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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock]
(I also make all my other post in green :) )

(yeah i feel bad for you, you're probably typing as you read this so don't bother replying, just keep typing! :) )
Teeth flew "WEEEEEEEE! OW!" He said getting back up, running back and glaring at Hibiki "I WANT TO TAKE THE BALD MAN! I WANT TO FIGHT RICE, SKULL SWITCH WITH ME!" He said grabbing Skulls arm and tugging like a child.

Skull shrugged "Fine! When we get home you're making pizza this time," he said going over to Hibiki and waving "Hey! Can you put up more of an actual fight," he said looking over at Teeth 'He's so dead' he thought with a frown.

Bolt shook and used an energy blast at Bob knocking her glasses off.

Bob slammed her book "You want to get serious! I'll get serious," she said turning into her reaper form and taking them both up to the sky. She slammed them both into the ground with a powerful explosion

(Don't fuck with Bob)

(Another problem is I'm getting time out messages but I am somehow able to still respond. Also thanks
@Salex :') )

@Salex @YoungX
saitama simply punched teeth right at the face sending him flying about 867 meters away before hitting a tree and a building "sorry if that didn't hurt, really didn't want to kill you so i had to go super weak on that" he said as he still stood on the pose after he punched with his fist sizzling @YoungX @Shammy the Shamrock (you also don't fuck with saitama xD )

@Salex[/URL] :') )

@Salex @YoungX
Kuuga would look to Skull and say, "Yeah I'll do my best to entertain," he says as he prepares to go into Ultimate Kuuga. After using it lately, he had been learning how to control it better. This time it'll be Ultimate Kuuga with no risks; unless one calls destroying the world a risk. He would then say, "Henshin." Then he became Ultimate Kuuga, and with control he exerts high pressure. The ground below him cracked, and the gravity became much more intense due to his presence. In fact there were small rips in reality where Skull could see them, and Ultimate Kuuga would instantly be gone before Skull has a chance to speak. With pyrokinesis, he uses at least a hundred Ultimate Punches infused with extreme heat at Skull, and if Skull were to move he would use the heightened senses gained from Rising Pegasus to predict his next location. A hundred Ultimate Punches is extreme overkill, but if he could take a punch from Saitama, then he needs to unleash more power than Saitama's typical punches. So an Ultimate Punch with great heat should do the trick. He would keep on punching Skull as he keeps moving around to predict his next location and lay waste. Typically an Ultimate Punch could end up laying waste to the planet, but he could control the form much better now. So he concentrated all hundred of his powered up Ultimate Punches to contain that power. Skull would only see tiny blurs and would take unreal damage than he thought of. The impact of every punch would deliver even more pressure to Skull, and everyone around could feel this unreal pressure.


@Shammy the Shamrock (I went try-hard mode for this. Hue.)
YoungX said:
Kuuga would look to Skull and say, "Yeah I'll do my best to entertain," he says as he prepares to go into Ultimate Kuuga. After using it lately, he had been learning how to control it better. This time it'll be Ultimate Kuuga with no risks; unless one calls destroying the world a risk. He would then say, "Henshin." Then he became Ultimate Kuuga, and with control he exerts high pressure. The ground below him cracked, and the gravity became much more intense due to his presence. In fact there were small rips in reality where Skull could see them, and Ultimate Kuuga would instantly be gone before Skull has a chance to speak. With pyrokinesis, he uses at least a hundred Ultimate Punches infused with extreme heat at Skull, and if Skull were to move he would use the heightened senses gained from Rising Pegasus to predict his next location. A hundred Ultimate Punches is extreme overkill, but if he could take a punch from Saitama, then he needs to unleash more power than Saitama's typical punches. So an Ultimate Punch with great heat should do the trick. He would keep on punching Skull as he keeps moving around to predict his next location and lay waste. Typically an Ultimate Punch could end up laying waste to the planet, but he could control the form much better now. So he concentrated all hundred of his powered up Ultimate Punches to contain that power. Skull would only see tiny blurs and would take unreal damage than he thought of. The impact of every punch would deliver even more pressure to Skull, and everyone around could feel this unreal pressure.

