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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

Death stopped "T-the council," she said turning away for a second, her white eyes seemed to shine. "THEM! THEY TOOK YOU AWAY! I AM ONE OF THE FEW WHO ACTUALLY DIDN'T ACCEPT AND REMEMBER WHAT THEY DID TO MY FACE!" She said grabbing where her mouth would be only grabbing the jaw "What happened to forever, what happened to you'll always be there." She said remembering the times he never came, how long she waited after he left.

Bolt sparked came back and he grabbed him "We need to go to the hospital. I can't teleport due to not having anything electrical near me, take Ty and run. I need to do something," he said giving him TY and running in a random direction as he faded away.

@YoungX @Otakubeats
He looked away.

It was my choice. I know what they did to you, but they cannot be punished for it. Blame me for leaving you. I had to protect you. There are those who wish you harm, and I would do anything to stop them. I do, every day. I joined the Council for you, but I regret persuading you not to join. It was...an unwise decision. Do not grow angry at them. I made the choice, my love.

He looked her in the eyes, and his old physical form could be seen. A normal human with blonde hair and deep blue eyes and porcelain skin. It shimmered and he returned to his featureless white form.

They stole this form from me, forced me to be that...thing.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Death looked back and put her head on his shoulder "T-this is the only night I can spend with you. We both now that, after this we'll both have to get back to our jobs. Everyday I have to take another life, another person gone young and old. You've been the thing that has made me keep going, I always wanted you to stay. Remember what I asked you when you had to leave "Do you love me? Will you come back?"" She said trying to remember the rest of it, she kissed his chin and let black tears roll down her jaw.

The One wiped away her tears with his finger and gently took both of her hands.

I was too scared to say it then, but I was deeply in love with you. So much that I felt as if a part of me was torn out after leaving you. I said I would come back, and that only made it worse. I wish we could stay here forver, just you and I.

A tiny crystalline object fell from his face.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Death smiled "Then lets make it count." She said pinning him to the ground and making her robe vanish in the wind. She kissed him and let the darkness cover them.


Death wore her robe and yawned "Wow, never actually done anything like that before. Then again everyone I touch dies so it can be seen why," she said with a chuckle, wearing her robe the wrong way. She sighed "I have an hour before I must leave," she said with a frown, leaning on a tree.

The One sighed.

I will always love you. I will never, ever forget you, either. No one can replace you.

He laughed at her robe.

You are wearing your robe the wrong way, my love.

As he helped her adjust it, he got caught in her eyes. He kissed her softly, then again.

Once for now, another to remember me by.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:
Ty coughed weakly mumbling. "Whas goin on.."
"I'm not sure myself, but I got your cry for help. You and Bolt were on the ground feeling weakened. I gave you two energy, and now I'must taking you to the hospital. Bolt had to do something so he left. Mind telling me what happened?"

Death smiled "I will maybe one day we can live together, without the council and without me doing the job. Til then remember my real name, never to be said to another living soul." She said grabbing her scythe and looking back "Protect my Ray please, she gets into trouble easily," she said before crows came and swarmed her making her vanish.

YoungX said:
"I'm not sure myself, but I got your cry for help. You and Bolt were on the ground feeling weakened. I gave you two energy, and now I'must taking you to the hospital. Bolt had to do something so he left. Mind telling me what happened?"
"Mm..shadow dude...."
Otakubeats said:
He slurred groggily, passing out again. "'splain later..."
Hibiki would then get Ty to a hospital as fast as he could. He would be able to let Ty get medical help and would wait in the room he was placed in. When he wakes uo, he would find himself in a hospital bed.

YoungX said:
Hibiki would then get Ty to a hospital as fast as he could. He would be able to let Ty get medical help and would wait in the room he was placed in. When he wakes uo, he would find himself in a hospital bed.
TY opens his eyes and immediately panics.
Ray shrugged "They all vanished again, they do that a lot around here." She said looking around, she became nervous "M-Mom isn't here, she should have been back by now." She said in a nervous voice running around, panicking.

<p><span style="color:#b3b300;">Ray struggled and spat the milk out "OH GOD, I CAN BREATH AGAIN! I'm *Gasp* not a baby Genos, oh god I think it's in my nose," she said putting her mask back on. "Where could she be, she usually would be here to ask about my day, or if I needed a teacher kil-taken care of," she said wiping mill from under her mask.</span></p>

<p><span style="color:#b3b300;">

</span><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29184-salex/" data-mentionid="29184"><span style="color:#b3b300;">@Salex</span></a><span style="color:#b3b300;"> </span></p>
Ty stood, disrupting the machines and making the doctors attempt to restrain him. This immediately made him panic more. He had been alone for maybe 3 years now on the streets and some stranger tries grabbing you, you swing. He began punching and kicking to where it got to the point where a nurse ran up to Kuuga, asking him to calm Ty down.


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