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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)


(My power went out!)

Stella frowned at the girl before handing her over to the worried medics who dashed off to a room. Once she was in the room, they hooked her up to a heart rate monitor and began giving her fluids, as well as a breathing mask to help her shallow breaths. One of the doctor walked out to Quill.

"Sir, I've been informed that you're the girl's father?"
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Hibiki would go back to the base to find only a few people, so he decided to wait around. For now he wasn't sure what he would do, but he had heard Ray had gone to the hospital. It's great that she was rescued, but the problem is that the one's who kidnapped her are still around. The one who took out his arms like playdoh is certainly something to consider. He can always put his arms back, but it'll be an inconvenience to do that in battle all the time. He is still unsure whether or not he will use Ultimate Kuuga against them as the worry still lingers within him. Hibiki may not be aware of it, but he unconsciously does not want to use Ultimate Kuuga, nor does he want to lose himself in it. For one who lives life neutral, Ultimate Kuuga has become the tip of the scale between Creation and Destruction as Daguva once told him. He decides to lounge around at the base.

(Open for Interaction)
Death thought about it "I am always there. You should know that I am usually there when Ray is around the heroes." She said wiping tears away and smiling under her robe.

Ray then was silent, she looked away from Genos. Everything she had gone through made her twitch and not to trust many people at the base. She felt were her eye use to be, knowing her weakness terrified her.

The reapers walked through the streets

Teeth smiled "Did you see me take down that guy. I could have beat him with his own arms." He said recanting what he had done and what he had planed to do.

Smiley looked at him "Well I went into Ray's dream and warped it to its max. It was fun to see her struggle," she said looking around the streets, she jumped onto teeth as they walked.
As Hibiki lounges around, he decides to visit Ray at the hospital. He wanted to see how she was doing, and would go see her right now. Once he arrived a the hospital he would head into Ray's room. He would see Saitama and Genos with Ray in bed. "How are you doing?" He asks Ray.

@Shammy the Shamrock
"DEMON! BE GONE!" She yelled crawling under her covers and throwing a pillow at him. "GENOS HELP!" She yelled shaking and crying from where she was "H-help."
Ray couldn't take it, she ran out of the bed and through a window. She landed on the ground but luckily she was fine beside the new scars and everything. Ray ran towards the warehouse, limping towards it. She fell on the floor with a slam crawling back under the couch.
genos has been trailing her, once after 5 minutes or so after ray arrives to the warehouse, genos slams the door down "RAY!" he shouted

"ill protect her, a master always protect his disciples, don't worry he's in safe hands. he said, he then received a call from genos and instantly rushed to the warehouse @Shammy the Shamrock
Salex said:
"sure, wait did she tell you she became my disciple and i am her master?" he asked
"sensei is always emotionless, he always has been since he got his powers and never could find a worthy opponent.... like every battle it always ended in one punch.... but he would never torture anything, let alone if that thing is good" genos said @Shammy the Shamrock (sorry i fell asleep when you posted that) (and also @Echo Dreamsong is so salty, even she beats gordon ramsay)
(HEY! I am not salty! Usually xD Astra is. It's her character.)
Zedisback said:
As Louis was sleeping in his room at the warehouse he heard a sound he bolted up, walking outward of his room, he would say in a serious voice come out, as he looked around the room waiting for Ray to come out, as he would tap his foot saying "I won't hurt you." As he would snap his fingers warping himself onto the couch. @Shammy the Shamrock
Ty walked into the living room with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes not bothering with his unkempt hair. "Louis why are you talking to the couch?"
Otakubeats said:
Ty walked into the living room with a yawn. He rubbed his eyes not bothering with his unkempt hair. "Louis why are you talking to the couch?"
Hibiki would be done with his patrol and heads back to the base. He sees Ty and would approach him. "Hey Ty. You feeling any better?"
YoungX said:
Hibiki would be done with his patrol and heads back to the base. He sees Ty and would approach him. "Hey Ty. You feeling any better?"
"Lil bit. Still gotta be careful though. How was patrol?"
Otakubeats said:
"Lil bit. Still gotta be careful though. How was patrol?"
"It was good. Nothing out of the ordinary... for now at least. That thing you were fighting I take it that was the "shadow" You were referring to?"
YoungX said:
"It was good. Nothing out of the ordinary... for now at least. That thing you were fighting I take it that was the "shadow" You were referring to?"
Ty was still a bit sleepy having just woke up. "Mhm." he was still in his clothes from yesterday, which were wrinkled from sleeping in them.

"I'm gonna make some food do you want any?" Ty walked into the kitchen and began to rummage around.
Otakubeats said:
Ty was still a bit sleepy having just woke up. "Mhm." he was still in his clothes from yesterday, which were wrinkled from sleeping in them.
"I'm gonna make some food do you want any?" Ty walked into the kitchen and began to rummage around.
"Yeah sure. I'll take anything really since I've eaten all sorts of things back at my old place." Hibiki didn't mind what he ate as long as it was edible. Though he does have certain tastes he enjoys, but he can't help it if he is low on resources.
YoungX said:
"Yeah sure. I'll take anything really since I've eaten all sorts of things back at my old place." Hibiki didn't mind what he ate as long as it was edible. Though he does have certain tastes he enjoys, but he can't help it if he is low on resources.
"Kay." Ty grabbed a few eggs and cracked them into the pan, letting them sit for a minute as he put some bacon in another pan. As he cooked the food, he'd ask Hibiki. "Ray any different?"
Otakubeats said:
"Kay." Ty grabbed a few eggs and cracked them into the pan, letting them sit for a minute as he put some bacon in another pan. As he cooked the food, he'd ask Hibiki. "Ray any different?"
"She doesn't seem to be coping well since she seems to have a misunderstanding with Saitama. I'm sure she'll be feel better with some time," he says as he sets up two plates and utensils.
FaceBloat said:
(Lets just wait for @Mumu Kokatsuna to respond)
Gary looked at Vacant from the corners of his eyes "Hey Vacant do something about this robot before it kills us"
She pointed her crowbar towards Geno, making a magnetic shockwave. "So if you are a cyborg, who sended you..." She asked the cyborg, approching him.

@FaceBloat @Salex

((Im sending that message from school, so after a while, I might no longer respond until after school.))
Otakubeats said:
"GENOS! STOP SCREAMING! THAT'S MY JOB!" He sighed, and went back to cooking. "You okay with scrambled Hibiki?"
"Yeah I'm good with scrambled," Hibiki says as he gets himself a glass of water.

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