@Shammy the Shamrock (I went try-hard mode for this. Hue.)
(trust me, saitama never did punch him correctly, someone in the internet measured saitama's strenght to be THEORETICALLY 42.5 times powerful enough to destroy the earth and that's not even a guarantee as saitama's real power is never shown so... i suppose the 1 power to destroy the earth is from his fist and the 41.5 rest to destroy the earth is from global warming saitama creates when the sun reflects on his bald head to melt the antartic xD )
The gun and about 5 mags finished. Ezekiel took them out and stuffed it in his jacket, where I guess metal detectors can't detect shit. But it's plastic so fuck it. He was prepared to do some ultimate shooting until well, he felt something weird. It felt like a blast of strength just fucked with the world. No kidding.

That wouldn't stop him, he continued back at the bank, where he will make a name for his groups. Which can and will bring more attention.

Arriving at the bank was the first, second, threaten the banker or whatever, shoot the guards. That actually might be second and uh... Open the bank vault. Easy. So he did exactly that. "Well, this is gonna go great. One man robbery."
genos meanwhile was patrolling since his battery was already recharged, he got reports of a bank roberry in progress, he already called the professor to install a new antivirus and counter-hacking software in so if anybody tried to hack in him it would hack them back, he rushed to the bank and shouted "PUT DOWN YOUR WEAPONS!" @BlankName
Skull refused to stand down "Ya can't be death boy." He said moving around just so he could feel the punches until a portal opened taking him away.

Sansy growled when he opened the portal "Idiot, doesn't know when to quite." He said going to the ground and putting his hands in his pockets. He sat down and opened a portal, giving him popcorn. "My moneys on rice head," he said to himself.

Jack flew over and grabbed Teeth "Get back in there!" He yelled throwing him towards Saitama with full force.

Teeth flew and bit Saitama at the hand. He picked it up and waved with it"Don't worry only holy weapons can hurt me." He said waving the gloved, he got a marker and drew on it. "Hi there Mr. Glove how are you today," he said to the glove.

"I'm depressed, my wife left me, and I am being played with by a fucking idiot," Mr. Glove said, not giving two shits about Teeth.

Bob and Bolt were flying through the air, Bolt smiled "Heh, gonna have to try a lot harder than that." He said slugging her in the face. Bob then grabbed the arm and hit him on the ground, with a emotionless face.

@Salex @YoungX
saitama then grabs his hand and punched him again this time to the ground burrying him about 10 km into the land "if dismembering things is all you can do, then that's pathetic" he said as his fist sizzled, he then suddenly was behind skull and uppercut him to the moon @Shammy the Shamrock (saitama is salty, he loves his glove)
"Huh?" Ezekiel held the plastic pistol in his hand, watching as the old cyborg he tried to hack is back. The thing is, Ezekiel could just do it again, if the cyborg shut down, than he'd just hack into it again before the friend comes. "Here, watch this." He says, as the lights flicker than complete darkness occurs. I'm gonna have to bet it has night vision.

Ezekiel rolled behind a counter, already sending out packets of viruses. No matter what, Ezekiel's power can't be reversed, by that he can't get hacked back. All people could do is just hope that they're latest version of Norton is gonna protect them. Than he felt something. A signal.

He got out from cover and spoke; "There are two people in this bank that have pacemakers." Ezekiel continued. "They clearly don't have Norton or Adblock. I will kill them." He could actually do it but it'd take a few minutes each. A threaten works better if you take something valuable away. Like human lives.

((I'm going to a dance later today, so I'll be off at 6:30 instead of the usual time. Plus I'm bored, so Astra's a test subject now.))

Cinder stared intently before turning her gaze to the red headed girl. "Take her to the table. She's perfect for this test." One of the men sharply pulled Astra's hair in an attempt to make her move, still Astra couldn't. Best thing to do in that situation, sob hysterically. Eventually Cinder shouted "JUST CARRY THE KID!" And the men shuffled around to obey her command. Then she turned back to Quill. "Your fellow heroes won't make it in time to save her. Don't even bother. Every thing you do wrong is another experiment on her. We could simply do one and be done, but any interference will be far worse for her. Got it?"

