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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

He recoiled when she touched him.

That was a long, long time ago. Though I...I remember it like it was yesterday.

The One sighed while thinking of the older times as he lifted himself off the branch, gently pulling her up with him.

You are as beautiful as I remember, my love.


@Shammy the Shamrock
Ray backed up "The school yearbook, we have that every year," she said looking down, on the verge of tears. "I-I'm sorry," she said in a shaky voice, putting her hands behind her back.

@Anyone (If you wanna have feels when you read)[media]

Ty walked into the woods, somehow finding the same clearing as the other night, where the shadow waited. His voice had changed to that of a normal man, as had his appearance. Silver hair and red eyes where the only thing that made him look inhuman. But then again, Ty had those same eyes. He sighed, and approached the enemy. 'Why do I even try...' He heard a voice at the back of his mind, answering. 'Because it's not time yet. You'll be able to move on but..not yet.'

The Shadow regarded him estatically. "So you've finally chosen eh?" Ty nodded, swallowing back the tears of fury at this beast who killed his family. He remembered it clearly.

His mother had been cooking when it happened. Time seemed to freeze and the house fell into an eerie silence. Ty stood, wandering into the parlor, calling out in a quavery voice. "Mom? You Ok?"

Ty took off down the hall, stopping in the kitchen. His body went numb as he stared at the sight before him. There, his family lay on the ground, pale as sheets. Pools of crimson blood stained the once white tiles, and the table was overturned and broken into large fragments, each part having pierced them in the torso. Ty's vision blurred as hot tears poured from his eyes, spilling down his cheeks in a torrent. Then, the Shadow came. He had smiled kindly at Ty, hiding the crimson-stained knife behind his back. Ty being only about 9, was naive enough to trust this man. Shadow pulled the boy into a hug, and mere seconds afterwards the steel blade pierced through the boy's mid-section. Shadow watched with horror, as the child stepped back and the wound seemed to stitch itself closed. He felt this strange new sensation...fear. He didn't like it. Ty's iris' turned a deep crimson no longer their emerald green. They seemed to absorb the blood from the floor, pooling their color into his eyes. It was at that moment when Shadow realized what had happened. He'd cut himself on his blade, and his blood had branded Ty. The room filled with a bright red, and Shadow was cast away. Ty fell to his knees, clutching his lifeless family allowing the tears to flow freely now.



"I-I'll....be your pupil....as long as it keeps my new family safe..."

Shadow laughed joyfully. "This is good! Alright then. Come on boy." He grabbed Ty's wrist, searing his mark into the boy's forearm.

Ty smiled sadly as he followed his new Teacher into the woods, and he whispered under his breath allowing the sound to carry it to his friends minds.

"I'm sorry..."
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<p><strong>Death looked at him "Aww, you are just saying that for my own feelings. There are many other beings like us, why me," she said before doing something she may regret. Death kissed him, the hood covering both of them, she pulled back as the hood fell. It showed her pale upper half, the skeleton jaw and her long black hair she had "The bottom half makes me hideous," she said closing her black and white pupil-ed eyes.</strong></p>


</strong><a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35376-quillicious/" data-mentionid="35376"><strong>@Quillicious</strong></a><strong> </strong></p>
You notice that she is pretty heavy for her size. She started to look around and destroyed the window from the building he was on with her crowbar and swung inside of it, pulling her grappeling hook, trying to get it back. "Not from idiots like you..." She said to herself while starting to run in the building, up the stairs.

@Shammy the Shamrock
Otakubeats said:
@Anyone (If you wanna have feels when you read)
Ty walked into the woods, somehow finding the same clearing as the other night, where the shadow waited. His voice had changed to that of a normal man, as had his appearance. Silver hair and red eyes where the only thing that made him look inhuman. But then again, Ty had those same eyes. He sighed, and approached the enemy. 'Why do I even try...' He heard a voice at the back of his mind, answering. 'Because it's not time yet. You'll be able to move on but..not yet.'

The Shadow regarded him estatically. "So you've finally chosen eh?" Ty nodded, swallowing back the tears of fury at this beast who killed his family. He remembered it clearly.

His mother had been cooking when it happened. Time seemed to freeze and the house fell into an eerie silence. Ty stood, wandering into the parlor, calling out in a quavery voice. "Mom? You Ok?" Silence.

Ty took off down the hall, stopping in the kitchen. His body went numb as he stared at the sight before him. There, his family lay on the ground, pale as sheets. Pools of crimson blood stained the once white tiles, and the table was overturned and broken into large fragments, each part having pierced them in the torso. Ty's vision blurred as hot tears poured from his eyes, spilling down his cheeks in a torrent. Then, the Shadow came. He had smiled kindly at Ty, hiding the crimson-stained knife behind his back. Ty being only about 9, was naive enough to trust this man. Shadow pulled the boy into a hug, and mere seconds afterwards the steel blade pierced through the boy's mid-section. Shadow watched with horror, as the child stepped back and the wound seemed to stitch itself closed. He felt this strange new sensation...fear. He didn't like it. Ty's iris' turned a deep crimson no longer their emerald green. They seemed to absorb the blood from the floor, pooling their color into his eyes. It was at that moment when Shadow realized what had happened. He'd cut himself on his blade, and his blood had branded Ty. The room filled with a bright red, and Shadow was cast away. Ty fell to his knees, clutching his lifeless family allowing the tears to flow freely now.



