greeted everyone. "Hey every stupid person that's alive that I have yet to kill." Ezekiel continued. "How y'all doin'?"
@Salex @Shammy the Shamrock @Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @YoungX???
Ty stood up infront of stella immediately. "Why are you here."

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