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Realistic or Modern Hero's of Tomorrow (Always Accepting)

'Fu-I mean...dang. That was my fault. I tried to contain her so she didn't burn anyone, but Stella and I scared her off. I did, mostly. I've peeked into her dreams and...they're not good. I need to help out with that. I also snagged this from the guys.'

Quill held up a necklace in his hand and gestured to Astra.

'It's hers. Here, give her to me. I'll take care of this. I messed up, so I'll clean my mess up.'

He walked over to Ty and held his arms outstretched to Astra.

@Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock @Echo Dreamsong
YoungX said:
He would notice the girl hiding, but would say his introductions to the girl he opened the door. "Hi there my name is Hibiki. I'm the new recruit here. It's nice to meet you."
@Shammy the Shamrock @Trust
"Hiya there! My name is Lucy but you may call me Happy, and as if you couldn't tell, i am a harpy, nice to meet you Hibiki!" I said happily at the new face while simultaneously giving the girl a wary look

@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
Ty stood up infront of Astra, eyes blazing. "Don't come near her." He growled like an animal. "You hurt her. Now leave her alone."
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Astra glared at both her parents with tears in her eyes before pulling her right leg up to chest. The other one hung at an odd angle. Suddenly she began signing random things like 'Flame, mum, demon, bread, cage, metal, cookie, broccoli.' And then she tucked her leg into her face and started sobbing.
[QUOTE="Echo Dreamsong]Astra glared at both her parents with tears in her eyes before pulling her right leg up to chest. The other one hung at an odd angle. Suddenly she began signing random things like 'Flame, mum, demon, bread, cage, metal, cookie, broccoli.' And then she tucked her leg into her face and started sobbing.

Ty gave Astra a chocolate bar, as he gave her a light hug before examining her injury. "It doesn't look too bad....but it might be dislocated.."
Trust said:
"Hiya there! My name is Lucy but you may call me Happy, and as if you couldn't tell, i am a harpy, nice to meet you Hibiki!" I said happily at the new face while simultaneously giving the girl a wary look
@Shammy the Shamrock @YoungX
"All right Lucy or Happy whichever. In any case, I guess it's a good time to get to know each other." He would then look to Ray, and remembered a question she was asking him. "Oh right you wanted to know about my powers. I guess I'll show you two." He would then get into his stance, and do his pose. "Henshin." Hibiki would instantly transform into Kuuga, his Rising Mighty Form.

(How he henshins)



@Shammy the Shamrock @Trust
Bolt stared "D-Did I do something wrong, I am sorry, I am sorry for anything I have caused." He put a hand on Astra's back and looked at Quill "You did this. No, I'm not getting mad, not in front of her," he said looking sadly back down at Astra, seeing the signs and the cookie with a frown.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @Quillicious
Astra grabbed the cookie and tossed it weakly across the room before going back to her 'no' mode. She wasn't going to forgive them any time soon.

(Homework again)
Quillicious said:
Quill pretended that didn't happen. He voice was deadly cold.
'Take a step back, kid. You really don't want to mess with me right now.'

He took Astra, focusing for a moment. He nodded after a few second and reached above the fridge for a jar of cookies. He gave one to Astra.

@Echo Dreamsong @Otakubeats @Shammy the Shamrock
Ty stood and turned to look at him. "I heard most of what happened, her panicked breathing, the whispered plans. You really think I'm afraid of you? I've seen people die, witnessed more torment and agony than you ever have, and I'm only twelve." His childish aura has dissipated. "You really think that I'd stand around and watch you hurt her more than you already have? You need to leave her alone for a while, before something else goes wrong. I'm not messing with you, I'm only acting on what i think is right." Ty looked up at the man, a neutral expression on his face, as his eyes betrayed no emotion other than determination.
Ray smiled and lifted her arms "Cool! You can transform, I can do this," she said walking to a tree, she removed a mitten from her normal hand and touched it as it died. "I'm a disciple of Saitama," she said with putting her mitten back on.