"I-I'll....be your pupil....as long as it keeps my new family safe..."

Shadow laughed joyfully. "This is good! Alright then. Come on boy." He grabbed Ty's wrist, searing his mark into the boy's forearm.

Ty smiled sadly as he followed his new Teacher into the woods, and he whispered under his breath allowing the sound to carry it to his friends minds.

"I'm sorry..."
(My fuck that was so sad (:'())
[QUOTE="Shammy the Shamrock](My fuck that was so sad (:'())

(I take it u played the song while u read it. This is why I take creative writing. Sorry, but it's time for a feels-trip. Hey maybe you can save him. You were able to hear his voice afterall)
Bolt sighed and decided not to go after her, he teleported to the bottom, knowing one of the other heroes would go after her. He remember something "The note.....I'm sorry....TY!" He thought teleporting to the edge of the woods, he ran through them not caring if his powers were drained by his excessive moving. He looked around "TY!" He yelled hoping to find him, his body feeling weak.

@Mumu Kokatsuna @Otakubeats
@Mumu Kokatsuna[/URL] @Otakubeats

Ty sat down, the shadow wrapping tendrils of darkness around him. He bit his lip, silencing his cries of protest and agony. The minute he speaks up, someone gets hurt. He could feel himself dying. He was becoming a silhouette of what he used to be, after all these years he was truly alone now. The Shadow laughed, it's menacing tone reaching Bolt's ears. Ty took in a few shky breaths, tears running down his face. grief and pain were the only things that existed. Soul poison. His soul was being tainted...but his pact with the demon was to obey him, and if his death kept the others safe, it didn't matter. It was too late to go back, and his regrets piled on top of him, reminding him why he had wanted to forget his past. A small spark of hope burns inside him. he can't give up, he has to be brave. Faces flash in his mind as he thinks of his friends. His family. Astra......Lucy..........Quill........Bolt..........he can feel himself slipping, the images growing hazy and their colors blurring together...was this the end? He looked up at the stars, letting the tears flow as he awaited his fate.
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As she continued running in the building to the roof, she noticed that Bolt dissapeared. "He, not bad...hum, "Heros of tomorrow"...urg im not even sure if they are worth it...oh well, got no where else to go, so I guess I'll have to do with them for now" She said to herself as she heared the cops sirens. As got up and went back in the shadows of the town.

Bolt heard the laugh and ran over "Get away from him!" Bolt yelled using his bits of energy for a powerful and fast punch. He grabbed Ty and looked back as his body pulsed with energy. "You bastard! Leave before I kill you!" He yelled as his body grew brighter from his power and his eyes grew red.

Death smiled "You are just as sweet from when the stars were still forming. I think I can use my day off today, why don't I spend it with you," she said putting her head into his chest, she looked back up for his response

Shammy the Shamrock]Bolt heard the laugh and ran over [COLOR=#ff0000]"Get away from him!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Bolt yelled using his bits of energy for a powerful and fast punch. He grabbed Ty and looked back as his body pulsed with energy. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]"You bastard! Leave before I kill you!" [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]He yelled as his body grew brighter from his power and his eyes grew red.[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34708-otakubeats/ said:
Shadow laughed. "Hmm.....fine. Ty's deal has been broken then." The mark vanished with a flash of red light. "I doubt he'll last much longer though....my poison will soon kill him. If it doesn't....let's just say he'll wish it had." Shadow vanished. (FML CANNOT SPELL POSION)
Bolt growled and looked down, he fell to the ground "I...can't...move....much....longer," he said feeling himself get weak, he walked into the city, he dragged his body along. "H-Help," was all he could muster, falling on his back and holding Ty in his arms, his eyes dimmed.

@Otakubeats @Anyone
I would very much enjoy that.

The One held her close, sighing in contentment. He had loved her since the day they met. Now he knew she was THE ONE FOR HIM! He tilted her head up and kissed her again, more passionately this time.

((*Winks at an invisible audience*))

@Shammy the Shamrock
Death laughed "You haven't change in a long time. So how has work been, mines is plain hell," she said using her force to throw him to the ground. The ground covered by her robe was burned and the fried ground spread, she kissed him and smiled "We have one night together, what do you want to do," she said leaning close to his face.

Otakubeats said:
Ty woke up, just enough to use his energy to send a single word. Help.
Immediately Hibiki would hear this word etched in his mind. Ty was in trouble, and would immediately leave to go find him. His search would lead him to the forest where he would find him and Bolt.

@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
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Keeping the Multiverse free of interdimensional meddlers has no dull days. Joining the council was the best decision of my endless life. As well as my worst. I lost you as I accepted. Rememer?

He laughed as they landed on the ground and slowly pulled off her cloak.

Be young again, my love. Young and free.

@Shammy the Shamrock

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