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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Ty got bored, and grabbed his headphones walking out the door. He went to a small field in a nearby wood, and started practicing his powers. He'd start to use his soundkinesis to slice a nearby tree in half. Using it's energy he then lit the halves on fire.

Salex said:
"alright, the hero association was started by agoni chinner, a multibillionare who was inspired after saitama saved his grandson. there are 4 main classes, c-class are the lowest and the weakest branch of the whole hero association. they are sent out on usual crime such as purse snatching, bank robberies and etc. next are the b class, they are the heroes that handle wanted criminals and stop tiger-level monsters. next are the a-class, they are the heroes that are usually not human, they possess power that exceeds b-class and c-class and are sent out to terminate demon level threats... and lastly is the s-class, the best of the best the hero association can offer. they are heroes sent on terminating dragon and god level monsters and catastrophes, there are currently only 14 of them including me and sensei.
in each class there are ranks based on their power and sense of justice, the number one of the class can promote themselves to the next class or stay in that class as number one. rank one c-class hero is mumen rider, he is a normal human but has extreme durability and has the best sense of justice alongside saitama in the whole hero association, he knows he is weak himself and strives to be better, even when he knows he is outmatched he will continue fighting even if it's just to buy some time so the stronger heroes could arrive. rank one b-class hero is fubuki or blizzard of hell, is an esper like tatsumaki of class-s rank 2, she is not as strong as tatsumaki but can take down tiger level monsters with ease. rank 1 a-class hero is sweet mask, known as a singer and an artist as well he can take down demon level monsters and as such is powerful enough to be in s-class. and lastly s-class hero rank 1 is i think you are familiar, Saitama AKA One-Punch man. he is the most powerful hero in all of the hero association, being able to destroy a dragon-level catastrophe and kill a god-level monster.
" he said

"would you then like me to explain the monster classes?" he asks @YoungX @Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong (wow that took long to type)
"Yes I think that will be helpful," Hibiki said to him. (RpNation was down for me)

Stella randomly jumped out of a tree and a huge wave washed over the field for a moment. "NO FIRE!" She shouted triumphantly. Seriously, there was no fire, just tons of water.... And a few fish. Wait, how the hell did she even get in the tree...
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YoungX said:
"Yes I think that will be helpful," Hibiki said to him. (RpNation was down for me)
"well there are 4 main classes of crime, there is the tiger level monsters which are monsters that can kill a few people but are easily defeated and tiger level catastrophes are like floods and forest fire that claim only a few people's lives.

next are the demon level monsters, which are monsters that are powerful enough to destroy a city, the same can be said for a catastrophe such as a small meteor.

next are the dragon level monsters which are monsters powerful enough to destroy multiple cities at once and need s-class heroes or multiple a-class heroes to defeat, the same can be said for a catastrophe such as a meteor or an asteroid.

lastly is the god level monsters, they are monsters that threaten the very existence of the human race and so far the only ones who have killed god-level monsters is blast and saitama, the same can be said as well for a catastrophe which will destroy the earth like an asteroid for example or a supervolcano or a nuclear fallout or winter
" he said @YoungX
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Stella randomly jumped out of a tree and a huge wave washed over the field for a moment. "NO FIRE!" She shouted triumphantly. Seriously, there was no fire, just tons of water.... And a few fish. Wait, how the hell did she even get in the tree...

"......How the fuck?"
Salex said:
"well there are 4 main classes of crime, there is the tiger level monsters which are monsters that can kill a few people but are easily defeated and tiger level catastrophes are like floods and forest fire that claim only a few people's lives.
next are the demon level monsters, which are monsters that are powerful enough to destroy a city, the same can be said for a catastrophe such as a small meteor.

next are the dragon level monsters which are monsters powerful enough to destroy multiple cities at once and need s-class heroes or multiple a-class heroes to defeat, the same can be said for a catastrophe such as a meteor or an asteroid.

lastly is the god level monsters, they are monsters that threaten the very existence of the human race and so far the only ones who have killed god-level monsters is blast and saitama, the same can be said as well for a catastrophe which will destroy the earth like an asteroid for example or a supervolcano or a nuclear fallout or winter
" he said @YoungX
"I see now I understand. Thanks Genos. So do I have to go there to take a test or something?"

[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Tree ninja's!" Stella shouted, sending the fish back to the ocean before jumping back into her tree.

(How old is stella anyway.) "....." Ty began to laugh, grinning at her random nature. "Oh my god you're weird sometimes...I'm gonna head back to base miss tree -ninja." He started walking.
Otakubeats said:
(How old is stella anyway.) "....." Ty began to laugh, grinning at her random nature. "Oh my god you're weird sometimes...I'm gonna head back to base miss tree -ninja." He started walking.
Hibiki would then walk out to see Ty. "Hey Ty! In off to the Hero Association to take the test. You wanna come with?"
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Can I go too!?" Stella shouted, looking at Hibiki excitedly.

"Yeah sure. Now that I think about it I didn't catch your name. Mine is Hibiki."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"I'm Stella" As if on cue, a ball of water came up with a lemon shark. "And that's Captain Sharky Shark of the first squadron."

"Nice to meet you Stella. Quite the shark and title you have there. I guess I'm Kuuga, the legendary ancient warrior reincarnated."
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Have you met the head person thing?"

"The head person thing?" Hibiki would ask looking rather confused.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Bolt, director, I think... Not quite sure where he is though, maybe to go see his daughter. Call him mom when you see him."

"Oh I've already met Bolt. I was looking to join, and luckily he showed up. I wonder where he went?" He asks her.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]"Not sure, but Astra managed to nearly die..." Stella said with a shudder, thinking of the girl's limp body.

"I see... Well in any case, I'm sure he'll come back soon. In any case, I wasn't actually aware there was a Hero Association. If they exist, how come there is the Heroes of Tommorrow?" He didn't even consider that before either.
FaceBloat said:
"No I'm sorry I only know about his appearance nothing else" Gary then noticed that Vacant played with a crowbar a lot "And what's with that crowbar?Is it something special?"
"Oh, hum...well..." She says while still playing with her crowbar "It could be any metal weapon...a metal pipe, a blade or even a metal baseball bat, its just the easiest to handle for me." She says after swingning it.


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