Astra struggled against the men as they strapped her down on a metal table. She sobbed and screamed, calling for Bolt and Quill. Not that it helped, the walls blocked sound from the inside. The bulkiest of the men gently stroked her hair and murmured soothing words to the small girl. The smallest and most deformed brandished a needle containing a deep pink liquid. To make it all the more painful for Astra, he slowly injected the liquid that burned worse than the deepest pits of hell. "MOMMY!" Astra screamed, tears falling down her face. All of the workers were sure what the liquid would do, but Astra was sort just of finding out. A new method of torture Cinder had devised, created to slowly change the form of anyone. They would have to watch each new addition to them. Whether it be a tail or ears, they would feel every detail. Still, she had to make sure it worked so she could use it. Astra had become the newest subject. Probably 'cause I got bored.
He would see Skull go through the portal and would then immediately be behind Bob. If holy weapons were their weakness, then he would have no problem beating them the next time. As he was behind Bob, he would unleash an Ultimate Kick, which would typical destroy a planet with ease, but he concentrated it into a fine point. He would unleash about a hundred or so Ultimate Kicks infused with great heat at Bob, and if Bob moved then Kuuga would move with extreme speed using his senses to predict his next location. Then he would throw about a hundred Ultimate Punches with great heat as well, and felt much better that he was controlling Ultimate Kuuga. There were a few rips in reality being teared as Kuuga punched, but it would go away once this was all over. Great force would pierce through, and Bob would most likely take extreme damage to the point of overkill. Once this was over he would prepare himself for the next encounter using "holy" weapons.

@Shammy the Shamrock
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BlankName said:
"Huh?" Ezekiel held the plastic pistol in his hand, watching as the old cyborg he tried to hack is back. The thing is, Ezekiel could just do it again, if the cyborg shut down, than he'd just hack into it again before the friend comes. "Here, watch this." He says, as the lights flicker than complete darkness occurs. I'm gonna have to bet it has night vision.

Ezekiel rolled behind a counter, already sending out packets of viruses. No matter what, Ezekiel's power can't be reversed, by that he can't get hacked back. All people could do is just hope that they're latest version of Norton is gonna protect them. Than he felt something. A signal.

He got out from cover and spoke; "There are two people in this bank that have pacemakers." Ezekiel continued. "They clearly don't have Norton or Adblock. I will kill them." He could actually do it but it'd take a few minutes each. A threaten works better if you take something valuable away. Like human lives.

Sansy sighed "Regroup and chat later," he said creating portals for his team mates and making them vanish. He looked at Saitama and Hibiki "Nice, you actually may have damaged them. Well I must see ya before Bones decides that I deserve the cross," he said walking off and throwing his pizza card for 'Antony Pizza, buy one get one free(SPONSORED!)'.

Bolt sighed "Yea that's right! You better run," he said passing out on the floor. "I need a nap, a loooooooooooooooooooooooong nap," he said looking around the city. He looked at the pizza card "Great now I'm hungry," he said moving to his side.

@Salex @YoungX
Bolt jumped up "You have never heard of a pizza. My god we had one yesterday....then again you weren't there. Hang on do we have power or is it still gone," he said walking around, looking for directions.

@Salex @YoungX

The thing about packets is that packets travel by a network, once they reach they're destination, it disassembles itself and the computer reassembles it. But there also is a firewall or proxy. Which stops the packet from travelling. The nice thing is, he exactly did that, once the signal was sent that it's been sent to attack Ezekiel, he took the time to assemble a really crappy firewall, well at first glance.

The firewall was designed to redirect a packet of info or any packet. Think of a car, and a GPS. The car hits a block and the GPS gets a signal that you have to go a different way, so, what if there were enough blockades that it just sent you back to your start point? Soon enough, you'd get used to what just happened and well, the packet would just go with the network. Or his firewalls just contained too much hentai and the packet of info just got really mad.

And he did what's up there. Make enough hentai'd firewalls that just redirect the packet of info back at the cyborg.


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