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Fandom Hell City

(Lol maybe) Dust flew off to the roof of the building and perched himself on Six's shoulder, who was sitting on a vent. Six was playing around with a deck of cards his face unreadable as always. Especially since most of it was always covered. ( @Robyn Banks )
When Nat made it to the rooftop. She turned to Six and Dust ."so what would you like to talk about?"She said professionally. She knew that this wouldn't be a very welcoming conversation since she knew 6 hated her organization but it didn't matter to her.

@Tylor guillory
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Six was wrapping himself up and looked over to Nat as she spoke." So tell me what are your plans for the future of this city?" Dust asked Natalia as Six finished wrapping himself up. (@Robyn Banks )
" I plan to improve this city and make it the city I know it can be...Maybe increase the power of the Mafia while I'm at it but its not like I need to." She said she wasn't really expecting him to ask a question like that but she just went along with it. She put her hands in her pocket like she usually did and looked out to the city.

@Tylor guillory
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A smile crept across Six's hidden face."We would like to assist you in your endeavors, if you'd allow us." Dust said as he flew over to her and landed on the edge of the roof looking at the city with her."I remember when I found this city along with Lucifer and those few others. It was so full of potential, potential that was quickly turned into trash. Thanks to the greed, and ambitions of those who built this city to what it is now. Dust said as Six stood and walked behind Natalia he moved closely his breath now on her neck."So will you allow us to help you to make this city into what it was meant to be? "Dust asked still speaking on behalf of Six. (@Robyn Banks )
The blue haired boy looked at the old birch tree. The tree itself was twice the size of 2 buses. Taking a deep breath, Nicolas takes out his giant scythe and dropping it on the ground he closes his eyes and feels his bear side take over. Thick brown fur covers his body as blue tattoo marking appear on the fur. Sniffing around , he picks up the scent of a human. Hearing some footsteps he turns around to find a guy with a dagger pointed at him."You dare trespass my territory ?!?"Looking at the human."A talking bear!"The human looked in shock." I'll be the last you see" Spinning his massive body and digging his claws into the human. Looking at his bloodstained claws he transforms back in his human form and searches the dead human to find a letter addressed to him. It was from Lucifer....
Nat stood there silently for a bit. She was unsure what to decide but Six could be useful in more ways than one. But there was something off about this, she didn't know what. She knew for sure that six had motives . " I'm considering your offer but I'll have to get back on you on that. No offense but the relationship between you and the mafia hasn't been the best.Not to mention you did blow up my prison."

@Tylor guillory
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morpheusing said:

The Cat

Current Location : the lotus bookstore

"I need you to tell me everything you know about this goddamn page right now." Emma demanded. She looked the woman dead on as she pulled her gun out and pointed it at the woman. "Now you DO have gun pointed at your head." She said aggressively.
"Even so, it's not like I'm afraid..." Alice tilted her head, "Now it's not pointed at my head," She smiled coldly,"Please, if you're going to threaten me do it without your toys," She attempted to kick the woman, "If you don't want to die leave now," Her voice threatening, her eyes narrowed, "I'm way stronger then I look...." She looked the woman in the eyes, "As for the Black Lotus, the only 'Lotus' I know of is the Red Lotus, and they are pretty stupid if you ask me....."

Guts said:
Dean makes his way dashing up the side of the building, keeping track of each window he passes on the way up. After about about 18, he reaches the roof and releases his alternate gravity. He looks down to see if the girl had chased him.
"Mister! Could you please stop running!" Electo asked, curious. She followed after, her steps quick, but slow enough not to catch up, it's not like she really wanted to follow the guy, she just was curious.....
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Dean peaks down at her. "About what?" He stuffs what he has left into his jacket pocket. He pulls out a cigarette and lights it. "You can ask questions from a safe distance". 'I'm not gonna take any chances' he thinks to himself before exhaling a cloud of smoke.

@Lilah Tunth
"Safe distance? Why be at a safe distance when there is no danger?" Electo asked at the bottom of the building. "Not from me anyways...." A lie, she knew that...

"Hmm" Dean narrows his eyes before taking a step onto the ledge. His next foot hovers over the open air before his body turns to walk down the building. He stops about 4 floors from the ground to talk to her. Still well above normal jumping distance. A column of smoke whips from his mouth in a current of wind caused by the thin passage. "What do you want?" He folds his arms.

@Lilah Tunth
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Guts said:
"Hmm" Dean narrows his eyes before taking a step onto the ledge. His next foot hovers over the open air before his body turns to walk down the building. He stops about 4 floors from the ground to talk to her. Still well above normal jumping distance. A column of smoke whips from his mouth in a current of wind caused by the thin passage. "What do you want?" He folds his arms.
@Lilah Tunth
Electo shrugs, "Nothing..." She was just curious, her child-like nature wanting to find out everything about the man.
Dean paces a circle around the third window. "I control my own gravity." He blurts. His hands slap on his thighs in a matter of fact way. "Kind've useful. What're you doing around here?"

