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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

"I don't know!" Stella cried, looking around frantically. "Check the rooms! We can't lose her again!"

Astra glared at their feet from under the bed. Surely they had figured out who had stolen their bread. Well, she was not going to be found! She stole it fair and circle! (Circles need some love too) If they did try and grab her, Astra would be certain to burn the crazy bakers, she was not going back in that metal cell!
'I'll find her. When I do, I'll create an illusion so she won't see us. Then you submerge her body in water, alright?'

He spoke quietly so only Stella could hear, and searched for brain activity in the vicinity.

'Got her. Ready?'

@Echo Dreamsong
<p>Stella nodded and called up a small trail of water from the sink.</p>


Astra panicked at the sight of the water. <em>I-I don't wanna die! I wanna see mommy and daddy again!' </em>She thought before jumping onto the bed, pushing open a window, and flinging herself out. Stella shrieked and ran to where the girl had begun to fall. "WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT!?" </p>


Astraea flailed about before hitting the ground with full force on her left knee. Pain almost worse than the blue fire wove its way through her leg and up her spine. Needless to say, she screamed and sobbed, crying for Bolt and Quill softly. "<span style="font-size:12px;">DADDY! MOMmy...</span><span style="font-size:14px;">" She trailed off with a small whimper, closing her eyes.</span></p>

<p><span style="font-size:14px;">

(Welp, at least she's not dead!)</span></p>

Quill released a pulse, causing Stella to suffer from a splitting headache for a few seconds. He ran to the window and jumped out, rolling as he hit the ground. He scraped his elbows as he fell, but it didn't stop him. He ran to the girl's side, unsure of what to do.

'Jesus! Astra, please. Talk to me. Say something! Stella! Stella help me! She's hurt!'

@Echo Dreamsong
Stella used the water to lower herself to the ground after her headache stopped. "Oooh god, should I call an ambulance!?" Without waiting for an answer, she dashed off to the phone and called one.

Astra trembled, trying to pull herself away from the man she assumed was an angry baker. "N-No! No cwage!" She cried, squeezing her eyes tightly together as she struggled to move away. "M-Mommy!"
Quill backed away, his hands fidgeting with his jacket pocket. He forced himself not to cry as he believed he had hurt her somehow.

'I...I'm so sorry, Astra. I didn't mean to...'

He turned and ran into the city, not looking back, not slowing down.

'Dammit, Quill! This is why you don't get attatched! You always hurt people because you're not a hero! Stop trying to be one!'

@Echo Dreamsong
Stella ran back out to see Quill run off. "Oh no. That can't be good." Leaving Captain Sharky Shark of the first squadron to watch Astra, Stella surfed after Quill. "YO! She was calling for you dude! You kinda have to comfort her!" With a sigh, she moved the water so it held Quill upside down by his left foot. "I had to leave my best Captain to watch over her. Come on dude, she probably thinks we're evil monsters or something... And unless you really talk to her, she's gonna think we were! That'll lead to her thinking you abandoned her, which leads to her breaking trust, which can lead to suicide! You never know!"
<p>Black Fury woke up behind a trash can. He still remembered his fight with the theif a few days ago and how he had fallen off the roof of an old warehouse. Now he had no idea were he was. It was getting dark and he was injured. Why couldnt have I beaten him he thought to himself. The pain grew and before his vision faded he saw a figure approaching him...</p>


(anyone can join in)</p>
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The Quill she caught disappeared, and three others were running off in different directions. Two of them were slightly not solid-looking and only one made sound when his feet hit the ground. In his emotional distress, he got sloppy.

@Echo Dreamsong
Quillicious said:
The Quill she caught disappeared, and three others were running off in different directions. Two of them were slightly not solid-looking and only one made sound when his feet hit the ground. In his emotional distress, he got sloppy.
@Echo Dreamsong
Stella groaned and raced after him. "DUDE! My shark might eat her if we don't get back!"

Astra finally opened her eyes to see a lemon shark in a ball of water staring at her. Can I just say, AGHGAHAGDBIGBRFUBFRCUYBFCUYFCB! Astra freaked and began screaming for her mommy or daddy. Heck, she even tried for Stella. Though it was more like 'Swewma!'
Quill stopped and turned around.

'I'm. Not. A hero. I never will be. I never have been. Stop chasing me, Stella. Go back and help the kid. I'm done working with your group. I don't belong with you.'

@Echo Dreamsong
"NOPE!" Stella cried cheerfully and created a water circle around him complete with five sharks. "I'm not takin care of that crazy kid, besides, she hates me!"
One of the sharks, great white actually, snapped at him, just barely missing his hand. "Gradent! I said miam, not destroy!"