@YoungX @Trust
Quillicious said:
'Don't talk to me like that, Bolt. At least I can understand her. She's scared. Her nightmares have influenced what she thinks when she's awake. Her leg has a hairline fracture, and it's been removed from the socket. I can replace her leg, but the fracture will have to heal on its own.'
@Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock @Otakubeats
"You can simply place the leg back into the socket you know. A simple dislocation doesn't require amputation."
YoungX said:
"All right Lucy or Happy whichever. In any case, I guess it's a good time to get to know each other." He would then look to Ray, and remembered a question she was asking him. "Oh right you wanted to know about my powers. I guess I'll show you two." He would then get into his stance, and do his pose. "Henshin." Hibiki would instantly transform into Kuuga, his Rising Mighty Form.
(How he henshins)



@Shammy the Shamrock @Trust
"You look like a beetle" i said while stifling a laugh, thinking it looked a little silly. "But you look like a pretty cool beetle" a friendly smile lighting up my face before turning back to Ray. "Nice to meet you little death, it's okay, just a bit of an odd thing to do" @Shammy the Shamrock
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Salex said:
(where are all of you guys at?)
genos returns with the groceries which towered over his head, he puts down the groceries in the kitchen. "saitama sensei isn't here...." he said to himself, he then puts the new toaster in the kitchen and starts sorting out the groceries @Shammy the Shamrock @Quillicious @YoungX @Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong
(Three of us are near the door. Me, Happy and Ray.)

Trust said:
"You look like a beetle" i said while stifling a laugh, thinking in looked a little silly. "But you look like a pretty cool beetle" a friendly smile lighting up my face before turning back to Ray. "Nice to meet you little death, it's okay, just a bit of an odd thing to do" @Shammy the Shamrock
"Thanks. Though I suppose Kuuga does look like a beetle." He would say still wondering who this "Saitama" person is.
Bolt got up "Outside!" He said taking them outside "You think you know more, you don't know shit. Don't act like you're in the right, we both aren't. I at least talked and did work while you were here scaring and doing whatever you do, I know you ain't a hero, hell I probably am worse. Never say anything like that again, I wasn't going to get mad but then you made me, I hope we can both agree on this," he said walking back inside and sitting on the couch, letting out a sigh.

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong @Quillicious
'Of course, a kid like you knows more pain than a man like me. Tell me, have you ever killed someone with your bare hands? Or with anything else?'

Quill scoffed and hugged Astra closer.

'You should be scared of me, kid. I'm not above anything, alright? I tried to submerge her to keep her from burning herself, kiddo. Are you braindead? Why would I ever purposefully hurt her?! She's the only thing I've gotten this close to in a long, long time. I tried to run from her to keep her safe. A guy like me shouldn't be cared for nor care for anyone. Know why? Cause I would kill anyone who harmed even a hair on her head. Or even if they look at her wrong. Don't talk to me about agony or tragedy, kid. You talk to me like a victim of agony. You don't know that true agony is when you cause someone else to believe they're suffering from it. A word of advice, don't lecture me.'

@Otakubeats @Echo Dreamsong @Shammy the Shamrock
Ray smiled, ready to tell about her master "He's the best superhero ever! He can kill anything with one punch and had done awesome stuff like help me with my homework." She said with a determined look, she saw Genos and waved "He's also a disciple," she said pointing to Genos.

@YoungX @Trust @Salex
Ty growled under his breath. "The hell did I do. I freaking came back to help her. This is why I avoid people." He went into his room, slamming and locking the door. He then began to gather what meager possessions he had. 'Tonight is when The Shadow comes, I need to leave before Astra gets hurt.' Ty secretly had felt a connection with Astra, she reminded him of his little sister when she was alive.
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Salex" data-cite="Salex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="196495" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>genos was about to walk outside only to see quite the angry bolt, he then continues to walk outside "<span style="color:#b30000;">any of you seen saitama sensei?</span>" he asks <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33454-youngx/" data-mentionid="33454">@YoungX</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35376-quillicious/" data-mentionid="35376">@Quillicious</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31528-shammy-the-shamrock/" data-mentionid="31528">@Shammy the Shamrock</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/34708-otakubeats/" data-mentionid="34708">@Otakubeats</a>



"Er no. Hello there. Ray told me you are the other disciple to this Saitama person. I've just been told he is a very strong hero. My name is Hibiki, but right now I've transformed into Kuuga. It's nice to meet you," he would say to Genos still as Rising Mighty Kuuga.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29184-salex/" data-mentionid="29184">@Salex</a></p>

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