@Lilah Tunth
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"Work here! You know the 'Rainy Traveller'? Yeah. I'm the shop-keep!" She grinned, she loved the Traveller general store. working there was great. The fact that Llyria Harp was stationed there made it even more so.

"Oh." Genuinely surprised " that's pretty interesting." Dean says feeling a little more embarrassed. He was used to people telling him to get off of their buildings when they see him pass by their windows or some other place. He floats down to the ground. "What kind of things do you sell?"

@Lilah Tunth
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Guts said:
"Oh." Genuinely surprised " that's pretty interesting." Dean says feeling a little more embarrassed. He was used to people telling him to get off of their buildings when they see him pass by their windows or some other place. He floats down to the ground. "What kind of things do you sell?"
@Lilah Tunth
Electo shrugs, "It's a general store, so you know... that type of stuff," She really didn't really sell stuff that often, but when she did she enjoyed the ritual. Llyria Harp on the other hand, she did a lot of jobs for.
"I guess that was a dumb question." Dean rubs the back of his head and puts out what is left of his cigarette. He already wanted to get more food but he hadnt been paid for anything recently. The Joker had always been busy so he didn't expect to get much work right off the bat. Maybe he could find some other work from a shady corner. "So you aren't needed inside I see." He notices how she's been outside taking to him for some time.

@Lilah Tunth
Six placed a hand on Natalia gently and moved to her side." I know my history with the mafia isnt the best, and I did destroy your prison but it's all a means to a end. Everything I do is to better this hell hole. Hell hole is my phrase six wouldn't be so unimaginable with his words." Dust said." So if you decide to accept my offer just give me a call." And then Six was gone leaving only a playing card with his name on it, and strangely enough no number. The playing card was a Six of clubs.(lol not his calling card to say I havent really decided what his calling card will be yet just going with a card for now and when he said if you accept call him he meant literally you have to call out for him lol xD ) @Robyn Banks
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Guts said:
"I guess that was a dumb question." Dean rubs the back of his head and puts out what is left of his cigarette. He already wanted to get more food but he hadnt been paid for anything recently. The Joker had always been busy so he didn't expect to get much work right off the bat. Maybe he could find some other work from a shady corner. "So you aren't needed inside I see." He notices how she's been outside taking to him for some time.
@Lilah Tunth
"No, not really. I have a day off today...." Electo smiled, she was thinking of robbing the man. But he probably doesn't have anything on him any ways, so it would be pointless.

"So, why I'm here is covered.... what about you?"
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]"No, not really. I have a day off today...." Electo smiled, she was thinking of robbing the man. But he probably doesn't have anything on him any ways, so it would be pointless.
"So, why I'm here is covered.... what about you?"

" just walking around I guess. Trying to get familiar with the landscape. " he acted casual though she saw him stealing. "I don't really have why I'm here 'covered'".
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What felt like two minutes, but what was probably a couple hours later, my eyes fluttered open and my head throbbed as usual when I woke up. The best medicine for that throbbing was whiskey, but I had finished that already, which most likely meant I would have to head further into town again to get to the shopping district and buy some more. I groaned as I stood up and stretched, not particularly pleased that my few hours of peace was over so quickly, but knowing deeper down I enjoyed the excitement of what I did. I grabbed my stuff, zipped up to the roof and began making my way towards the closest place that sold alcohol...
Guts said:
" just walking around I guess. Trying to get familiar with the landscape. " he acted casual though she saw him stealing. "I don't really have why I'm here 'covered'".
Electo nodded her head rapidly. "That makes sense I guess, but still. Everyone has reason for coming here.... people tend to avoid it as much as possible this days... are you in one of the gangs?" She raised her head up and asked. "It only makes sense, and honestly, if you are not in one you should join one.... survival of the fittest is this place's motto, wolfs hunt in packs, and the lone wolfs die first...."
"Yeah... The clowns." He let's get see his mask for a moment. "They've been kind to me. I'm relatively new to this place." He kicks his shoes into the dirt. Dean usually stayed low around their own territory but walking the same place over and over again made him stir crazy. "I suppose being in a gang helps little if there's noone within earshot.."

@Lilah Tunth
Guts said:
"Yeah... The clowns." He let's get see his mask for a moment. "They've been kind to me. I'm relatively new to this place." He kicks his shoes into the dirt. Dean usually stayed low around their own territory but walking the same place over and over again made him stir crazy. "I suppose being in a gang helps little if there's noone within earshot.."
@Lilah Tunth
"I wouldn't know if it helps," She was lying through her teeth perhaps, but she did not want to reveal Llyria Harp. Bismarck was there.... "Control over gravity that is interesting.... tell me more!"
Dean scratches his face for a moment. "It's hard to describe. Like imagine you're falling, but upwards." He floats for a moment, gently spinning at a graceful rate. "And I can suspend it completely for a short while. That's about it." He lands again, facing her. "So what about you. You don't feel like the average person." As many gifted could smell or see their own kind, he could feel a sort of added weight to their mass.

@Lilah Tunth
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