Astra continued to sob until her crie became mere sniffles. 'I knew it... They left me for the baker to find.' She thought angrily, surprised and annoyed to find the emotion mixed with remorse.
Another shark chomped down directly onto his torso, against Stella's will. It shook him like a dog, Quill screaming the entire time.


@Echo Dreamsong
Stella ran in and slammed the shark away, speaking another odd language. "DAMMIT! NOW WE HAVE TWO FOR THE HOSPITAL!"

Astra opened her eye slightly to see several men in white climbing out of a truck. Astra froze and pulled herself away while whimpering, glaring at these awful people who were no doubt in league with the baker. "Daddy!" She cried, throwing anything she could at the people while they continued to drag her. "DADDY!" She screamed, flailing in their grasp and ignoring the pain. They brought her into the weird van and strapped her down before trying to inject something into her arm. Her cries of distress stopped that quickly.

"Hey sweetie, we're here to help you. It's okay." One of the medics cooed while Astra thrashed in her bindings. The others began whispering though Astraea only caught brief bits 'Trauma, mental, abuse, malnourished, cookie.' Seriously, where was that cookie she heard about. Her small frame was wracked by sobs as she gave in to her fate. Then the van began driving off and she panicked again.

The ambulance pulled up beside the shark circle and the medics quickly got Quill onto the second ambulance before Stella hopped in beside him. "I, um, think they had a hard time with your kid over there..."
Quill vanished. He was actually in the van, unbeknownst to the occupants. Sweat dripped down his brow as he tried to maintain the people's ignorance.

@Echo Dreamsong
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YoungX said:
Hibiki would carry the woman on his back, and would face Bolt and Ty. "We should get her to the hospital or maybe the base. It's your guys call also what do we about that creature over there?" He would point to the rather intriguing creature.
@Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats @FaceBloat
Ty stiffened, hearing the odd commotion. More as a sense. "The hell....dude I think somethin's happening at the base. The noise frequencies are off..."
The people from the ambulance pretty much ignored any sign of him and focused on Astra. "Um, kid, can you tell us your name?" Astra growled and shook her head. Very respectful to the people trying to help. She quickly began signing ((Hard with your hands strapped to the bed)) and confusing the people. 'I'M A RHINO! I'LL STOMP YOU ALL! FREAKING PASTA IDIOTS!'

"Um, maybe she's deaf? Can you read Sign language?"

"Nope, what about you Carl?"

"HELL NO! Deaf people are demons from hell!"

"Daaddy!" Astra screamed, sobbing as she tried (And failed) to kick the people.
YoungX said:
"Hmm... We should all go back to the base then. The woman can go rest up in my room for the time being. Sound good you guys?"
@Otakubeats, @Shammy the Shamrock
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]The people from the ambulance pretty much ignored any sign of him and focused on Astra. "Um, kid, can you tell us your name?" Astra growled and shook her head. Very respectful to the people trying to help. She quickly began signing ((Hard with your hands strapped to the bed)) and confusing the people. 'I'M A RHINO! I'LL STOMP YOU ALL! FREAKING PASTA IDIOTS!'
"Um, maybe she's deaf? Can you read Sign language?"

"Nope, what about you Carl?"

"HELL NO! Deaf people are demons from hell!"

"Daaddy!" Astra screamed, sobbing as she tried (And failed) to kick the people.

Ty suddenly took off, dashing back to the base. He ran at a full sprint, managing to get back in time to see the situation. He focused, and the front windshield of the van shattered, sending glass shards into the tires flattening them. Ty growled, "Why the hell are you calling her a demon." His eyes gleamed their unusual red, and walked to the back of the truck opening the door.
The medics stared at him like he was insane before the Carl guy stepped forward. "Hey, kid, you can't be here, we have to take the girl to the hospital." He frowned and help out his badge before the others did the same. Astra struggled against the binds before her arms caught fire again. And everything probably would have been fine, but the dumb medics took her grandfathers necklace. So, she burned along with the bindings. That freaked the hospital staff out.
Otakubeats said:
Ty suddenly took off, dashing back to the base. He ran at a full sprint, managing to get back in time to see the situation. He focused, and the front windshield of the van shattered, sending glass shards into the tires flattening them. Ty growled, "Why the hell are you calling her a demon." His eyes gleamed their unusual red, and walked to the back of the truck opening the door.
Raider, carrying the woman on his back, would follow Ty back to the base and see him take off. The woman was a priority first, so he went back to his room and laid the woman on his bed. He would stay there until she would wake up.


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